diff --git a/RELEASE-NOTES.txt b/RELEASE-NOTES.txt
index 2ed8997cf..8c6e87860 100644
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
-Apache Commons Imaging 1.0.0-alpha5 Release Notes
-The Apache Commons Imaging team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons Imaging 1.0.0-alpha5.
-Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
-The 1.0.0-alpha5 release requires Java 8.
-Fixed Bugs
-* IMAGING-319: Fix EXIF metadata is discarded when updating offsets (wrong calculation). Thanks to Stefan Oltmann, Gary Lucas.
-* IMAGING-351: Fix ExifRewriterRoundtripTest that was disabled. Thanks to Stefan Oltmann, Gary Lucas, Charles Hope.
-* Bump org.apache.commons:commons-parent from 67 to 69 #382. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.16.0 to 2.16.1 #385. Thanks to Dependabot.
-Historical list of changes: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging//changes-report.html
-For complete information on Apache Commons Imaging, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
-patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Imaging website:
-Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging//download_text.cgi
-Have fun!
--Apache Commons Team
-Apache Commons Imaging 1.0.0-alpha4 Release Notes
-The Apache Commons Imaging team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons Imaging 1.0.0-alpha4.
-Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
-The 1.0.0-alpha4 release requires Java 8.
-New features
-* IMAGING-352: [PngWriter] Allow custom PaletteFactory #294. Thanks to Jeroen van der Vegt, Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-360: Add more TIFF compression entries to ImageInfo #311. Thanks to Gary Lucas, Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-316: Add support for BigTIFF format #318. Thanks to Gary Lucas, Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-369: TIFF JPEG reader encounters array bounds exception on edge cases. Thanks to Gary Lucas, Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-339: Basic WebP Support #254. Thanks to Glavo.
-* IMAGING-355: Add option to skip reading GIF metadata #301. Thanks to Andrew Khoury, Bruno P. Kinoshita, Gary Gregory.
-* Add Maven property project.build.outputTimestamp for build reproducibility. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-Fixed Bugs
-* IMAGING-335: NullPointerException in App2Segment.getIccBytes when parsing a broken JPEG file. Thanks to Dominik Stadler, Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-342: Read PNG metadata from iTXt chunk. Thanks to Glavo.
-* [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions #297. Thanks to step-security-bot, Gary Gregory.
-* Use static imports for JUnit Assertions methods #307. Thanks to Marcono1234, Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-359: Fix test resource file paths not being constructed properly #306. Thanks to Marcono1234, Gary Gregory.
-* Do not implement Serializable in ColorCountComparator and RgbComparator. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-* Avoid java.lang.NullPointerException in org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.pcx.PcxWriter.writeImage(). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-337: Make ImageInfo state correct color type #337. Thanks to Gary Lucas, Gary Gregory.
-* Fail-fast on null inputs in AbstractPixelParser constructor (oss-fuzz 34180) #183. Thanks to Bruno P. Kinoshita, Gary Gregory.
-* Avoid NullPointerException in TiffImageParser.checkForSubImage(TiffImagingParameters) #304. Thanks to Luzian Seiler, Ditscheridou, Bruno P. Kinoshita, Gary Gregory.
-* Avoid NullPointerException in TiffImageParser.getBufferedImage() #347. Thanks to nanfangfanqie, Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-373: Fail faster on invalid ICO file. Thanks to Milan Nikl.
-* BinaryOutputStream now subclasses FilterOutputStream instead of OutputStream and does not need to count bytes. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-353: Fix PngImageParser hasPalette #295. Thanks to Jeroen van der Vegt, Gary Gregory.
-* Bump actions/cache #225, #228, #239, #240. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory.
-* Bump actions/checkout #241. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot.
-* Bump actions/setup-java. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-* Bump commons-parent from 52 to 67. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory.
-* Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #221, #224, #226, #236, #242, #247, #248. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.16.0 to 3.20.0 #222, #232, #235, #267. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Bump spotbugs from 4.7.0 to 4.7.3 #223, #244. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Bump junit-jupiter from 5.8.2 to 5.9.1 #227, #237. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Bump animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.21 to 1.23 #230, #290. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Bump maven-checkstyle plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1 #233, #266. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Bump commons-io:commons-io 2.6 to 2.16.0 #380. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-* Bump commons-lang3 from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-* IMAGING-347: Refactor BasicCParser::unescapeString(). Thanks to snumlautoken.
-* IMAGING-345: Make unit tests work in-memory instead of writing hundred of tmp files. Thanks to Matthieu Casanova.
-Historical list of changes: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging//changes-report.html
-For complete information on Apache Commons Imaging, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
-patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Imaging website:
-Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging//download_text.cgi
-Have fun!
--Apache Commons Team
+Apache Commons Imaging 1.0.0-alpha5 Release Notes
+The Apache Commons Imaging team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons Imaging 1.0.0-alpha5.
+Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
+The 1.0.0-alpha5 release requires Java 8.
+Fixed Bugs
+* IMAGING-319: Fix EXIF metadata is discarded when updating offsets (wrong calculation). Thanks to Stefan Oltmann, Gary Lucas.
+* IMAGING-351: Fix ExifRewriterRoundtripTest that was disabled. Thanks to Stefan Oltmann, Gary Lucas, Charles Hope.
+* Bump org.apache.commons:commons-parent from 67 to 69 #382. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.16.0 to 2.16.1 #385. Thanks to Dependabot.
+Historical list of changes: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging//changes-report.html
+For complete information on Apache Commons Imaging, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
+patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Imaging website:
+Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging//download_text.cgi
+Have fun!
+-Apache Commons Team
+Apache Commons Imaging 1.0.0-alpha4 Release Notes
+The Apache Commons Imaging team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons Imaging 1.0.0-alpha4.
+Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
+The 1.0.0-alpha4 release requires Java 8.
+New features
+* IMAGING-352: [PngWriter] Allow custom PaletteFactory #294. Thanks to Jeroen van der Vegt, Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-360: Add more TIFF compression entries to ImageInfo #311. Thanks to Gary Lucas, Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-316: Add support for BigTIFF format #318. Thanks to Gary Lucas, Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-369: TIFF JPEG reader encounters array bounds exception on edge cases. Thanks to Gary Lucas, Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-339: Basic WebP Support #254. Thanks to Glavo.
+* IMAGING-355: Add option to skip reading GIF metadata #301. Thanks to Andrew Khoury, Bruno P. Kinoshita, Gary Gregory.
+* Add Maven property project.build.outputTimestamp for build reproducibility. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+Fixed Bugs
+* IMAGING-335: NullPointerException in App2Segment.getIccBytes when parsing a broken JPEG file. Thanks to Dominik Stadler, Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-342: Read PNG metadata from iTXt chunk. Thanks to Glavo.
