diff --git a/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/init.lua b/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/init.lua
index 058bae1282..9b019e4398 100644
--- a/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/init.lua
+++ b/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/init.lua
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ local hotkeys_popup = {
-- see `awful.hotkeys_popup.widget.show_help` for more information
-- @tparam[opt] client c The hostkeys for the client "c".
-- @tparam[opt] screen s The screen.
+-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean show_args.enable_find Enable find.
-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean show_args.show_awesome_keys Show AwesomeWM hotkeys.
-- When set to `false` only app-specific hotkeys will be shown.
-- @staticfct awful.hotkeys_popup.show_help
diff --git a/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/widget.lua b/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/widget.lua
index 20fb3d77bc..081da28ee8 100644
--- a/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/widget.lua
+++ b/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/widget.lua
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ local capi = {
screen = screen,
client = client,
+local table = table
+local string = string
local awful = require("awful")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local gstring = require("gears.string")
@@ -81,9 +83,15 @@ local matcher = require("gears.matcher")()
-- Stripped copy of this module https://github.com/copycat-killer/lain/blob/master/util/markup.lua:
local markup = {}
+function markup.font_start(font)
+ return ''
+function markup.font_end()
+ return ''
-- Set the font.
function markup.font(font, text)
- return '' .. tostring(text) ..''
+ return markup.font_start(font) .. tostring(text) .. markup.font_end()
-- Set the foreground.
function markup.fg(color, text)
@@ -266,6 +274,34 @@ widget.labels = {
-- @beautiful beautiful.hotkeys_group_margin
-- @tparam int hotkeys_group_margin
+--- The highlighted text background color.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.hotkeys_highlight_bg
+-- @tparam color hotkeys_highlight_bg
+--- The highlighted text foreground color.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.hotkeys_highlight_fg
+-- @tparam color hotkeys_highlight_fg
+--- The find prompt cursor foreground color.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_fg_cursor
+-- @tparam color hotkeys_find_fg_cursor
+--- The find prompt cursor background color.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_bg_cursor
+-- @tparam color hotkeys_find_bg_cursor
+--- The find prompt cursor underline style.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_ul_cursor
+-- @tparam string hotkeys_find_ul_cursor
+--- The find prompt text font.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_font
+-- @tparam string|lgi.Pango.FontDescription hotkeys_find_font
+--- Margin around the find prompt.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_margin
+-- @tparam int hotkeys_find_margin
--- Create an instance of widget with hotkeys help.
-- @tparam[opt] table args Configuration options for the widget.
@@ -288,6 +324,13 @@ widget.labels = {
-- @tparam[opt] color args.label_fg Foreground color used for group and other
-- labels.
-- @tparam[opt] int args.group_margin Margin between hotkeys groups.
+-- @tparam[opt] color args.highlight_bg The highlighted text background color.
+-- @tparam[opt] color args.highlight_fg The highlighted text foreground color.
+-- @tparam[opt] color args.find_fg_cursor The find prompt cursor foreground color.
+-- @tparam[opt] color args.find_bg_cursor The find prompt cursor background color.
+-- @tparam[opt] string args.find_ul_cursor The find prompt cursor underline style.
+-- @tparam[opt] string|lgi.Pango.FontDescription args.find_font The find prompt text font.
+-- @tparam[opt] int args.find_margin Margin around the find prompt.
-- @tparam[opt] table args.labels Labels used for displaying human-readable keynames.
-- @tparam[opt] table args.group_rules Rules for showing 3rd-party hotkeys. @see `awful.hotkeys_popup.keys.vim`.
-- @return Widget instance.
@@ -303,6 +346,13 @@ widget.labels = {
-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_font
-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_description_font
-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_group_margin
+-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_highlight_bg
+-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_highlight_fg
+-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_fg_cursor
+-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_bg_cursor
+-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_ul_cursor
+-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_font
+-- @usebeautiful beautiful.hotkeys_find_margin
-- @usebeautiful beautiful.bg_normal Fallback.
-- @usebeautiful beautiful.fg_normal Fallback.
