Ever growing list of ideas and thoughts howto improve and extend PSX. Topics which are likely to be implemented are moved to a seperate github issue
- Better support for conditional requests E-Tag, If-Match etc.
- Think about support for OData
- Add Swagger2 support #11
- Add GraphQL parser to generate a schema based on a GraphQL string #12
- Option to setup global middlewares inside the configuration.php which are loaded for all controllers. Maybe we can specifiy pre and post controller middlewares #15
- Add http interceptor handler and method to add global default headers i.e. a user agent header (these can be overriden by a specific set header)
- Add more http methods to controller abstract / schema api
- Support http method PATCH. Json patch format (rfc6902) is already implemented in #13
- Add proxy controller which can be used to fix the WSDL dynmaic part problem. The proxy controller redirects calls to other controllers. Probably also useful for OData
- Use DateTimeImmutable if we are dropping support for 5.4 and require at least 5.5
- Schema html writer array constraints are not listed, only the constraints of the prototype element
- Evaluate again whether to use psr7. Probably wait to see adoption, immutability is still a problem
- Improve OAuth2 support #7
- Add host-meta controller to expose specific API services #5
- Create controller which generates a text/uri-list #4
- Consider use of JAX-RS annotations to provide meta informations for a controller #3
- Add WADL generator #2
- Extend schema representation
- Add schema property default value option
- PSX schema add support for object choice for a key (json schema: oneOf, xsd:choice)
- Add possibility to add a wildcard type in a schema which allows arbitrary subtypes where we dont know the structure i.e. config (Is this a good idea?)
- Add commands which generate php code
- Add command to generate an API endpoint based on a RAML file
- Add command to generate a PHP schema based on a json schema
- Add command to generate a json schema from a schema
- Add command to generate client code based on the API definition. Probably this should be done in another project and based on a RAML/jsonschema spec
- Add template helper which simplifies working with a HATEOAS array. You can get a title or href by rel. Probably not needed since in almost every case we render HATEOAS arrays through a data and not a template writer #6
- Add event listener to table manager so that we can fire an event everytime a record gets created, updated or deleted
- Possibility to describe in an API that authentication is required.
Probably also what kind basic, oauth, etc
- Check how this is done in various specs like Swagger, RAML, etc.
- Schema generation
- Probably add json schema importer command to create a PHP schema based on the given json schema
- Add generator to generate a php schema class from a xsd or json schema definition
- Create tool controller to create and export a schema. Should produce a json schema which can be imported by a command
- Create command to create PHP source code based on a RAML spec. This could probably use the json schema generator to generate the schema class. So we could create a complete schema endpoint from the RAML spec
- WSDL generation problem for routes with dynamic parts
- We need two routes for the table schema controller for a better RESTful
urls i.e. /foo to get a collection /foo/1 for a specific entry
- This requires that we need some way to describe the needed routes for a controller. Or we add multiple routes which point to the controller
- Add ANY request method in router
- Consider use Stash as caching library if PSR is ready
- Evaluate whether we could build a RDF writer
- Add verify method to psx sql condition to verify conditions against an array
- Option to set a custom record class in table abstract
- Implement filters
- Add hawk authentication filter (https://github.com/hueniverse/hawk)
- Add aws authentication filter (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RESTAuthentication.html)
- Add CORS header filter
- Add request rate limit filter
- Better symfony integration
- Add PSX symfony bundle
- Add SymfonyControllerExecutor to execute a symfony controller from PSX
- Probably implement http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/
- Probably replace all generic exceptions (RuntimeException, InvalidArgumentException, etc..) with PSX specific exceptions
- Follow the json-ld / hydra spec (http://www.hydra-cg.com/) and see whether we should add support for it
- Test and handle file uploads
- Think about moving from a monolith repo into multiple packages. There are some components which might be useful withput psx i.e. data, schema
- Update github readme, more getting started instructions etc.
