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This branch is 234 commits behind AleoNet/aleo-setup:master.



Build Guide

To build the verifier run:

# Requires specific rustc version
rustup default 1.48

# Build the binary
cargo build --release

To add the binary to the PATH run:

cargo install --path .

This will add the setup1-verifier binary to .cargo/bin folder


Generate a view key using cli tools

view-key > view_key.txt

Run the verifier:

setup1-verifier --api-url http://localhost:9000 --view-key view_key.txt

where --api-url is a coordinator api address

Log levels

The setup1-verifier binary is set up to read the RUST_LOG environment variable to control the logs. Here are some examples:

# INFO, WARN and ERROR messages will be logged
RUST_LOG=info setup1-verifier ...

# We can also control logs in the dependencies. The following command
# will log TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR from all the sources
# but only WARN and ERROR from the hyper dependency
RUST_LOG="trace,hyper=warn" setup1-verifier ...