+* [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions #297. Thanks to step-security-bot, Gary Gregory.
+* Use static imports for JUnit Assertions methods #307. Thanks to Marcono1234, Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-359: Fix test resource file paths not being constructed properly #306. Thanks to Marcono1234, Gary Gregory.
+* Do not implement Serializable in ColorCountComparator and RgbComparator. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+* Avoid java.lang.NullPointerException in org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.pcx.PcxWriter.writeImage(). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-337: Make ImageInfo state correct color type #337. Thanks to Gary Lucas, Gary Gregory.
+* Fail-fast on null inputs in AbstractPixelParser constructor (oss-fuzz 34180) #183. Thanks to Bruno P. Kinoshita, Gary Gregory.
+* Avoid NullPointerException in TiffImageParser.checkForSubImage(TiffImagingParameters) #304. Thanks to Luzian Seiler, Ditscheridou, Bruno P. Kinoshita, Gary Gregory.
+* Avoid NullPointerException in TiffImageParser.getBufferedImage() #347. Thanks to nanfangfanqie, Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-373: Fail faster on invalid ICO file. Thanks to Milan Nikl.
+* BinaryOutputStream now subclasses FilterOutputStream instead of OutputStream and does not need to count bytes. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-353: Fix PngImageParser hasPalette #295. Thanks to Jeroen van der Vegt, Gary Gregory.
+* Bump actions/cache #225, #228, #239, #240. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory.
+* Bump actions/checkout #241. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot.
+* Bump actions/setup-java. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+* Bump commons-parent from 52 to 67. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory.
+* Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #221, #224, #226, #236, #242, #247, #248. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.16.0 to 3.20.0 #222, #232, #235, #267. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Bump spotbugs from 4.7.0 to 4.7.3 #223, #244. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Bump junit-jupiter from 5.8.2 to 5.9.1 #227, #237. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Bump animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.21 to 1.23 #230, #290. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Bump maven-checkstyle plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1 #233, #266. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Bump commons-io:commons-io 2.6 to 2.16.0 #380. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+* Bump commons-lang3 from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+* IMAGING-347: Refactor BasicCParser::unescapeString(). Thanks to snumlautoken.
+* IMAGING-345: Make unit tests work in-memory instead of writing hundred of tmp files. Thanks to Matthieu Casanova.
+Historical list of changes: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging//changes-report.html
+For complete information on Apache Commons Imaging, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
+patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons Imaging website:
+Download page: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-imaging//download_text.cgi
+Have fun!
+-Apache Commons Team
The Apache Commons Imaging team is pleased to announce the commons-imaging-1.0-alpha3 release!
Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
-New features
+New features
* Add CIELAB and DIN99 conversion, reduce code duplication, and issues related to zero-division and precision. Issue: IMAGING-283. Thanks to Wanja Gayk.
* Imaging.getBufferedImage() drops alpha layer for TIFF images. Issue: IMAGING-216. Thanks to Gary Lucas.
* Consolidate redundant methods in TIFF datareaders. Issue: IMAGING-269. Thanks to Gary Lucas.
* Add list of TIFF files and example survey application. Issue: IMAGING-268. Thanks to Gary Lucas.
-Fixed Bugs
+Fixed Bugs
* Add PNG predictor to reduce output size. Issue: IMAGING-330. Thanks to Gary Lucas.
* Change getExif name to getOutputSet. Issue: IMAGING-327. Thanks to Gary Lucas.
-* Prevent OutOfMemoryError in BmpImageParser. This can happen when the color palette length is
+* Prevent OutOfMemoryError in BmpImageParser. This can happen when the color palette length is
a large negative number. Issue: IMAGING-325. Thanks to Jin Wang.
* Read TIFFs with 32-bit samples. Issue: IMAGING-320. Thanks to Gary Lucas.
-* The Imaging ImageParser's used HashMap's before, but on this issue we replaced the maps by proper
- ImagingParameter classes, that encapsulate the parameters for each image format.
- The Imaging class also had the HashMap methods removed, but we also removed the public methods that
- supported parameters. This was due to the complexity to handle cases where users could provide a byte
- array, or file, and parameters. In Java, with or without generics, it was rather difficult to handle
- the cases where users could provide a PNG image stream with TIFF parameters.
- To prevent issues like this, we will improve the ImageParser's API's, and work on either providing
- other ways to customize and create parsers (factories, builders, etc.) or similar ways to use
- the Imaging entry class (like merging parameters or using parameter builders.)
+* The Imaging ImageParser's used HashMap's before, but on this issue we replaced the maps by proper
+ ImagingParameter classes, that encapsulate the parameters for each image format.
+ The Imaging class also had the HashMap methods removed, but we also removed the public methods that
+ supported parameters. This was due to the complexity to handle cases where users could provide a byte
+ array, or file, and parameters. In Java, with or without generics, it was rather difficult to handle
+ the cases where users could provide a PNG image stream with TIFF parameters.
+ To prevent issues like this, we will improve the ImageParser's API's, and work on either providing
+ other ways to customize and create parsers (factories, builders, etc.) or similar ways to use
+ the Imaging entry class (like merging parameters or using parameter builders.)
This was the last blocker issue of the 1.0 release vote, rolled a few years ago. Issue: IMAGING-159. Thanks to Bruno P. Kinoshita, Gary Lucas, Matt Juntunen.
* Encoding Support for IPTC metadata. Issue: IMAGING-168. Thanks to Yavuz Kavus.
* Array sizes not checked for overflow in BmpImageParser. Issue: IMAGING-279.
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ Fixed Bugs
* A PNG image using indexed color type but no PLTE chunks throws NPE. Issue: IMAGING-317. Thanks to OSS-Fuzz.
* Validate when accessing GIF color table array. Issue: IMAGING-318. Thanks to OSS-Fuzz.
* Bump animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.19 to 1.21 #120, #199. Thanks to Dependabot.
* Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 #117. Thanks to Dependabot.
@@ -185,350 +185,350 @@ Changes
Have fun!
-Apache Commons Imaging team
-The Apache Commons Imaging team is pleased to announce the commons-imaging-1.0-alpha2 release!
-Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
-There are breaking changes between 1.0-alpha1 and 1.0-alpha2, until we stabilize the API for our 1.0 release.
-Users are encouraged to read the release notes when updating to this new release.
-For details of the fixes and new features please see:
-[These are also included with the binary and source archives]
-The changes are also available at:
-Binary and source archives are available from:
-Please see the Apache Commons Imaging website for full details:
-The Maven coordinates are:
- org.apache.commons
- commons-imaging
- 1.0-alpha2
-New features
-* IMAGING-248: ICNS: missing element types; some safety checks Thanks to Greg Shrago.
