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Configuration Options

Mirro Mutth edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 14 revisions


A constant mysql. The driver needs to be discovered by name.

Required if using URL Discovery and Programmatic Discovery.

Since 0.8.1


A hostname or IP. The host of MySQL server.

Required if unixSocket is not present.

Since 0.8.1


An absolute or relative path. The .sock file of Unix Domain Socket which is used to connect to MySQL server.

Required if host is not present.

Since 0.8.1


A positive integer less than 65536. The port of MySQL server.

Optional, default 3306.

Since 0.8.1


A valid MySQL username and not be empty.


Since 0.8.1


Any printable string. The password of the connecting user.

Optional, default to connecting without password.

Since 0.8.1


A Publisher<String> which emit a password.

Optional, default to connecting without password. It will override the password option.

Every time the client attempts to authenticate, it will use the password provided by the passwordPublisher. For example, users can employ this method for IAM-based authentication when connecting to an AWS Aurora RDS database.

Tips: users can use Mono.cache(Duration) (with Reactor) or Single.cache (with RxJava) to avoid high-frequency repeated requests. Of course, this should only be used if the authentication is not a one-time password.

Since 1.0.5 / 0.9.6


A valid MySQL database name.

Optional, default does not initialize/use database.

It will be initialized when logging in to the MySQL server (by default), or used immediately after logging in if createDatabaseIfNotExist is set.

Since 0.8.1


Boolean, true or false. It will cause the driver to create the database after login if the database does not exist.

Optional, default false.

It also causes the driver to not initialize the database during the login phase, because if the database does not exist, the MySQL server will cause the login to fail due to the database not existing.

After the database is created, driver will use the database.

Since 1.0.6 / 0.9.7


A Duration which must be positive duration. TCP connect timeout.

Optional, default has no timeout.

Since 0.8.1


An identifier of ZoneId. The time zone of the MySQL server.

Optional, the time zone is queried by default after initializing sessionVariables.

Since 0.8.2


Boolean, true or false. It controls TCP KeepAlive.

Optional, default false.

See also

Since 0.8.2


Boolean, true or false. It controls TCP NoDelay.

Optional, default false.

See also

Since 0.8.2


A value of enum SslMode.

Optional, default PREFERRED if using hosting connection, DISABLED if using Unix Domain Socket.

It considers security level and verification for SSL, make sure the database server supports SSL before changing SSL mode to REQUIRED or higher.

The Unix Domain Socket only offers DISABLED available.

All available enum values:

  • DISABLED: I don't care about security and don't want to pay the overhead for encryption
  • PREFERRED: I don't care about encryption but will pay the overhead of encryption if the server supports it
  • REQUIRED: I want my data to be encrypted, and I accept the overhead. I trust that the network will make sure I always connect to the server I want
  • VERIFY_CA: I want my data encrypted, and I accept the overhead. I want to be sure I connect to a server that I trust
  • VERIFY_IDENTITY: I want my data encrypted, and I accept the overhead. I want to be sure I connect to a server I trust, and that it's the one I specify. It is the highest level, most like web browser
  • TUNNEL: I'm using a SSL tunnel/proxy to connect to MySQL, do NOT use the native SSL protocol of MySQL. It may be useful for some RDS that's using SSL proxy

Since 0.8.1, value TUNNEL since 0.9.0


A path of local file which type is PEM. The CA cert of MySQL server.

Required if sslMode is VERIFY_CA or VERIFY_IDENTITY.


A path of local file which type is PEM. The SSL cert of client.

Required if sslKey is present.


A path of local file which type is PEM. The SSL key of client.

Required if sslCert is present.


Any valid password for PEM file. The password for client SSL key, i.e. sslKey.

Optional, default read sslKey without password.


Any value list of TlsVersions. The TLS versions for SSL. Used only if connection is using the native SSL protocol of MySQL.

Optional, default is auto-selected by the server.

It considers TLS versions for SSL.

It can be multi-values in the configuration, usually sorted from higher to lower, e.g. tlsVersion=TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2.

Unavailable on Unix Domain Socket.

All values of TlsVersions will be a String which is case-sensitive.