-- @usebeautiful beautiful.fg_minimize Fallback.
@@ -371,6 +421,20 @@ function widget.new(args)
beautiful.hotkeys_description_font or "Monospace 8"
self.group_margin = args.group_margin or
beautiful.hotkeys_group_margin or dpi(6)
+ self.highlight_bg = args.highlight_bg or
+ beautiful.hotkeys_highlight_bg or beautiful.bg_urgent
+ self.highlight_fg = args.highlight_fg or
+ beautiful.hotkeys_highlight_fg or beautiful.fg_urgent
+ self.find_fg_cursor = args.find_fg_cursor or
+ beautiful.hotkeys_find_fg_cursor
+ self.find_bg_cursor = args.find_bg_cursor or
+ beautiful.hotkeys_find_bg_cursor
+ self.find_ul_cursor = args.find_ul_cursor or
+ beautiful.hotkeys_find_ul_cursor
+ self.find_font = args.find_font or
+ beautiful.hotkeys_find_font or self.font
+ self.find_margin = args.find_margin or
+ beautiful.hotkeys_find_margin or self.group_margin
self.label_colors = beautiful.xresources.get_current_theme()
self._widget_settings_loaded = true
@@ -523,14 +587,95 @@ function widget.new(args)
return margin
- function widget_instance:_create_group_columns(column_layouts, group, keys, s, wibox_height)
+ function widget_instance:_render_all_hotkeys(labels, find_keywords)
+ local rendered_hotkeys = {}
+ for _, label in ipairs(labels) do
+ table.insert(rendered_hotkeys, self:_render_hotkey(label, find_keywords))
+ end
+ return table.concat(rendered_hotkeys, "\n")
+ end
+ function widget_instance:_render_hotkey(label, find_keywords)
+ local rendered_text = label.text or ""
+ if #rendered_text > 0 and find_keywords and #find_keywords > 0 then
+ local text = string.lower(rendered_text)
+ local parts = {}
+ local found_keyword_count = 0
+ local function is_available(from, to)
+ for _, s in ipairs(parts) do
+ if from <= s.to and to >= s.from then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ for _, keyword in ipairs(find_keywords) do
+ local from = 1
+ local to
+ while true do
+ from, to = string.find(text, keyword, from, true)
+ if not from then
+ break
+ end
+ if is_available(from, to) then
+ table.insert(parts, { highlight = true, from = from, to = to })
+ found_keyword_count = found_keyword_count + 1
+ break
+ end
+ from = to + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if found_keyword_count == #find_keywords then
+ table.sort(parts, function(a, b) return a.from < b.from end)
+ local merged_parts = {}
+ local length = #text
+ local next_part = parts[1]
+ local i = 1
+ while i <= length do
+ if next_part then
+ if next_part.from == i then
+ table.insert(merged_parts, next_part)
+ i = next_part.to + 1
+ table.remove(parts, 1)
+ next_part = parts[1]
+ else
+ table.insert(merged_parts, { from = i, to = next_part.from - 1 })
+ i = next_part.from
+ end
+ else
+ table.insert(merged_parts, { from = i, to = length })
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ rendered_text = table.concat(gtable.map(function(part)
+ local capture = string.sub(rendered_text, part.from, part.to)
+ if part.highlight then
+ return markup.bg(self.highlight_bg, markup.fg(self.highlight_fg, capture))
+ else
+ return capture
+ end
+ end, merged_parts), "")
+ end
+ end
+ return label.prefix .. rendered_text .. label.suffix
+ end
+ function widget_instance:_create_group_columns(column_layouts, group, keys, s, wibox_height, find_data)
local line_height = math.max(
local group_label_height = line_height + self.group_margin
-- -1 for possible pagination:
- local max_height_px = wibox_height - group_label_height
+ local max_height_px = wibox_height - group_label_height - find_data.container_height
local joined_descriptions = ""
for i, key in ipairs(keys) do
@@ -569,9 +714,8 @@ function widget.new(args)
local function insert_keys(ik_keys, ik_add_new_column)
- local max_label_width = 0
- local joined_labels = ""
- for i, key in ipairs(ik_keys) do
+ local labels = {}
+ for _, key in ipairs(ik_keys) do
local modifiers = key.mod
if not modifiers or modifiers == "none" then
modifiers = ""
@@ -589,25 +733,29 @@ function widget.new(args)
elseif key.key then
key_label = gstring.xml_escape(key.key)
- local rendered_hotkey = markup.font(self.font,
- modifiers .. key_label .. " "
- ) .. markup.font(self.description_font,
- key.description or ""
- )
- local label_width = wibox.widget.textbox.get_markup_geometry(rendered_hotkey, s).width
- if label_width > max_label_width then
- max_label_width = label_width
- end
- joined_labels = joined_labels .. rendered_hotkey .. (i~=#ik_keys and "\n" or "")
- end
- current_column.layout:add(wibox.widget.textbox(joined_labels))
+ local label = {
+ prefix = markup.font(self.font, modifiers .. key_label .. " ") ..
