👋 Hi and welcome to Artichoke. Thanks for taking the time to contribute! 💪💎🙌
The Artichoke project infrastructure is the infrastructure as code for the Artichoke Ruby project. There is lots to do.
If the Artichoke does not run Ruby source code in the same way that MRI does, it is a bug and we would appreciate if you filed an issue so we can fix it.
If you would like to contribute code 👩💻👨💻, find an issue that looks interesting and leave a comment that you're beginning to investigate. If there is no issue, please file one before beginning to work on a PR.
If you'd like to engage in a discussion outside of GitHub, you can join Artichoke's public Discord server.
The Artichoke project infrastructure uses Yarn and Node.js for linting and orchestration.
You will need to install Node.js and Yarn.
On macOS, you can install Node.js and Yarn with Homebrew:
brew install node yarn
Once you have Yarn installed, you can install the packages specified in
by running:
yarn install
You can check to see that this worked by running yarn lint
and observing no
The Artichoke project infrastructure uses shfmt for formatting and shellcheck for linting Shell scripts.
On macOS, you can install shfmt and shellcheck with Homebrew:
brew install shfmt shellcheck
Once you configure a development environment, run the following to lint sources:
yarn lint
Merges will be blocked by CI if there are lint errors.
To see what packages are outdated, you can run yarn outdated
To update Node.js package dependencies run the following command and check in
the updated yarn.lock
yarn upgrade
If after running yarn upgrade
there are still outdated packages reported by
yarn outdated
, there has likely been a major release of a dependency. If you
would like to update the dependency and deal with any breakage, please do;
otherwise, please
file an issue.
To view statistics about the source code in the Artichoke project
infrastructure, you can run yarn loc
, which depends on
loc. You can install loc by running:
cargo install loc