-* IMAGING-245: Add disposal method to GIF metadata Thanks to Christoffer Rydberg.
-* IMAGING-146: Add documentation for the color package
-* IMAGING-244: Use isEmpty instead of comparing size() with integers
-* IMAGING-243: PNG Writer Indexed Color with semi-transparent Pixels and Better Compression Thanks to Andreas Menze.
-* IMAGING-239: Add inflate (deflate algorithm) to TIFF files Thanks to Paul Austin.
-* IMAGING-164: Simplify code in IcoImageParser::writeImage Thanks to Michael Groß.
-* IMAGING-165: Add the fields from TiffReader.Collector to TiffContents Thanks to Michael Groß.
-* IMAGING-228: Remove private method PhotometricInterpreterLogLuv#cube by Math.pow
-* IMAGING-236: Add support to read multiple images from GIF Thanks to Christoffer Rydberg.
-Fixed Bugs
-* IMAGING-247: Fix crash when reading TIFF using PackBits Thanks to Gary Lucas.
-* IMAGING-246: Invalid Block Size error prevents handling of block 1084, Macintosh NSPrintInfo
-* IMAGING-163: Add XmpEmbedabble interface to parsers that support it
-* IMAGING-151: ColorGroup.color_counts is mutable public List and is multiply sorted
-* IMAGING-242: Upgrade to JUnit 5
-* IMAGING-241: Copy byte arrays fixing TODO markers
-* IMAGING-136: Imaging.getImageInfo() fails to read JPEG file Thanks to Michael Groß.
-* IMAGING-238: Return copied byte arrays in Png Chunk and Png Chunk ICCP
-* IMAGING-230: Properly close resources with try-with-resources in T4AndT6Compression
-* IMAGING-134: Invalid (RST) marker found in entropy data Thanks to Michael Sommerville.
-* IMAGING-130: Reading of some GIF images throws java.io.IOException: AddStringToTable: codes: 4096 code_size: 12 Thanks to Michael Sommerville.
-* IMAGING-224: Fix build errors in Travis
-* IMAGING-167: Possible infinite loop at XpmImageParser::writeImage Thanks to Michael Groß.
-* IMAGING-211: Imaging.getBufferedImage fails throwing java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for specific inputs
-* IMAGING-210: Imaging.getBufferedImage fails throwing NegativeArraySizeException for specific inputs
-* IMAGING-258: Prevent exception in TIFF when reading EXIF directory Thanks to Gary Lucas.
-* IMAGING-260: Fix mvn site failure with JavaNCSS parse error
-* IMAGING-259: Enhance TIFF DataReaders speed for compressed RGB Thanks to Gary Lucas.
-* IMAGING-251: Support for TIFF floating-point formats Thanks to Gary Lucas.
-* IMAGING-254: Small code improvements
-* IMAGING-253: ByteSourceInputStream has initialized its length when reading starts Thanks to David Hrbacek.
-* IMAGING-249: Make IPTCBlock members private and add getter/setter
-* Update tests from commons-io:commons-io 2.6 to 2.7. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-* Update commons-parent from 50 to 51 #88. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Update actions/checkout from v1 to v2.3.1 #87. Thanks to Dependabot.
-* Update junit-jupiter from 5.5.2 to 5.6.2 #86. Thanks to Dependabot.
-Have fun!
--Apache Commons Imaging team
-Apache Commons Imaging
-Version 1.0-alpha1
-Release Notes
-Apache Commons Imaging is a pure-Java image library for reading and writing
-a variety of image formats.
-For complete information on Commons Imaging, including sample code,
-instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for
-improvement, see the Apache Commons Net website:
-Please note that the project was previously known as Apache Sanselan,
-and has been renamed to Apache Commons Imaging. As part of this rename:
- * the package changed to
- org.apache.commons.imaging
- from
- org.apache.sanselan
- * the main class is now
- org.apache.commons.imaging.Imaging
- and not
- org.apache.sanselan.Sanselan
- * the Maven coordinates are now:
- org.apache.commons
- commons-imaging
- Commons Imaging
- instead of the old:
- org.apache.sanselan
- sanselan
- Apache Sanselan
- * the website is
- http://commons.apache.org/imaging
- and not
- http://commons.apache.org/sanselan
- * etc.
-Release 1.0-alpha1
-First 1.0 alpha release.
-New features
-* IMAGING-75: Added accessor methods for a number of ImageInfo properties.
-* IMAGING-71: Applied patch contributed by Nicolas Richeton, adding getEXIFThumbnailSize() and getEXIFThumbnailData() methods to JpegImageMetadata. Thanks to Nicolas Richeton.
-* IMAGING-56: Add support for the ICNS icon format. Thanks to damjan.
-* IMAGING-58: Add support for PCX, DCX, WBMP, XBM and XPM images.
-* IMAGING-64: Add support for TIFF files with compression=2, (CCITT Group 3 1-Dimensional Modified Huffman run length encoding).
-* IMAGING-77: Add a type-safe high-level API for writing TIFF fields.
-* IMAGING-51: Add TagInfoXpText for fields like XPTITLE, and encode/decode it using UTF-16LE like Windows does.
-* IMAGING-60: Added support for reading the RGBE / Radiance HDR image format. Thanks to proyal.
-* IMAGING-68: Add a field to IptcRecord that contains its raw bytes, and a getter for this value.
-* IMAGING-73: Provide a way to write EXIF data into files using Sanselan.writeImage().
-* IMAGING-47: Run a Findbugs analysis on "mvn site". Also audit and fix resource leaks. Thanks to adrian2k7.
-* IMAGING-65: Provide a way to write the pixel density (DPI) into an image.
-* IMAGING-61: Include a test utility for timing and memory in project example classes. Thanks to gwlucas.
-* IMAGING-81: Add more Javadoc to main package. Thanks to gwlucas.
-* IMAGING-89: Detect the YCCK color space/type in JPEG files' APP14 segment.
-* IMAGING-94: Add ability to load partial TIFF images Thanks to gwlucas.
-Fixed Bugs
-* IMAGING-199: All tEXt chunks are not returned from PngImageParser.getMetadata Thanks to Ric Emery.
-* IMAGING-220: JpegDecoder takes a long time (+10s) to decode a bad JPEG
-* IMAGING-219: Imaging gets stuck parsing a RGBE input file
-* IMAGING-215: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in DhtSegment
-* IMAGING-203: JPEG segment size not validated Thanks to Rody Kersten.
