The Makefile
has the rule git-pre-commit
which can be used in the
pre-commit hook by adding something like
echo "Starting pre-commit"
make git-pre-commit
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
echo "Ending pre-commit"
into the .git/hooks/pre-commit
Assert everything is all right running these commands.
$ make install-bin
$ make tests
In the following list, we keep some advices that improve the quality of the code from our point of view. We don't include an item about the layout of source code, but we encourage you to check it out in source files.
- All files must end by a newline
- Comment all the exported functions in the modules
- Delete trailing spaces
- Each line cannot exceed 80 characters
- Run always
$ make hlint
- The arrows must be aligned in a case of structure
- The imports must be sorted alphabetically
- Try to avoid redundant parenthesis when it is possible
- For instance, redundant parenthesis in a case of structure for pattern matching.
case maybeValue of
(Just x)→ somethingCool x
(Nothing) → failure
It looks nicer presented like
case maybeValue of
Just x → somethingCool x
Nothing → failure
Notice in the above example, that the arrows are aligned, the indentation follows the two spaces rule and we removed the parenthesis.
- Don't miss the type in a let definition. Instead of doing this
let dotApia = homeDir </> ".apia"
we think is better this
let dotApia ∷ FilePath
dotApia = homeDir </> ".apia"
Or the same thing about the scope of a where.
getDefaults ∷ IO Options
getDefaults = return somethingNice
somethingNice = defaultsOpts
Better if we do this
getDefaults ∷ IO Options
getDefaults = return somethingNice
somethingNice ∷ Options
somethingNice = defaultsOpts
We believe that these little details in the code will help for the maintenance, the readability and self documenting of the source code.
- Commenting functions
-- | Get the default values for the command-line 'Options'.
getDefaults ∷ IO Options
getDefaults = somethingNice