- array: change ReturnType (is_pointer, is_reference,...) with a trait enum type (enum return type value, index, pointer, ref)
- fallback to dx11 for unsupported gpus
- seek: return the number of loops
- playlist add files: rework for faster add
- add the replay selection for each extension in the global settings
- add source browser (directly browse from websites in the same way as https://www.wothke.ch/playmod/) and import from selected songs
- replace replays "displaySettings" with a generic settings system without UI (ui is in replayer instead), to remove dependencies to imgui
- add a project to make rePlayer as a lib/dll (so people can use the replays too): rePlayback (stripped from database and ui)
- improve the seemless playback (re-use the sample player with multiple replays? as soon as they are compatible: same sample rate)
- mp3: sync info (bitrate) with playback
- database: add album database
- mod archive: source validation (some song ids are redirected to other ids: "emax are you stupid" 92256 to 67566)
- source: don't load on start, just at access (to save memory)
- support for .cue, .m3u, .pls
- pure database random play (System::Mode::Random)
- duplicates finder (https://github.com/jmacd/xdelta https://github.com/ilanschnell/bsdiff4 https://github.com/sisong/HDiffPatch)
- audio normalization (https://github.com/jiixyj/libebur128)
- crossfader
- editable countries (to prevent missing ones)
- remove std::string
- memory allocator profiler
- remove allocated vb & ib and replace it by a scratch buffer
- handle properly gpucrash/device lost
- profiler (cpu + gpu)
- async song load?
- https://www.amigaremix.com/ importer
- https://remix.kwed.org/ importer
- https://www.exotica.org.uk/ importer?
- http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/search.php importer
- https://www.modules.pl/ importer?
- https://www.demozoo.org/ importer?
- https://www.zophar.net/ importer?
- https://vgm.hcs64.com/ importer?
- investigate the use of a tree for the songs (where subsongs are leaves), and then add a song playing all its subsongs in a single player
- check WebAudio chiptune stuff for more players: https://bitbucket.org/wothke/workspace/projects/WCS
- check NostalgicPlayer for more players: https://github.com/neumatho/NostalgicPlayer
- Youtube music player? (using https://github.com/dujeonglee/YoutubeClipDownloader)
- Soundcloud music player?
- Bandcamp music player?
- FamiTracker: https://github.com/Dn-Programming-Core-Management/Dn-FamiTracker (or older: https://github.com/HertzDevil/0CC-FamiTracker, or original: https://github.com/HertzDevil/famitracker-all)
- 4klang: https://github.com/hzdgopher/4klang missing official file format
- 64klang: https://github.com/hzdgopher/64klang missing official file format
- sointu: https://github.com/vsariola/sointu annoying language
- WaveSabre: https://github.com/logicomacorp/WaveSabre missing official file format
- single channel export