+ markup.font_start(self.description_font),
+ suffix = markup.font_end(),
+ text = tostring(key.description or ""),
+ }
+ table.insert(labels, label)
+ end
+ local rendered_hotkeys = self:_render_all_hotkeys(labels)
+ local textbox = wibox.widget.textbox(rendered_hotkeys)
+ current_column.layout:add(textbox)
+ table.insert(find_data.groups, {
+ textbox = textbox,
+ labels = labels,
+ })
+ local max_label_width = wibox.widget.textbox.get_markup_geometry(rendered_hotkeys, s).width
local max_width = max_label_width + self.group_margin
if not current_column.max_width or (max_width > current_column.max_width) then
current_column.max_width = max_width
-- +1 for group label:
current_column.height_px = (current_column.height_px or 0) +
- gstring.linecount(joined_labels)*line_height + group_label_height
+ gstring.linecount(rendered_hotkeys)*line_height + group_label_height
if ik_add_new_column then
table.insert(column_layouts, current_column)
@@ -620,13 +768,7 @@ function widget.new(args)
- function widget_instance:_create_wibox(s, available_groups, show_awesome_keys)
- s = get_screen(s)
- local wa = s.workarea
- local wibox_height = (self.height < wa.height) and self.height or
- (wa.height - self.border_width * 2)
- local wibox_width = (self.width < wa.width) and self.width or
- (wa.width - self.border_width * 2)
+ function widget_instance:_create_pages(s, available_groups, show_awesome_keys, wibox_width, wibox_height, find_data)
-- arrange hotkey groups into columns
local column_layouts = {}
@@ -636,7 +778,7 @@ function widget.new(args)
if #keys > 0 then
- self:_create_group_columns(column_layouts, group, keys, s, wibox_height)
+ self:_create_group_columns(column_layouts, group, keys, s, wibox_height, find_data)
@@ -667,6 +809,43 @@ function widget.new(args)
table.insert(pages, columns)
+ return pages
+ end
+ function widget_instance:_create_find_data(find_args)
+ local data = {
+ enabled = find_args.enabled,
+ textbox = wibox.widget.textbox(),
+ groups = {},
+ last_query = "",
+ }
+ if find_args.enabled then
+ local margin = self.find_margin
+ data.container = wibox.container.margin(data.textbox, margin, margin, margin, margin)
+ data.container_height = beautiful.get_font_height(self.find_font) + 2 * margin
+ else
+ data.container = wibox.widget.empty
+ data.container_height = 0
+ end
+ return data
+ end
+ function widget_instance:_create_wibox(s, available_groups, show_awesome_keys, find_args)
+ s = get_screen(s)
+ local wa = s.workarea
+ local wibox_height = (self.height < wa.height) and self.height or
+ (wa.height - self.border_width * 2)
+ local wibox_width = (self.width < wa.width) and self.width or
+ (wa.width - self.border_width * 2)
+ local find_data = self:_create_find_data(find_args)
+ local pages = self:_create_pages(s, available_groups, show_awesome_keys, wibox_width, wibox_height, find_data)
+ local popup_widget = wibox.layout.align.vertical(nil, pages[1], find_data.container)
-- Function to place the widget in the center and account for the
-- workarea. This will be called in the placement field of the
-- awful.popup constructor.
