The following is a simple example on getting the current date and time:
time1 =
puts "Current Time : " + time1.inspect
is a synonym:
time2 =
puts "Current Time : " + time2.inspect
This will produce the following result:
Current Time : Mon Jun 02 12:02:39 -0700 2008
Current Time : Mon Jun 02 12:02:39 -0700 2008
We can use the Time
object to get various components of date and time. The following is an example showing the same:
time =
## Components of a Time
puts "Current Time : " + time.inspect
puts time.year # => Year of the date
puts time.month # => Month of the date (1 to 12)
puts # => Day of the date (1 to 31 )
puts time.wday # => 0: Day of week: 0 is Sunday
puts time.yday # => 365: Day of year
puts time.hour # => 23: 24-hour clock
puts time.min # => 59
puts time.sec # => 59
puts time.usec # => 999999: microseconds
puts # => "UTC": timezone name