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Code style

  1. PEP8
  2. Django code style

Django and Python optimization

  1. Very, Very Fast Django
  2. Django performance tips
  3. Performance Tips


  1. Go by Example
  2. Go Slices: usage and internals

Tips and Tricks

  1. 10 скрытых фич Python
  2. Пользовательские атрибуты в Python
  3. Python Weak References
  4. Using % and .format() for great good!
  5. The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns
  6. Celery Execution Pools: What is it all about?

Context managers

  1. Python with Context Managers
  2. Лекция 7: Исключения и менеджеры контекста
  3. Python: сложные аспекты

Unit testing

  1. An Introduction to Mocking in Python
  2. Python уроки: тестирование с помощью unittest


  1. pdb
  2. Python. Отладка при помощи pdb
  3. pdb – Интерактивный отладчик


  1. Готовим Django ORM


  1. What is a metaclass in Python?


  1. What does the “yield” keyword do?

List comprehensions with lambda

  1. Lambda With List Comprehensions

Python magic methods

  1. magic methods
  2. Руководство по магическим методам
  3. A Guide to Python's Magic Methods

Duck Typing

  1. Duck Typing in Python

Python 2.7 vs Python 3.4

  1. The key differences between Python 2.7.x and Python 3.x with examples


  1. Python 3 ports list
  2. The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
  3. Руководство по магическим методам в Питоне
  4. Некоторые возможности Python о которых вы возможно не знали
  5. Intermediate Python
  6. Python Interface Design
  7. Designing Modules in Python
  8. How to Deploy Python WSGI Apps Using Gunicorn HTTP Server Behind Nginx
  9. Functors, Applicativers and monads in pictures


  1. Руководство к дескрипторам


  1. Best practices for REST API design
  2. 10 Best Practices for Better RESTful API
  3. Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API
  4. Slate - API docs builder
  5. APIary - API docs builder
  6. ReDoc - API docs builder (Swagger wrapper)
  7. Swagger - API docs builder

OOP: Inheritance

  1. Порядок разрешения методов в Python
  2. Композиция vs Наследование

Django User model

  1. How to Extend Django User Model


  1. Симметричный алгоритм
  2. Ассиметрический алгоритм


  1. Адиль Хаштамов

Django channels

  1. Finally, Real-Time Django Is Here: Get Started with Django Channels
  2. Django Channels: работа с WebSocket и не только
  3. Введение в DJANGO CHANNELS
  4. Creating a chat with Django Channels
  5. Getting Started With Django Channels

Late Binding

  1. Python Late Binding and its side effect

Threading / multiprocessing

  1. Лекция 11. Многопоточные вычисления.
  2. Учимся писать многопоточные и многопроцессные приложения на Python
  3. Python threads synchronization: Locks, RLocks, Semaphores, Conditions, Events and Queues
  4. Потоки vs процессы

Gevent / eventlet

  1. What is greenlet?
  2. Gevent tutorial for Working Developer
  3. Save the day with gevent
  4. Real-time apps with gevent-socketio


  1. In Which We Begin at the Beginning
  2. Slow Poetry and the Apocalypse
  3. Concurrency vs Multi-threading vs Asynchronous Programming : Explained
  4. gevent For the Working Python Developer
  5. AsyncIO для практикующего python-разработчика
  6. Немного фактов о python asyncio
  7. Python async/await Tutorial
  8. Example: Chain coroutines
  9. Gevent Tutorial