- Add hyperlink vs specification API to the documentation
- Write in doc about data vs document oriented aka data writer vs template writer
- Improve global exception messages so that we have the same kind of wording
- For version 1.0 implement http://www.techempower.com/benchmarks
- Add win ci (http://www.appveyor.com/)
- Rename object to something else since object is a keyword in php7
- Accessor work with / insteadof . as seperator
- Build on validator and remove Record/Array validator which can handle all
nested types stdClass/array/RecordInterface and which also allows to
specify paths i.e. /foo/bar for a property
- Allow validator to specifiy widl card in path i.e. /entry/*/title. So we can match i.e. entries inside an array
- Schema html renderer, schema property which was referenced was not rendered
- Add schema "any" element which behaves like an array but as object with arbitrary keys
- Add class to apply a JSON patch format on an object structure
- Add API test case for choice property type
- Probably add XML-RPC protocol reader/writer visitor. (XML-RPC is really outdated since we already have SOAP its maybe not needed)
- Probably rename Context::KEY_* to PSX_*
- Add writer test with empty records
- Probably use readthedocs.org for documentation hosting
- Add security disclosure link to website (PSR-9)
- Add commands which generate different formats
- Add command to generate a raml definition from a documented API
- Additional parsing commands
- Add command which parses a json schema file and display what PSX could understand. Useful for debugging
- Add command which parses a raml file and display what PSX could understand. Useful for debugging
- If 1.0 is released create 1.x branch
- Register PSX at http://www.programmableweb.com/
- Possibility to throw an exception which has a response record attached which gets displayed to the user. We dont want do that since this could be abused as normal output channel
- Add PSX value objects probably in seperate folder/package there we can have Uri, Url, Urn, DateTime, Cookie, MediaType and maybe add new types Date and Time. Also the Property* objects are kind of value objects Value objects were unified
- The exception controller must have the same supported writers as the
origin controller - Add begin/cancel/rollback transaction methods to TableManager. Probably add method which takes a Closure where the code is executed in a transaction
- check "Invalid url syntax" exception whenn calling urls i.e.
- Check whether we produce the right format for html/svg etc. on an exception. Probably force same format from controller for error response
- When passing a custom Accept header containing a version i.e. application/vnd.foobar.v2+json check whether the +[format] is considered
- Fix correct handling with Accept: text/foo header (If the accept header is not known we serve as fallback json)
- Move todo and bugs to github
- When using raml/json schema for resource description their are some
- We can not use all property types i.e. date time
- We can not reference other schemas within a schema
- Add query parameters to documentation
- Add support for jsonx http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS9H2Y_7.1.0/com.ibm.dp.doc/json_jsonxconversionrules.html
- Solve fallback template html vs svg problem
- Make protocol optional in "psx_url" and use $_SERVER['HTTPS'] to determine protocol
- Add buffered stream to read multiple times from read-only stream
- Change license to Apache License 2
- Check whether query parameters are transmitted when sending a http request probably we need a method which returns us [path] + [query] ~ [fragment]
- Problem schema type XSD writer property can not have same names. Either throw an exception or make it work
- Rename getChild in Schema to getProperty etc. (renamed to get)
- Add RAML export to documentation controller
- Use DBAL query builder in MysqlDescribe and Session\Handler\Sql
- Think about return a plain array for sql table so that the result is more light and can be used in CurveArray
- Write errors to log when in production mode
- Fix RecordStore references
- probably add cache controller which does caching through http around a haevy task
- Pubsubhubbub provider implementation (moved to psx-ws)
- Update pshb subscriber to 0.4 spec (moved to psx-ws)
- Implement webfinger provider serving XML (XRD) and JSON (JRD) http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jones-appsawg-webfinger-03 (moved to psx-ws)
- Implement foaf, activity streams, microformat parser (moved to psx-ws)
- Implement OpenId connect based on Oauth 2.0 (moved to psx-ws)
- Test webfinger and XRDS with OpenId and update HostMeta to extend XRD (moved to psx-ws)
