First off, we write our Lambda function that will confirm a user.
// api/src/user/confirm.js
export const main = async (event, context, callback) => {
event.response.autoConfirmUser = true;
callback(null, event);
Next, we define our Lambda function in serverless.yml
# api/serverless.yml
+ AutoConfirmUser:
+ handler: src/user/confirm.main
We will use a post-deploy script to add the user pool PreSignUp trigger. This trigger will invoke our Lambda function.
$ npm install --save serverless-hooks-plugin
# api/serverless.yml
+ - serverless-hooks-plugin
+ hooks:
+ after:aws:deploy:finalize:cleanup:
+ - ./scripts/
Export the Lambda function ARN and user pool id as a CloudFormation outputs that can be queried by a script.
# api/serverless.yml
+ UserPoolId:
+ Description: "The ID of the user pool that is created."
+ Value:
+ Ref: UserPool
+ AutoConfirmUserFnArn:
+ Description: "The ARN of the Auto Confirm User Lambda function"
+ Value:
+ Fn::GetAtt:
+ - AutoConfirmUserLambdaFunction
+ - Arn
The following bash function retrieves the lambda function ARN and updates the user pool's triggers.
# api/scripts/
function attach_trigger() {
info "Attaching autoConfirmUser Lambda as PreSignUp trigger"
# Get all CloudFormation Outputs
outputs=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $STACK_NAME | jq '.Stacks | .[] |
.Outputs | .[]')
user_pool_id=$(echo $outputs | jq --raw-output 'select(.OutputKey == "UserPoolId") | .OutputValue')
lambda_arn=$(echo $outputs | jq --raw-output 'select(.OutputKey == "AutoConfirmUserFnArn") | .OutputValue')
aws cognito-idp update-user-pool --user-pool-id ${user_pool_id} --lambda-config PreSignUp=${lambda_arn}
success "Attached PreSignUp trigger"
One last step is that we must give Amazon Cognito permission to invoke the Lambda function.
# api/serverless.yml
+ ConfirmUserInvocationPermission:
+ Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission
+ Properties:
+ Action: lambda:InvokeFunction
+ FunctionName:
+ Fn::GetAtt: AutoConfirmUserLambdaFunction.Arn
+ Principal:
+ SourceArn:
+ Fn::GetAtt: UserPool.Arn
Now, whenever a user registers a new account, the PreSignUp trigger on the user pool will invoke the AutoConfirmUser lambda function which will mark the user as confirmed, allowing him/her to log into the application without going through the MFA flow.