-* IMAGING-209: PnmImageParser throws ImageWriteException when writing if PnmImageParser.PARAM_KEY_PNM_RAWBITS is provided Thanks to Isak Wertwein.
-* IMAGING-205: Imaging (Apache Sanselan) produces "odd offsets" in (EXIF) metadata
-* IMAGING-195: Incorrect Maven coordinates on project website Thanks to Keith Strydom.
-* IMAGING-190: ImageDataReader.decompress() overwrites its input
-* IMAGING-193: Duplicate class names
-* IMAGING-189: parseXpmValuesSection uses && instead of ||
-* IMAGING-181: EXIF lens metadata tags missing in Commons Imaging but recognized in exiftool
-* IMAGING-172: Microsoft tags are not seen in MS Windows Properties/Details dialog.
-* IMAGING-176: TiffImageParser.getImageInfo() throws exception when "Compression" field is missing. Thanks to Gabriel Axel.
-* IMAGING-178: PnmImageParser does not check the validity of input PAM header. Thanks to emopers.
-* IMAGING-171: MicrosoftTagTest rewrite image exif fails in some environments Thanks to Jan Helbich.
-* IMAGING-169: PnmImageParser throws NumberFormatException instead of ImageReadException when parsing invalid images Thanks to Nebu Pookins.
-* IMAGING-144: TiffOutputSet.setGPSInDegrees should make sure, GPSVersionID is set Thanks to Paul Hartmann.
-* IMAGING-117: Classes should not expose mutable arrays
-* IMAGING-145: DumpImage method for JPEG reports it's coming from TIFF. Thanks to Chris Carman.
-* IMAGING-137: Can not set EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION tag.
-* IMAGING-140: ExifReWriter always writes EXIF segment before JFIF segment. Thanks to Gavin Shiels.
-* IMAGING-131: Allow null parameters in PngImageParser.getBufferedImage(), and add some tests for null parameters.
-* IMAGING-121: Null Pointer exception while extracting metadata for CR2 image. Thanks to Piyush Kapoor.
-* IMAGING-115: DhtSegment class contains mutable public arrays.
-* IMAGING-117: SofnSegment.components - public mutable array.
-* IMAGING-116: GenericSegment.bytes - public mutable array.
-* IMAGING-118: interface RgbeConstants contains mutable array.
-* IMAGING-114: ComSegment.comment is a public final byte array.
-* IMAGING-109: Several files contain non-UTF8 characters.
-* IMAGING-113: Cannot read multipage tiff.
-* IMAGING-108: JPEG EOI marker could not be found at expected location.
-* IMAGING-101: GIF dimensions transposed. Thanks to Colm O hEigeartaigh.
-* IMAGING-23: JpegXMPWriter throws NullPointerException.
-* IMAGING-74: Fixed a couple of platform-dependent paths in the tests.
- Constantized the magic numbers used when guessing formats.
- Added a test for the format guessing.
-* IMAGING-2: SanselanGuessFormatTest and SanselanTestConstants use Java 1.5 method String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence).
-* IMAGING-80: Sanselan tests fail on Windows.
-* IMAGING-18: Fix for "JpegImageMetadata getEXIFThumbnail only works on Jpeg thumbnails stored as Tiff images" issue.
- Jpeg thumbnails are read using ImageIO. Thanks to James E-J.
-* IMAGING-48: JpegImageMetadata getEXIFThumbnail may raise a null pointer exception.
-* IMAGING-52: Implement dumpImageFile for ICO files and fix a typo. Thanks to damjan.
-* IMAGING-12: Tiff (exif) tags of type double written in wrong byte order. Thanks to gwlucas.
-* IMAGING-30: The isTransparent flag is not set on transparent PNGs. Thanks to clement.escoffier.
-* IMAGING-11: Ignore TIFF entries that have invalid offsets and/or lengths when we are not in strict mode.
-* IMAGING-78: readDirectory method in TiffReader doesn't gracefully handle exceptions that can be thrown from ByteSource implementations.
-* IMAGING-24: Search all tags instead of just EXIF tags when parsing TIFF metadata tags, and try to match on directory type as well.
-* IMAGING-21: Don't allow very large TIFF lengths to be interpreted as negative because they have the highest order bit set.
-* IMAGING-50: Make JPEG parsing highly resilient: skip all bytes after the end of a segment until the next segment (0xFF followed by non-0xFF).
-* IMAGING-16: Fix reading ASCII tags in TIFF files.
-* IMAGING-3: Ignore string differences in our tests when 7 bit unclean TIFF string are copied.
-* IMAGING-41: Don't redefine BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN and BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN in UnicodeMetricsUTF16.
-* IMAGING-35: Fixed issue "FieldTypeASCII does not conform to the EXIF specification," identified by Libor Nenadál.
-* IMAGING-31: Fixed a bug in which gifs have incorrect size information in the the Logical Screen Descriptor.
- This appears to be a bug in how Microsoft Office writes gifs. The Image Descriptor has the correct value.
-* IMAGING-13: Added checks in ByteSource's getBlock() methods for invalid params.
-* IMAGING-46: Fixed a possible NPE in Sanselan.getICCProfile pointed out by Jon Weygandt.
-* IMAGING-76: Improve ICO file support. Thanks to damjan.
-* IMAGING-49: Preserve the byte range occupied by the Maker Notes, so rewriting it doesn't corrupt it.
-* IMAGING-29: Read in the full IPTC block before trying to ignore it, so we don't lose our position in the stream. Thanks to alexvigdor.
-* IMAGING-45: Fix the GIF BitsPerPixel formula in GifImageParser's getImageInfo(). Thanks to pkapoor.
-* IMAGING-39: Fix various problems with reading and writing EXIF tags.
-* IMAGING-22: Eliminate or hide public mutable final arrays in the API.
-* IMAGING-43: If the TIFF rows per strip is not present, assume it is the image length. Thanks to pkapoor.
-* IMAGING-17: Make BitInputStream sensitive to byte order. Allows 48 BPP TIFF files to load. Thanks to pkapoor.
-* IMAGING-38: Fix the PhysicalWidthDpi calculation for JPEG images. Thanks to tjoris.
-* IMAGING-19: Fix reading DPI for TIFF files. Thanks to vvd.
-* IMAGING-44: Fix reading DPI for PNG files. Thanks to vvd.
-* IMAGING-40: Add the Software TIFF tag, and get the byte order after reading the first TIFF directory. Thanks to pkapoor.
-* IMAGING-6: Correct the expected size of the decompressed TIFF image data, and improve sample depth scaling for PNG images.
-* IMAGING-15: Stop JpegImageMetadata from throwing NPE if the exif field is null. Thanks to pkapoor.
