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149 lines (131 loc) · 8.16 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (131 loc) · 8.16 KB

File Formats

Configuration File (*.xml)

The framework configuration settings are stored in a configuration file. This file defines which Checker Bundles and what checkers are used, how they are parameterized and whether the issues are warnings or errors. If a CheckerBundle outputs errors that are not configured in this file, the result pooling removes them later on. This way only the relevant results are included in the overall result. Furthermore, it can be configured which Report Modules are started after all Checker Bundles finish execution.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <Param name="InputFile" value="/home/runner/CutIn.xosc" />

    <CheckerBundle application="xoscBundle">
        <Param name="resultFile" value="xosc_bundle_report.xqar" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_xml_valid_xml_document" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_xml_root_tag_is_openscenario" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_xml_fileheader_is_present" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_xml_version_is_defined" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_xml_valid_schema" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_reference_control_uniquely_resolvable_entity_references" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_reference_control_resolvable_signal_id_in_traffic_signal_state_action" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_reference_control_resolvable_traffic_signal_controller_by_traffic_signal_controller_ref" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_reference_control_valid_actor_reference_in_private_actions" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_reference_control_resolvable_entity_references" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_reference_control_resolvable_variable_reference" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_reference_control_resolvable_storyboard_element_reference" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_reference_control_unique_element_names_on_same_level" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_parameters_valid_parameter_declaration_in_catalogs" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_data_type_allowed_operators" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_data_type_non_negative_transition_time_in_light_state_action" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />
        <Checker checkerId="check_asam_xosc_positive_duration_in_phase" maxLevel="1" minLevel="3" />

    <ReportModule application="TextReport">
        <Param name="strInputFile" value="Result.xqar" />
        <Param name="strReportFile" value="Report.txt" />

The runtime parses this file, then executes the configured Checker Bundles, and hands them the configuration file. The parameter "application" to the XML tags <CheckerBundle/> and <ReportModule/> specifies the name of the executable to be used.


The name Result.xqar is reserved for the output of the Result Pooling module. The framework automatically created the Result.xqar file in each execution. Therefore:

  • The name Result.xqar MUST NOT be used as the name of the result .xqar file for any Checker Bundle.
  • The file Result.xqar can be used as the input file for Report Modules.
  • The result file of each checker bundle must have the postfix .xqar. It must be a file name (e.g., my-bundle-result.xqar) and must not contain any path (both asolute path and relative path are not allowed).
  • All the result files and the automatically generated Result.xqar will be stored in the in the output folder qc-output-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-*. It is also possible to configure the output folder path. For more details see the Framework Module documentation.

Result File (*.xqar)

The results of a checker are stored persistently as XML in the form of a result file (*.xqar). The Base library can be used to write a report. A report consists of problems (called issues) which contain syntactic or semantic flaws.

  • An issue consists of the following parts:
    • Identifier: Unique number for an issue
    • Level: Indicates whether it is an information, a warning, or an error.
    • Description: Description in the form of a text
    • Optional description of where the problem lies, if applicable several grouped locations inside a Locations tag:
      • FileLocation (typically generated automatically by the ResultPooling)
        • A reference to a file with row and column
        • Example: <FileLocation column="0" row="223124"/>
      • XmlLocation
        • Addressing in a XML file with help of a XPath expression
        • Example: <XMLLocation xpath="/OpenDRIVE/road[@id=&quot;1&quot;]"/>
      • InertialLocation
        • Position in inertial coordinates
        • Example: <InertialLocation x="120.998703" y="0.0" z="-0.29552"/>
    • Optional external files (e. g. Images of generated graphs such as speed over distance). Currently not supported.

The following example shows the results obtained by running two Checker Bundles, one called SyntaxChecker and one SemanticChecker.

<CheckerResults version="1.0.0">
    <CheckerBundle name="SyntaxChecker" description="Syntax checker bundle" summary="Found 1 incident" build_date="23.05.2019" version="1.0">
        <Param name="InputFile" value="myTrack.xodr"/>
        <Param name="globalParameter" value="0.1"/>
        <Checker checkerId="xsdSchemaChecker" description="Checks the xsd validity"  summary="Found 1 issue">
            <Issue description="Row:8693 Column:12 invalid schema" issueId="1" level="1">
                <Locations description="empty content is not valid for content model '(lane+,userData*,include*)'">
                    <FileLocation column="12" row="8693"/>
    <CheckerBundle name="SemanticChecker" description="Semantic checker bundle" summary="Found some incidents" build_date="23.05.2019" version="1.0">
        <Param name="InputFile" value="myTrack.xodr"/>
        <Checker checkerId="roadIdChecker" description="Checks validity of the roadIds"  summary="Found 1 issue">
            <Issue description="Road with id=5 invalid" issueId="2" level="1">
                <Locations description="Road id is defined multiple times">
                    <XMLLocation xpath="/OpenDRIVE/road[@id='5']"/>
                    <FileLocation column="25" row="505"/>
                    <InertialLocation x="5.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>

Regarding parametrization here an example of the section of the .xqar file where the default parameters are shown:

<CheckerResults version="1.0.0">
    <CheckerBundle description="Checks the..." name="StaticXodrChecker" summary="173 issues...."> <!-- attribute file deleted! -->
        <Param name="GlobalAngleTolerance" value="0.2"/>
        <Param name="ElevationTolerance" value="0.1"/>
        (... more Params ...)
        <Checker checkerId="elevationChecker" description="Verify ..." summary="68 issues found...">
            <Issue description="#34: delta ...." issueId="0" level="2">
                <Locations description="Init section of scenario">
                    <XMLLocation ... />
                    (... more explicit location types ...)
                (... more Locations ...)
            (... more Issues...)
        (... more Checkers...)
    (... more Checker Bundles...)