@@ -676,7 +855,7 @@ function widget.new(args)
-- Construct the popup with the widget
local mypopup = awful.popup {
- widget = pages[1],
+ widget = popup_widget,
ontop = true,
@@ -693,33 +872,93 @@ function widget.new(args)
local widget_obj = {
current_page = 1,
popup = mypopup,
+ find_data = find_data,
+ local function set_page(page)
+ if page < 1 then
+ page = 1
+ elseif page >= #pages then
+ page = #pages
+ end
+ if widget_obj.current_page == page then
+ return
+ end
+ widget_obj.current_page = page
+ popup_widget:set_middle(pages[page])
+ end
-- Set up the mouse buttons to hide the popup
- -- Any keybinding except what the keygrabber wants wil hide the popup
- -- too
mypopup.buttons = {
awful.button({ }, 1, function () widget_obj:hide() end),
awful.button({ }, 3, function () widget_obj:hide() end)
function widget_obj.page_next(w_self)
- if w_self.current_page == #pages then return end
- w_self.current_page = w_self.current_page + 1
- w_self.popup:set_widget(pages[w_self.current_page])
+ set_page(w_self.current_page + 1)
function widget_obj.page_prev(w_self)
- if w_self.current_page == 1 then return end
- w_self.current_page = w_self.current_page - 1
- w_self.popup:set_widget(pages[w_self.current_page])
+ set_page(w_self.current_page - 1)
function widget_obj.show(w_self)
+ w_self:find(nil)
+ awful.prompt.run {
+ textbox = w_self.find_data.textbox,
+ prompt = find_args.prompt,
+ fg_cursor = self.find_fg_cursor,
+ bg_cursor = self.find_bg_cursor,
+ ul_cursor = self.find_ul_cursor,
+ font = self.find_font,
+ changed_callback = function(input)
+ w_self:find(input)
+ end,
+ done_callback = function()
+ w_self:hide()
+ end,
+ keypressed_callback = function(_, key)
+ if key == "Prior" then
+ w_self:page_prev()
+ elseif key == "Next" then
+ w_self:page_next()
+ elseif not w_self.find_data.enabled then
+ w_self:hide()
+ end
+ end,
+ }
w_self.popup.visible = true
function widget_obj.hide(w_self)
+ awful.keygrabber.stop()
w_self.popup.visible = false
- if w_self.keygrabber then
- awful.keygrabber.stop(w_self.keygrabber)
+ end
+ function widget_obj.find(w_self, input)
+ if not w_self.find_data.enabled then
+ return
+ end
+ local keywords = {}
+ for keyword in string.gmatch(input or "", "([^%s]+)") do
+ keyword = string.lower(keyword)
+ if #keyword > 0 and not keywords[keyword] then
+ keywords[keyword] = true
+ if pcall(string.find, "", keyword) then
+ table.insert(keywords, keyword)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(keywords, function(a, b) return #a > #b end)
+ local query = table.concat(keywords, " ")
+ if w_self.find_data.last_query == query then
+ return
+ end
+ w_self.find_data.last_query = query
+ for _, group in ipairs(w_self.find_data.groups) do
+ group.textbox:set_markup(self:_render_all_hotkeys(group.labels, keywords))
@@ -731,15 +970,26 @@ function widget.new(args)
-- @tparam[opt=client.focus] client c Client.
-- @tparam[opt=c.screen] screen s Screen.
-- @tparam[opt={}] table show_args Additional arguments.
+ -- @tparam[opt=true] boolean show_args.enable_find Enable find feature.
+ -- @tparam[opt="Find: "] string show_args.find_prompt The find prompt text.
-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean show_args.show_awesome_keys Show AwesomeWM hotkeys.
-- When set to `false` only app-specific hotkeys will be shown.