-* IMAGING-67: Speed up reading paletted TIFF files. Thanks to gwlucas.
-* IMAGING-8: Allow TIFF fields to change size during encoding. Fix a broken test that assumes they never do.
-* IMAGING-36: Fix sample usage links on the website.
-* IMAGING-70: Reduce memory usage when reading TIFF files. Thanks to gwlucas.
-* IMAGING-33: Fixed the differencing predictor for tiled TIFF images.
-* IMAGING-5: Update website, fix some broken links and remove old code.
-* IMAGING-69: Add a streamlined TIFF reader that reduces load time by a factor of 5. Thanks to gwlucas.
-* IMAGING-82: Fix BMP width and height DPI. Thanks to pkapoor.
-* IMAGING-86: Fix the lengths for DateTimeOriginal and DateTimeDigitized TIFF/EXIF tags.
-* IMAGING-88: Method lowerBound in org.apache.commons.imaging.common.itu_t4.T4AndT6Compression has a division error. Thanks to craigkelly.
-* IMAGING-92: Issue trying to update GPS metadata info in a JPG. Thanks to hmarmy.
-* IMAGING-93: Tiled TIFF images do not correctly load partial tiles. Thanks to gwlucas.
-* IMAGING-90: Allow non-1 TIFF field lengths when parsing offset fields in non-strict mode.
-* IMAGING-99: java.io.IOException: Could not read block Thanks to st.h.
-* IMAGING-154: Remove Debug class
-* IMAGING-124: Tidy up IconParser Thanks to Jens Kapitza.
-* IMAGING-123: remove duplicated lines in T4AndT6Compression Thanks to Jens Kapitza.
-* IMAGING-186: Add sCAL support to PNG reading and writing. Thanks to Ric Emery.
-* IMAGING-184: Update platform from Java 5 to 7
-* IMAGING-112: JpegIptcRewriter.removeIPTC() does not remove all metadata Thanks to Xavier Dury.
-* IMAGING-166: ByteSourceImageTest: Local variable hides a field Thanks to Michael Groß.
-* IMAGING-156: Refactor TagConstants
-* IMAGING-126: TIFF and PNG images should not be bigger than the ones created by java ImageIO Thanks to Gary Lucas.
-* IMAGING-147: Add color constants Thanks to Stephan Koeninger.
-* IMAGING-150: Implement equals and hashcode on color classes Thanks to Stephan Koeninger.
-* IMAGING-91: ByteSourceInputStream.streamLength could be a long.
-* IMAGING-95: Some tiff processing takes very long. Thanks to amitgupt.
-* IMAGING-223: Update from Java 7 to Java 8. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
-Minimum Java version: 1.5
-Compatibility with 0.97:
- Binary compatible: No.
- Source compatible: No.
- Semantic compatible: No.
-Release 0.97
- * Rewrote the info.txt files for many images in the sample image library to clarify contribution to project.
- * Removed the images from the www.wpclipart.com Public Domain library.
- * Improved the examples illustrating how to change EXIF metadata.
- * Applied a patch from Niall Pemberton around jdk1.5 compatibility:
- """
- Sanselan claims JDK 1.4 compatibility, but a JDK 1.5 method (Class's getSimpleName() [1]) has been used in JpegRewriter
- """
- * Applied a "Build Improvements" patch from Niall Pemberton:
- """
- I took a look at the propsed 0.96 relelase and have some suggestions to improve the build:
- * Add standard manifest entries to jar
- * Lock down version numbers for maven compiler, surefire and javadoc plugins
- * generate sources jar for the release
- * include the RELEASE-NOTES in the binary distribution
- * include NOTICE/LICENSE files in the javadoc jar
- """
-Release 0.96
- * Updated KEYS file.
- * Added more unit tests around BMP.
- * Added more images to the test image suite.
- * Fixed a bug where errors were being wrongly logged to System.out.
- * Moved the example code into the test source directory, to comply with Maven's standard project layout.
- * Added a couple of images to the sample image library that demonstrate a couple variations on Photoshop/IPTC data.
- * Fixed a small bug in the IPTC constants introduced while cleaning up the constants.
- * Started shift towards moving field-level parsing into BinaryInputStream and BinaryOutputStream.
- * Fixed a png unit test that used a piece of Java 1.6 syntax.
- * Added unit tests around the new IPTC functionality.
- * Added IPTC remove/update/insert functionality.
- * Rewrote the IPTC parsing support.
- * Added improved support for reading and writing iTXt, tEXt, zTXt Png chunks.
- Added a unit test that demonstrates the feature.
- * Found a new regression wherein DeflaterOutputStream needs to be closed.
- * Added the .tar.bz2 distributions back into the maven assembly descriptors.
- * Moved the example/sample code to a new top-level source folder, "example."
- * Replaced dependency on java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream, which is only available in Java 1.6.
- * Added a unit test around reading and writing images in every format.
- * We now sort some (but not all) GIF color tables.
- * Applied the BMP "buffer flushing" bug to the PBM reading and writing code.
- * Fixed a regression around flushing the bit buffer when writing BMPs with very small palettes.
- * Removed assumption about DataBuffer type when reading BMPs.
- * When writing a GIF, we now always include a Graphic Control Extension block, even if its not necessary.
- * We are more defensive about missing GCEs.
- * Lastly, we now set a minimum bound on initial code sizes for LZW-compressed Gif image data.
- * Found a regression in writing TIFFs around strip offsets being properly updated. Not a LZW issue after all.
- Added a few unit tests around this issue.
- see: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SANSELAN-6
- * Added ability to remove and update XMP XML in existing JPEG files.
- * Added ability to embed XMP XML when writing the following formats: GIF, PNG, TIFF.
- * Improved handling of tEXt and zTXt PNG text blocks.
- * Added XMP XML extraction for the following formats: GIF (untested), JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD.
- * Added RELEASE_NOTES file (this file).
- * Added Apache license header to bin.xml and src.xml Maven assembly descriptors.
- * Added Javadocs to the binary distribution
-Release 0.94
-First Apache release of Sanselan.
-Fixed bugs:
- * Can't convert PNG image to GIF image
- The PNG reader wasn't handling the 16-bit mode 4 PNGs properly.
- The PNG reader wasn't gamma-correcting non-palette values properly in PNGs.
- see: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SANSELAN-5
+The Apache Commons Imaging team is pleased to announce the commons-imaging-1.0-alpha2 release!
+Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
+There are breaking changes between 1.0-alpha1 and 1.0-alpha2, until we stabilize the API for our 1.0 release.
+Users are encouraged to read the release notes when updating to this new release.