All available values:

  • TLSv1 / TlsVersions.TLS1: Under generic circumstances, MySQL database supports it if database supports SSL
  • TLSv1.1 / TlsVersions.TLS1_1: Under generic circumstances, MySQL database supports it if database supports SSL
  • TLSv1.2 / TlsVersions.TLS1_2: Supported only in Community Edition 8.0.4 and above, and Enterprise Edition 5.6.0 and above
  • TLSv1.3 / TlsVersions.TLS1_3: Supported only available as of MySQL 8.0.16 and above, requires compiling MySQL using OpenSSL 1.1.1 and above

Since 0.8.1


An implementation of Used only if sslMode is VERIFY_CA or higher.

Optional, default use RFC standard.

Since 0.8.2


An implementation of java.util.function.Function<io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContextBuilder, SslContextBuilder>. Used only if sslMode is not DISABLED.

Optional, default is NO-OP function.

Since 0.8.1


A value of enum ZeroDateOption. It considers special handling when MySQL server returning "zero date", i.e. 0000-00-00 00:00:00.

Optional, default USE_NULL.

All available enum values:

  • EXCEPTION: Throw an exception if the MySQL server returns "zero date"
  • USE_NULL: Use null if the MySQL server returns "zero date"
  • USE_ROUND: NOT RECOMMENDED, only for compatibility. Use "round" date (i.e. 0001-01-01 00:00:00) if the MySQL server returns "zero date"

Since 0.8.1

useClientPrepareStatement / useServerPrepareStatement

A boolean or an implementation of Predicate<String>. It considers whether prepared statements should be based on server preparation or client preparation.

Optional, default is false.

Why default false? Some reasons:

  • Stateless. Overall, people avoid using prepared statements because it's tied to the current session and if the connection goes down or has been reset, driver will lose everything. By default, mysql-connector-j also uses client-preparing
  • Some distributions may not support server preparation. Such as earlier versions of Vitess
  • Some statements do NOT support server preparation, e.g. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ? INTO TABLE users

Available values description:

  • useServerPrepareStatement=false / useClientPrepareStatement(): use MySQL text protocol for all statements, which means it uses client preparation for parametrized statements
  • useServerPrepareStatement=true / useServerPrepareStatement(): use server preparation for parametrized statements, and text protocol for non-parameterized statements
  • / useServerPrepareStatement(Predicate<String>): use server preparation for parameterized statements. For non-parameterized statements, the usage is judged through Predicate, which accepts a non-parameterized statement. If it returns true, it forces to use server preparation

Since 0.8.1


A local path of folder. The path that allows LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE to load file data.

Optional, default is null which means do not allow LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE statement.

Since 1.1.0


A positive integer. The buffer size for reading local files, used with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE statements.

Optional, default 8192.

Since 1.1.2


A list of enum CompressionAlgorithm. The available compression algorithms for connection.

Optional, default is UNCOMPRESSED.

It considers compression protocol for MySQL connection, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to use compression protocol in the general case, because it will increase the CPU usage and decrease the performance. For scenarios where the network environment is poor or the amount of data is always large, using a compression protocol may be useful.

All available enum values:

  • UNCOMPRESSED: No compression
  • ZLIB: Use Zlib compression protocol, it is available on almost all MySQL versions (5.x and above)
  • ZSTD: Use Z-standard compression protocol, it is available since MySQL 8.0.18 and above, requires an extern dependency com.github.luben:zstd-jni

Since 1.1.2


An integer between 1 and 22. The zstd compression level, used only if zstd compression protocol is chosen for the connection.

Optional, default is 3.

Note: MySQL protocol does not allow to set the zlib compression level of the server, only zstd is configurable.

Since 1.1.2


A list of key-value pairs. It will be used to set session variables immediately after login.

Optional, default no session variable need to be set.

For example:

  • sessionVariables=sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES',time_zone=00:00 in URL Discovery
  • option(Option.valueOf("sessionVariables"), new String[] { "sql_mode=ANSI_QUOTES", "time_zone=00:00" }) in Programmatic Discovery
  • sessionVariables("sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES'", "time_zone=00:00") in Programmatic Configuration

Since 1.1.2


An implementation of reactor.netty.resources.LoopResources. It configures EventLoopGroup for Netty connection.

Optional, default is null which means use default global TcpResources.get().

Since 1.1.2

autodetectExtensions / extendWith

See also Extensions page for more information.


Boolean, true or false. It controls auto-detect Extensions.

Optional, default is true.

Since 0.8.2


It is available only in Programmatic Configuration.

Manually add an instance of Extension to the connection configuration.

Since 0.8.2