- Implement openid connect basic (http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0-28.html) (moved to psx-ws)
- Update XRD classes using DomDocument according to http://docs.oasis-open.org/xri/xrd/v1.0/os/xrd-1.0-os.html (moved to psx-ws)
- Add XRDS class using old XRD class see http://yadis.org/wiki/Yadis_1.0_%28HTML%29 (moved to psx-ws)
- Use entity manager in entity importer
- Add help command which displays all needed settings for a command
- Remove calls to deprecated methods from the location object
- Update JWT to current spec
- Oauth filter only for specific request methods
- Add cache filter or/and response cache which simply writes the response into a file using the psr cache
- Create generate command which generate i.e. controller, commands, schema or other classes
- Probably use willdurand/negotiation for content negotiation index,php and console.php- We have implemented a custom contnent negotiation rule since
- Move html in its own repo
- Move payment into own repo
- Check if an exception gets thrown in a template that it gets correctly bubbeled to the user
- Dependency tool controller
- Probably add DI container in its own file which we can then include in the
- Add event dispatcher to important places i.e. when a request arrives, when a route was found, etc. (event listener should not be able to modify the request or response only read)
- Build commands using the symfony command system
- Swagger generator controller
- Update docblock using namespaces and update copyright
- Test API status controller
- Probably create xmlrpc or SOAP gateway
- Howto handle API version managment
- throw exception "response already writen" if setBody is called multiple times
- setBody add serializer which extracts the fields from the properties of a normal object
- Routes use ~/foo to set an alias for a specific path
- Try to hackify PSX code using the hackificator.log
- Type-Hint Psr\Http\StreamInterface
- Implement Oauth 2.0 (consumer done so far)
- Add paypal payment builder
- Implement magicsig and salmon (replaced by JWT)
- Add dynamic table wich uses describe to build a table class based on the table name
- Add url resolver to resolve a href to a specific url
- Add sitemap reader (add record importer wich can import sitemap data into a record collection)
- Handler can define wich record class should be used (i.e. getRecordClass)
- Allow _ underscore in resource path to prettify folder structure
- Move setResponse from api to controller
- Remove annotation parsing from the controller
- Improved router
- Add routing mechanism to template
- Create video tutorial showcasing features of psx (update website)
- Build rss and atom writer class wich is used in data writer methods
- Try to use doctrine repository interface for handler
- Update docblock of each class and remove revision tag
- Implement namespaces
- Add getter methods for acticity stream
- Rewrite data system so that writers can be registered instead of being hardcoded in the factory
- Add jsonp writer
- Update webfinger to current spec http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7033.txt
- Fix html filter iframe must closed with </iframe> and not <iframe />
- Improve dependency managment we have an dependency bag where dependencies can be added this bag is injected into each module
- Add swagger geenrator
- Fix build scripts using git
- Add continious integration (http://travis-ci.org)
- Move from svn to git repo
- Add session save path to session class. Probably set this default to PSX_PATH_CACHE
- build psx package (http://packagist.org)
- test paypal IPN endpoint and implement express checkout
- Add setter methods for opensocial records
- Add HTTP_HeadRequest class
- write better and more complex tests
- build XRDS component srv class wich is used by opensocial and maybe oauth
to declare their services - Add OpenSocial records
- Fix Atum/Entry source attribute. source element contains complete feed without feed tag
- SQL condition implement functions in parser
- Oembed provider implementation
- add webfinger library (host-meta, lrdd discovery)
- update documentation to new coding standard
- rewrite manual to version 0.3
- replace the stream wrapper by a import function because this is not so error-prone
- rewrite tests
- implement a mechanism so that you cant call files directly i.e. check whether the const in_psx is set.
- over write the X-Powered-By so that you are more anonymous and an attacker cant get your php version
- replace the foreach loops in common.php by hardcode the values is faster
- remove the ini.xml and hardcode the settings is faster
- add component util/grid (data in table + sorting + grid) all without javascript
- add component util/paging