+For details of the fixes and new features please see:
+[These are also included with the binary and source archives]
+The changes are also available at:
+Binary and source archives are available from:
+Please see the Apache Commons Imaging website for full details:
+The Maven coordinates are:
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-imaging
+ 1.0-alpha2
+New features
+* IMAGING-248: ICNS: missing element types; some safety checks Thanks to Greg Shrago.
+* IMAGING-245: Add disposal method to GIF metadata Thanks to Christoffer Rydberg.
+* IMAGING-146: Add documentation for the color package
+* IMAGING-244: Use isEmpty instead of comparing size() with integers
+* IMAGING-243: PNG Writer Indexed Color with semi-transparent Pixels and Better Compression Thanks to Andreas Menze.
+* IMAGING-239: Add inflate (deflate algorithm) to TIFF files Thanks to Paul Austin.
+* IMAGING-164: Simplify code in IcoImageParser::writeImage Thanks to Michael Groß.
+* IMAGING-165: Add the fields from TiffReader.Collector to TiffContents Thanks to Michael Groß.
+* IMAGING-228: Remove private method PhotometricInterpreterLogLuv#cube by Math.pow
+* IMAGING-236: Add support to read multiple images from GIF Thanks to Christoffer Rydberg.
+Fixed Bugs
+* IMAGING-247: Fix crash when reading TIFF using PackBits Thanks to Gary Lucas.
+* IMAGING-246: Invalid Block Size error prevents handling of block 1084, Macintosh NSPrintInfo
+* IMAGING-163: Add XmpEmbedabble interface to parsers that support it
+* IMAGING-151: ColorGroup.color_counts is mutable public List and is multiply sorted
+* IMAGING-242: Upgrade to JUnit 5
+* IMAGING-241: Copy byte arrays fixing TODO markers
+* IMAGING-136: Imaging.getImageInfo() fails to read JPEG file Thanks to Michael Groß.
+* IMAGING-238: Return copied byte arrays in Png Chunk and Png Chunk ICCP
+* IMAGING-230: Properly close resources with try-with-resources in T4AndT6Compression
+* IMAGING-134: Invalid (RST) marker found in entropy data Thanks to Michael Sommerville.
+* IMAGING-130: Reading of some GIF images throws java.io.IOException: AddStringToTable: codes: 4096 code_size: 12 Thanks to Michael Sommerville.
+* IMAGING-224: Fix build errors in Travis
+* IMAGING-167: Possible infinite loop at XpmImageParser::writeImage Thanks to Michael Groß.
+* IMAGING-211: Imaging.getBufferedImage fails throwing java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for specific inputs
+* IMAGING-210: Imaging.getBufferedImage fails throwing NegativeArraySizeException for specific inputs
+* IMAGING-258: Prevent exception in TIFF when reading EXIF directory Thanks to Gary Lucas.
+* IMAGING-260: Fix mvn site failure with JavaNCSS parse error
+* IMAGING-259: Enhance TIFF DataReaders speed for compressed RGB Thanks to Gary Lucas.
+* IMAGING-251: Support for TIFF floating-point formats Thanks to Gary Lucas.
+* IMAGING-254: Small code improvements
+* IMAGING-253: ByteSourceInputStream has initialized its length when reading starts Thanks to David Hrbacek.
+* IMAGING-249: Make IPTCBlock members private and add getter/setter
+* Update tests from commons-io:commons-io 2.6 to 2.7. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+* Update commons-parent from 50 to 51 #88. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Update actions/checkout from v1 to v2.3.1 #87. Thanks to Dependabot.
+* Update junit-jupiter from 5.5.2 to 5.6.2 #86. Thanks to Dependabot.
+Have fun!
+-Apache Commons Imaging team
+Apache Commons Imaging
+Version 1.0-alpha1
+Release Notes
+Apache Commons Imaging is a pure-Java image library for reading and writing
+a variety of image formats.
+For complete information on Commons Imaging, including sample code,
+instructions on how to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for
+improvement, see the Apache Commons Net website:
+Please note that the project was previously known as Apache Sanselan,
+and has been renamed to Apache Commons Imaging. As part of this rename:
+ * the package changed to
+ org.apache.commons.imaging
+ from
+ org.apache.sanselan
+ * the main class is now
+ org.apache.commons.imaging.Imaging
+ and not
+ org.apache.sanselan.Sanselan
+ * the Maven coordinates are now:
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-imaging
+ Commons Imaging
+ instead of the old:
+ org.apache.sanselan
+ sanselan
+ Apache Sanselan
+ * the website is
+ http://commons.apache.org/imaging
+ and not
+ http://commons.apache.org/sanselan
+ * etc.
+Release 1.0-alpha1
+First 1.0 alpha release.
+New features
+* IMAGING-75: Added accessor methods for a number of ImageInfo properties.
+* IMAGING-71: Applied patch contributed by Nicolas Richeton, adding getEXIFThumbnailSize() and getEXIFThumbnailData() methods to JpegImageMetadata. Thanks to Nicolas Richeton.
+* IMAGING-56: Add support for the ICNS icon format. Thanks to damjan.
+* IMAGING-58: Add support for PCX, DCX, WBMP, XBM and XPM images.
+* IMAGING-64: Add support for TIFF files with compression=2, (CCITT Group 3 1-Dimensional Modified Huffman run length encoding).
+* IMAGING-77: Add a type-safe high-level API for writing TIFF fields.
+* IMAGING-51: Add TagInfoXpText for fields like XPTITLE, and encode/decode it using UTF-16LE like Windows does.
+* IMAGING-60: Added support for reading the RGBE / Radiance HDR image format. Thanks to proyal.
+* IMAGING-68: Add a field to IptcRecord that contains its raw bytes, and a getter for this value.
+* IMAGING-73: Provide a way to write EXIF data into files using Sanselan.writeImage().
+* IMAGING-47: Run a Findbugs analysis on "mvn site". Also audit and fix resource leaks. Thanks to adrian2k7.
+* IMAGING-65: Provide a way to write the pixel density (DPI) into an image.
+* IMAGING-61: Include a test utility for timing and memory in project example classes. Thanks to gwlucas.
+* IMAGING-81: Add more Javadoc to main package. Thanks to gwlucas.
+* IMAGING-89: Detect the YCCK color space/type in JPEG files' APP14 segment.
+* IMAGING-94: Add ability to load partial TIFF images Thanks to gwlucas.
+Fixed Bugs
+* IMAGING-199: All tEXt chunks are not returned from PngImageParser.getMetadata Thanks to Ric Emery.
+* IMAGING-220: JpegDecoder takes a long time (+10s) to decode a bad JPEG
+* IMAGING-219: Imaging gets stuck parsing a RGBE input file
+* IMAGING-215: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in DhtSegment
+* IMAGING-203: JPEG segment size not validated Thanks to Rody Kersten.
