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Paul Rogers edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 8 revisions

Drill Tuple Sets

Conceptually, tuple sets flow from one execution graph node to another. In practice, the story is far more complex. Here we discuss the tuple set idea itself and how tuple sets are implemented in Drill. The first thing to realize is that Drill code does not use the term tuple set, instead the code uses a number of lower-level, implementation-focused terms. We use the tuple set concept as a way to conceptualize the details.

Tuple Set Structure

In Drill, a tuple set is implemented as a set of related components:

  • Record Batch, conceptually, about the same as a tuple set. In practice, a Drill record batch is both a tuple set and and operator, as we'll see below.
  • Vector Accessible a collection of vectors. The record batch is a type of vector accessible.
  • Schema describes the set of columns within each tuple.
  • Record the column values for a single tuple. However, records are never realized as such in Drill.
  • Value Vector the underlying columar data representation of the values for a single column.
  • Vector Container is a data structure that holds the set of value vectors for a tuple set.
  • Selection Vector identifies the set of tuples to include when passing a tuple set downstream. (Or, conversely, implies the set of tuples removed by a filtering or other operation.)

Record Batch

The record batch in Drill can be very confusing to those first learning the code. The term seems to imply, well, a batch of records, which would seem to be the same thing as a tuple set. However, for whatever reason, as Drill evolved, a record batch became both a batch of records and a node in the operator graph. For example, the filter record batch does all of the following:

  • Holds a link to the upstream node,
  • Calls the upstream node to produce a new tuple set,
  • Applies the specified filter operation to the incoming tuple set,
  • Holds the outgoing tuple set for use by the downstream node.

The details are complex, we'll work up to them slowly. As we proceed, you'll sometimes think of a Record Batch as a processing node, sometimes as the tuple set that emerges from that node.

See the Record Batch design document. The design document starts from the memory representation of vectors; this document starts with a conceptual view. Between the two, you should gain a good basis for understanding Drill code.

Vector Accessible: Definition of a Tuple Set

Let's focus for the moment on the actual collection of records that make up a tuple set. Or, in terms of implementation, the collection of value vectors that make up vector accesible.

The org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorAccessible interface provides the basic structure of a tuple set:

  • Schema: org.apache.drill.exec.record.BatchSchema
  • Record count
  • Selection vector(s): org.apache.drill.exec.record.selection.SelectionVector2 and ...4
  • Column values

In theory, this is all you need: the schema (definition of columns), the columns, the total number of records, and the list of records actually included in the result set.

Vector Accessible provides three ways to access the vectors of column values:

  • Via an iterator defined by the parent interface: Iterable<VectorWrapper<?>>
  • By column id (sort of): getValueAccessorById( )
  • By column name: getValueVectorId( )

Accessing vectors by index or name appears, however to be complex; it appears that vector accessibles do not define a simple column index due, perhaps, due to the hierarchical relationships among columns.

Vector Wrapper

Columns are implemented as value vectors, but the relationship is indirect. In the simplest case of a fixed-width, non-nullable scalar (an INTEGER NOT NULL for example), a single value vector represents the column. But, in most cases, two, three or more vectors represent each column. Further, columns may form a hierarchy: a column may represent a structure such as a map. In this case, the column is a logical concept made up of a collection of child columns, each of which may be formed of multiple vectors.

The vector concept in Drill can refer to a single vector (array) or a collection of vectors. We will use the term simple vector to refer to a single vector. Drill uses the term hyper vector to refer to a logical vector comprised of multiple other vectors (which may themselves be simple or hyper.)

The Vector Wrapper class (org.apache.drill.exec.record.VectorWrapper) represents a logical vector: either simple or hyper.

  • If the vector is simple, isHyper() is false and the value vector is available using getValueVector() (singular).
  • If the vector is hyper, isHyper() is true and the set of vectors is available using getValueVectors() (plural). ((Need to clarify this.)) If the vector represents a structure (map), then a child's vector (wrapper) are available using getChildWrapper( ).

Value Vectors

An excellent description of value vectors is available. Conceptually, a value vector is an array of values, perhaps with a level or two of indirection. The implementation, however is quite complex. Value vectors are generated using code templates. A different vector class exists for each "major" data type. A major data type is defined as a pair of (minor type, mode) where the minor type is one of the many SQL types that Drill supports, and the "mode" represent three kinds of cardinality:

  • Required - cardinality of (exactly) 1 value per row, described in SQL as NOT NULL.
  • Optional - cardinality of (0,1): either a value, or the value is null. This is described as "nullable" in SQL terminology.
  • *Repeated - cardinality of (0,*): any number of values. The field is a list of values.

Data types are defined in the Types.proto protobuf definition in the drill-protocol project.

Drill defines 38 data types and 3 modes, which gives a total of 114 value vector classes. Understanding this amount of code can be overwhelming. It helps to understand why Drill needs so many classes.

First, the structure of the three modes differs:

  • Required is a simple vector of values (fixed-width) or with one layer of indirection (variable-width).
  • Optional includes a separate bit-vector of null-value flags.
  • Repeated includes an index vector that that points to the first list value for each row.

Second, the data format differs for each minor type. Differences include:

  • Field width
  • Java type of each entry
  • Implied encoding or representation (such as character encoding, date/time format, etc.)

The details are explained quite well in the design document cited above.

As it turns out, Drill supports only a subset of the existing vector classes, but it is not entirely clear which are supported. While some are obvious (all modes of INTEGER, say), and some are declared as not supported (any mode of SMALLINT), others reside in a gray area (such as time and decimal types).

All value vectors implement the org.apache.drill.exec.vector.ValueVector interface, which has very useful Javadoc. Vectors are backed by byte buffers implemented by DrillBuf. Vectors have a distinct life cycle: written (once), then permanently read-only. The Mutator interface performs the write phase, the Accessor the read phase. Each of these is type-specific, so each generated class contains its own implementation.

The IntVector class is a good example: it implements the (required, INTEGER) major type. Values are 4 bytes wide, and represented with the Java int type. The associated Accessor provides the int get(int index) operation to get the column value for a tuple (given as an index from the start of the tuple set.)

Because the value vector and accessor classes are specific to the major type, code that works with value vectors must also be specific to the major type. In theory, this means every operator must have over 100 different implementations: one per major type. Since such complexity would be impossible to develop or maintain, Drill uses a different solution: Drill generates the required code on the fly for each query as described elsewhere in these notes.

Vector Metadata

Vector Indexing

((How to reference columns and their values.))

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