CLOSED: Issue #41 - capistrano-ash is now under a MIT License
FIXED: Issue #43 - define port number if it hasn’t already been set
FIXED: Issue #44 - fixes issue with set_perms_dirs if the path is not a directory
MERGED PULL REQUEST: Issue #45 - Replace ‘sudo’ with ‘try_sudo’ so that ‘set :use_sudo, false’ works
FIXED: Issue #42 - chown backups path was failing miserably in the deploy:setup_backup task
FIXED: Issue #28 - use try_sudo where appropriate
FEATURE: Issue #33 - Enable git submodules by default if using git
FIXED: Issue #34 - scp fails because of missing port option
FIXED: Issue #37 - Rescue from errors during backup:cleanup
MERGED PULL REQUEST: Issue #38 - improve set_perms_dirs and set_perms_files performance
FIXED: Issue #39 - zend:symlink is run multiple times
FEATURE: Issue #40 - check remote servers to see if drush is installed and available to the user
Added additional variable (:skip_compass_compile) to skip the compilation and just upload stylesheets (useful for our upcoming Wraith theme)
Namespaced the commands within ‘compass:defualt` to avoid any future conflicts
Version bump! - Adds tasks for compiling Sass/compass stylesheets and make it part of the deployment task chain. Although it’s part of the task chain, it will only be ran if the ‘:compass_watched_dirs` is defined
FIXED: Issue #30 - change ownership of directories/files in ‘deploy:cleanup` to avoid permission denied errors
FIXED: Issue #29 - Remove copying of .git files to live site
FIXED: Issue #27 - Wordpress symlinking uploads and cache directories to the previous release instead of the newest release
FIXED: deploy:setup_backup now also attempts to create the :tmp_backups_path directory
added deploy:setup_backup to the backup:default stack so it’s always called first (no more messy task chains!)
altered Magento’s backup:default task to only do a database dump to the backups directory. File level backup will come at a later date.
altered Drupal’s default for :dump_options which are now empty (equivalent to a run-of-the-mill mysqldump command) due to MYISAM vs INNODB concerns
FIXED: deploy:setup now creates directories with 755 permissions (instead of g+w)
abstracted the ash:fixperms functionality into 2 methods (set_perms_files and set_perms_dirs) in common.rb that take 2 arguments: the file path to the desired directory and the desired permissions
changed default location for storing temporary backups from the server’s /tmp directory to the :deploy_to/backups/tmp directory
added the cleanup task to the backup:default task so the chain of tasks no longer need after “backup”, “backup:cleanup”
automatically fix permissions of archives before trying to delete old backup files
allow user to set the path to the mysqldump command
set default mysqldump options to be “–single-transaction –create-options –quick” which will work for INNODB tables but not for MYISAM tables
FIXED: added missing function to make “db” migration tasks work correctly
FIXED: syntax error in lib/ash/drupal.rb
cleaned up some mis-indented lines in lib/ash/drupal.rb
Applied dficker’s proposed patch for issue #11
Added the ‘remote_dir_exists?` method to the `lib/ash/common.rb`
** TODO: better tasks to test if a remote directory exists
Added some Drupal Ubercart methods to help secure Ubercart encryption keys and downloadable products
Added functionality to help fascilitate migrating local databases to remote and back
Updated naming convention for Magento configuration files
Bug Fix: removed “config” from ignore statement to prevent legit Magento files from being ignored
Added a common method and test tasks to check if a file exists on the remote server
Added drupal:symlink_config_file as a utility task to check if the settings.php file exists in one of two formats (settings.ENV.php or settings.php.ENV)
The ‘default’ directory in ‘sites` is no longer the default application directory to be replaced. Instead the `:multisites` variable now expects the `:application` variable will also represent a folder within the `sites` directory that will be used as the default site when running drush commands. (i.e., `set :multisites, { “#{application}” => “#{application}” }`)
Added the drupal:htaccess task for copying distributed .htaccess files
Added example Drupal Capfile and staging/production deployment files
Version bump to 1.0
Added AAI-hosted Magento script
Added “setup_local” task for Magento script
Added the backup:cleanup method to remove old backups from the servers. You can over-ride the number of kept backups with the :keep_backups variable (default is 10). Warning: this will permanently remove the backups from the server solely based on the timestamp.
Removed the extra ‘s’ from the callback section that was supposed to call deploy:setup_backup
Added doctrine:migrate method for the ash/zend_doctrine recipe
Finished the stubbed methods for backup:web and backup:db
Added the backups_path variable which should default to #{deploy_to}/backups
Added more examples to the README for the Zend_Doctrine recipe
Jake added WordPress recipe
Pete added Magento recipe and more STUB methods
Fixed some of my “uh-oh” moments and debugged the ash/base.rb and ash/zend_doctrine.rb files
Defined default stages and set the :default_stage variable to “staging”
Added an example Capfile for deploying Zend or Zend/Doctrine applications
Added the default deploy_to file path and set our backup_to variable
Added dependencies to the the gemspec