Lista gier i interaktywnych zadań dzięki którym rozwiniecie umiejętności, które mogą okazać się przydatne w pracy.
- Video Game Testing Challenges platform. The user plays the games looking for bugs.
- Identify all the test required for the scenario bellow. Based on the data you input in the First Name field the tests will be evaluated.
- This web site contains various challenges designed to help testers learn as well as challenge their current knowledge and skills. Chrome DevTools, OWASP and Accessibility.
- This game was designed to test your application hacking skills. You will be presented with vulnerable pieces of code and your mission if you choose to accept it is to find which vulnerability exists in that code as quickly as possible.
- The wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-filled games. To find out more about a certain wargame, just visit its page linked from the menu on the left.
- Mod-X is a fictional online game. In Mod-X you will become one of the Mod-X 'agents' and have to solve any tasks that the Mod-X team give you. As you will see the story revolves around a break in to some of the Mod-X systems, and you are the only one who can beat the intruder. Mod-X has a number of levels you must pass, starting off easy and working up to some hard challenges. You will be tested on everything from javascript/encryptions/encodings to daemon vulnerabilities/disassembling/http knowledge...and most importantly, common sense!
- This game was designed to test your Java skills. You will be presented with buggy pieces of code and your mission if you choose to accept it is to find out what's wrong as quickly as possible
- Learn programming with a multiplayer live coding strategy game. You're a wizard, and your spells are JavaScript.
- helps you learn Python by giving you a series of missions. Each time you earn a series of points, you can level up and gain access to more stages! This is a great beginners tool with tons of help and documentation to get you up and running.
- The game is available for pre-order now. Please join us in making programming more approachable and more fun for kids everywhere.
- Zadania związane z programowaniem.
- Tak! Interaktywna gra ucząca świetnego programu, którym jest VIM!
- via Sekurak. Znajdują się tutaj zadania zarówno dla całkowicie początkujących jak i zaawansowanych.
- Gra w odróżnianie dobrych od złych praktyk projektowania UI.
- Gra, w której przechodzimy przez istne piekło UI/UX
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