+* IMAGING-209: PnmImageParser throws ImageWriteException when writing if PnmImageParser.PARAM_KEY_PNM_RAWBITS is provided Thanks to Isak Wertwein.
+* IMAGING-205: Imaging (Apache Sanselan) produces "odd offsets" in (EXIF) metadata
+* IMAGING-195: Incorrect Maven coordinates on project website Thanks to Keith Strydom.
+* IMAGING-190: ImageDataReader.decompress() overwrites its input
+* IMAGING-193: Duplicate class names
+* IMAGING-189: parseXpmValuesSection uses && instead of ||
+* IMAGING-181: EXIF lens metadata tags missing in Commons Imaging but recognized in exiftool
+* IMAGING-172: Microsoft tags are not seen in MS Windows Properties/Details dialog.
+* IMAGING-176: TiffImageParser.getImageInfo() throws exception when "Compression" field is missing. Thanks to Gabriel Axel.
+* IMAGING-178: PnmImageParser does not check the validity of input PAM header. Thanks to emopers.
+* IMAGING-171: MicrosoftTagTest rewrite image exif fails in some environments Thanks to Jan Helbich.
+* IMAGING-169: PnmImageParser throws NumberFormatException instead of ImageReadException when parsing invalid images Thanks to Nebu Pookins.
+* IMAGING-144: TiffOutputSet.setGPSInDegrees should make sure, GPSVersionID is set Thanks to Paul Hartmann.
+* IMAGING-117: Classes should not expose mutable arrays
+* IMAGING-145: DumpImage method for JPEG reports it's coming from TIFF. Thanks to Chris Carman.
+* IMAGING-137: Can not set EXIF_TAG_EXIF_VERSION tag.
+* IMAGING-140: ExifReWriter always writes EXIF segment before JFIF segment. Thanks to Gavin Shiels.
+* IMAGING-131: Allow null parameters in PngImageParser.getBufferedImage(), and add some tests for null parameters.
+* IMAGING-121: Null Pointer exception while extracting metadata for CR2 image. Thanks to Piyush Kapoor.
+* IMAGING-115: DhtSegment class contains mutable public arrays.
+* IMAGING-117: SofnSegment.components - public mutable array.
+* IMAGING-116: GenericSegment.bytes - public mutable array.
+* IMAGING-118: interface RgbeConstants contains mutable array.
+* IMAGING-114: ComSegment.comment is a public final byte array.
+* IMAGING-109: Several files contain non-UTF8 characters.
+* IMAGING-113: Cannot read multipage tiff.
+* IMAGING-108: JPEG EOI marker could not be found at expected location.
+* IMAGING-101: GIF dimensions transposed. Thanks to Colm O hEigeartaigh.
+* IMAGING-23: JpegXMPWriter throws NullPointerException.
+* IMAGING-74: Fixed a couple of platform-dependent paths in the tests.
+ Constantized the magic numbers used when guessing formats.
+ Added a test for the format guessing.
+* IMAGING-2: SanselanGuessFormatTest and SanselanTestConstants use Java 1.5 method String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence).
+* IMAGING-80: Sanselan tests fail on Windows.
+* IMAGING-18: Fix for "JpegImageMetadata getEXIFThumbnail only works on Jpeg thumbnails stored as Tiff images" issue.
+ Jpeg thumbnails are read using ImageIO. Thanks to James E-J.
+* IMAGING-48: JpegImageMetadata getEXIFThumbnail may raise a null pointer exception.
+* IMAGING-52: Implement dumpImageFile for ICO files and fix a typo. Thanks to damjan.
+* IMAGING-12: Tiff (exif) tags of type double written in wrong byte order. Thanks to gwlucas.
+* IMAGING-30: The isTransparent flag is not set on transparent PNGs. Thanks to clement.escoffier.
+* IMAGING-11: Ignore TIFF entries that have invalid offsets and/or lengths when we are not in strict mode.
+* IMAGING-78: readDirectory method in TiffReader doesn't gracefully handle exceptions that can be thrown from ByteSource implementations.
+* IMAGING-24: Search all tags instead of just EXIF tags when parsing TIFF metadata tags, and try to match on directory type as well.
+* IMAGING-21: Don't allow very large TIFF lengths to be interpreted as negative because they have the highest order bit set.
+* IMAGING-50: Make JPEG parsing highly resilient: skip all bytes after the end of a segment until the next segment (0xFF followed by non-0xFF).
+* IMAGING-16: Fix reading ASCII tags in TIFF files.
+* IMAGING-3: Ignore string differences in our tests when 7 bit unclean TIFF string are copied.
+* IMAGING-41: Don't redefine BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN and BYTE_ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN in UnicodeMetricsUTF16.
+* IMAGING-35: Fixed issue "FieldTypeASCII does not conform to the EXIF specification," identified by Libor Nenadál.
+* IMAGING-31: Fixed a bug in which gifs have incorrect size information in the the Logical Screen Descriptor.
+ This appears to be a bug in how Microsoft Office writes gifs. The Image Descriptor has the correct value.
+* IMAGING-13: Added checks in ByteSource's getBlock() methods for invalid params.
+* IMAGING-46: Fixed a possible NPE in Sanselan.getICCProfile pointed out by Jon Weygandt.
+* IMAGING-76: Improve ICO file support. Thanks to damjan.
+* IMAGING-49: Preserve the byte range occupied by the Maker Notes, so rewriting it doesn't corrupt it.
+* IMAGING-29: Read in the full IPTC block before trying to ignore it, so we don't lose our position in the stream. Thanks to alexvigdor.
+* IMAGING-45: Fix the GIF BitsPerPixel formula in GifImageParser's getImageInfo(). Thanks to pkapoor.
+* IMAGING-39: Fix various problems with reading and writing EXIF tags.
+* IMAGING-22: Eliminate or hide public mutable final arrays in the API.
+* IMAGING-43: If the TIFF rows per strip is not present, assume it is the image length. Thanks to pkapoor.
+* IMAGING-17: Make BitInputStream sensitive to byte order. Allows 48 BPP TIFF files to load. Thanks to pkapoor.
+* IMAGING-38: Fix the PhysicalWidthDpi calculation for JPEG images. Thanks to tjoris.
+* IMAGING-19: Fix reading DPI for TIFF files. Thanks to vvd.
+* IMAGING-44: Fix reading DPI for PNG files. Thanks to vvd.
+* IMAGING-40: Add the Software TIFF tag, and get the byte order after reading the first TIFF directory. Thanks to pkapoor.