- -- @treturn awful.keygrabber The keybrabber used to detect when the key is
- -- released.
+ -- @noreturn
-- @method show_help
function widget_instance:show_help(c, s, show_args)
show_args = show_args or {}
local show_awesome_keys = show_args.show_awesome_keys ~= false
+ local find_args = {
+ enabled = show_args.enable_find ~= false,
+ prompt = type(show_args.find_prompt) == "string"
+ and show_args.find_prompt
+ or "Find: ",
+ get_cache_key = function(self)
+ return tostring(self.enabled) .. self.prompt
+ end,
+ }
@@ -767,29 +1017,15 @@ function widget.new(args)
if not need_match then table.insert(available_groups, group) end
- local joined_groups = join_plus_sort(available_groups)..tostring(show_awesome_keys)
+ local cache_key = join_plus_sort(available_groups)..tostring(show_awesome_keys)..find_args:get_cache_key()
if not self._cached_wiboxes[s] then
self._cached_wiboxes[s] = {}
- if not self._cached_wiboxes[s][joined_groups] then
- self._cached_wiboxes[s][joined_groups] = self:_create_wibox(s, available_groups, show_awesome_keys)
+ if not self._cached_wiboxes[s][cache_key] then
+ self._cached_wiboxes[s][cache_key] = self:_create_wibox(s, available_groups, show_awesome_keys, find_args)
- local help_wibox = self._cached_wiboxes[s][joined_groups]
+ local help_wibox = self._cached_wiboxes[s][cache_key]
- help_wibox.keygrabber = awful.keygrabber.run(function(_, key, event)
- if event == "release" then return end
- if key then
- if key == "Next" then
- help_wibox:page_next()
- elseif key == "Prior" then
- help_wibox:page_prev()
- else
- help_wibox:hide()
- end
- end
- end)
- return help_wibox.keygrabber
--- Add hotkey descriptions for third-party applications.
@@ -839,13 +1075,13 @@ end
-- @tparam[opt] client c Client.
-- @tparam[opt] screen s Screen.
-- @tparam[opt] table args Additional arguments.
+-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean args.enable_find Enable find.
-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean args.show_awesome_keys Show AwesomeWM hotkeys.
-- When set to `false` only app-specific hotkeys will be shown.
--- @treturn awful.keygrabber The keybrabber used to detect when the key is
--- released.
+-- @noreturn
-- @staticfct awful.hotkeys_popup.widget.show_help
function widget.show_help(...)
- return get_default_widget():show_help(...)
+ get_default_widget():show_help(...)
--- Add hotkey descriptions for third-party applications
diff --git a/tests/test-awesomerc.lua b/tests/test-awesomerc.lua
index 448d25c2b1..407bb2877d 100644
--- a/tests/test-awesomerc.lua
+++ b/tests/test-awesomerc.lua
@@ -282,12 +282,12 @@ local steps = {
if count == 2 then
assert(hotkeys_popup ~= nil)
- -- Should disappear on anykey
- root.fake_input("key_press", "Super_L")
+ -- Should disappear on escape (awful.prompt)
+ root.fake_input("key_press", "Escape")
elseif count == 3 then
assert(not hotkeys_popup.visible)
- root.fake_input("key_release", "Super_L")
+ root.fake_input("key_release", "Escape")
test_context.hotkeys01_clients_before = #client.get()
-- imitate fake client with name "vim"
-- so hotkeys widget will offer vim hotkeys:
@@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ local steps = {
assert(visible_hotkeys_widget ~= nil)
assert(visible_hotkeys_widget.current_page == 2)
root.fake_input("key_release", "Next")
- -- Should disappear on anykey
- root.fake_input("key_press", "Super_L")
+ -- Should disappear on escape (awful.prompt)
+ root.fake_input("key_press", "Escape")
elseif (count - test_context.hotkeys01_count_vim) == 3 then
assert(not visible_hotkeys_widget)
- root.fake_input("key_release", "Super_L")
+ root.fake_input("key_release", "Escape")
return true