+* IMAGING-6: Correct the expected size of the decompressed TIFF image data, and improve sample depth scaling for PNG images.
+* IMAGING-15: Stop JpegImageMetadata from throwing NPE if the exif field is null. Thanks to pkapoor.
+* IMAGING-67: Speed up reading paletted TIFF files. Thanks to gwlucas.
+* IMAGING-8: Allow TIFF fields to change size during encoding. Fix a broken test that assumes they never do.
+* IMAGING-36: Fix sample usage links on the website.
+* IMAGING-70: Reduce memory usage when reading TIFF files. Thanks to gwlucas.
+* IMAGING-33: Fixed the differencing predictor for tiled TIFF images.
+* IMAGING-5: Update website, fix some broken links and remove old code.
+* IMAGING-69: Add a streamlined TIFF reader that reduces load time by a factor of 5. Thanks to gwlucas.
+* IMAGING-82: Fix BMP width and height DPI. Thanks to pkapoor.
+* IMAGING-86: Fix the lengths for DateTimeOriginal and DateTimeDigitized TIFF/EXIF tags.
+* IMAGING-88: Method lowerBound in org.apache.commons.imaging.common.itu_t4.T4AndT6Compression has a division error. Thanks to craigkelly.
+* IMAGING-92: Issue trying to update GPS metadata info in a JPG. Thanks to hmarmy.
+* IMAGING-93: Tiled TIFF images do not correctly load partial tiles. Thanks to gwlucas.
+* IMAGING-90: Allow non-1 TIFF field lengths when parsing offset fields in non-strict mode.
+* IMAGING-99: java.io.IOException: Could not read block Thanks to st.h.
+* IMAGING-154: Remove Debug class
+* IMAGING-124: Tidy up IconParser Thanks to Jens Kapitza.
+* IMAGING-123: remove duplicated lines in T4AndT6Compression Thanks to Jens Kapitza.
+* IMAGING-186: Add sCAL support to PNG reading and writing. Thanks to Ric Emery.
+* IMAGING-184: Update platform from Java 5 to 7
+* IMAGING-112: JpegIptcRewriter.removeIPTC() does not remove all metadata Thanks to Xavier Dury.
+* IMAGING-166: ByteSourceImageTest: Local variable hides a field Thanks to Michael Groß.
+* IMAGING-156: Refactor TagConstants
+* IMAGING-126: TIFF and PNG images should not be bigger than the ones created by java ImageIO Thanks to Gary Lucas.
+* IMAGING-147: Add color constants Thanks to Stephan Koeninger.
+* IMAGING-150: Implement equals and hashcode on color classes Thanks to Stephan Koeninger.
+* IMAGING-91: ByteSourceInputStream.streamLength could be a long.
+* IMAGING-95: Some tiff processing takes very long. Thanks to amitgupt.
+* IMAGING-223: Update from Java 7 to Java 8. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
+Minimum Java version: 1.5
+Compatibility with 0.97:
+ Binary compatible: No.
+ Source compatible: No.
+ Semantic compatible: No.
+Release 0.97
+ * Rewrote the info.txt files for many images in the sample image library to clarify contribution to project.
+ * Removed the images from the www.wpclipart.com Public Domain library.
+ * Improved the examples illustrating how to change EXIF metadata.
+ * Applied a patch from Niall Pemberton around jdk1.5 compatibility:
+ """
+ Sanselan claims JDK 1.4 compatibility, but a JDK 1.5 method (Class's getSimpleName() [1]) has been used in JpegRewriter
+ """
+ * Applied a "Build Improvements" patch from Niall Pemberton:
+ """
+ I took a look at the propsed 0.96 relelase and have some suggestions to improve the build:
+ * Add standard manifest entries to jar
+ * Lock down version numbers for maven compiler, surefire and javadoc plugins
+ * generate sources jar for the release
+ * include the RELEASE-NOTES in the binary distribution
+ * include NOTICE/LICENSE files in the javadoc jar
+ """
+Release 0.96
+ * Updated KEYS file.
+ * Added more unit tests around BMP.
+ * Added more images to the test image suite.
+ * Fixed a bug where errors were being wrongly logged to System.out.
+ * Moved the example code into the test source directory, to comply with Maven's standard project layout.
+ * Added a couple of images to the sample image library that demonstrate a couple variations on Photoshop/IPTC data.
+ * Fixed a small bug in the IPTC constants introduced while cleaning up the constants.
+ * Started shift towards moving field-level parsing into BinaryInputStream and BinaryOutputStream.
+ * Fixed a png unit test that used a piece of Java 1.6 syntax.
+ * Added unit tests around the new IPTC functionality.
+ * Added IPTC remove/update/insert functionality.
+ * Rewrote the IPTC parsing support.
+ * Added improved support for reading and writing iTXt, tEXt, zTXt Png chunks.
+ Added a unit test that demonstrates the feature.
+ * Found a new regression wherein DeflaterOutputStream needs to be closed.
+ * Added the .tar.bz2 distributions back into the maven assembly descriptors.
+ * Moved the example/sample code to a new top-level source folder, "example."
+ * Replaced dependency on java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream, which is only available in Java 1.6.
+ * Added a unit test around reading and writing images in every format.
+ * We now sort some (but not all) GIF color tables.
+ * Applied the BMP "buffer flushing" bug to the PBM reading and writing code.
+ * Fixed a regression around flushing the bit buffer when writing BMPs with very small palettes.
+ * Removed assumption about DataBuffer type when reading BMPs.
+ * When writing a GIF, we now always include a Graphic Control Extension block, even if its not necessary.
+ * We are more defensive about missing GCEs.
+ * Lastly, we now set a minimum bound on initial code sizes for LZW-compressed Gif image data.
+ * Found a regression in writing TIFFs around strip offsets being properly updated. Not a LZW issue after all.
+ Added a few unit tests around this issue.
+ see: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SANSELAN-6
+ * Added ability to remove and update XMP XML in existing JPEG files.
+ * Added ability to embed XMP XML when writing the following formats: GIF, PNG, TIFF.
+ * Improved handling of tEXt and zTXt PNG text blocks.
+ * Added XMP XML extraction for the following formats: GIF (untested), JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD.
+ * Added RELEASE_NOTES file (this file).
+ * Added Apache license header to bin.xml and src.xml Maven assembly descriptors.
+ * Added Javadocs to the binary distribution
+Release 0.94
+First Apache release of Sanselan.
+Fixed bugs:
+ * Can't convert PNG image to GIF image
+ The PNG reader wasn't handling the 16-bit mode 4 PNGs properly.
+ The PNG reader wasn't gamma-correcting non-palette values properly in PNGs.
+ see: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SANSELAN-5