Releases: axkr/symja_android_library
Under Windows use
to run Symja as a web browser notebookguisymjamma.bat
to run Symja as a web browser notebook in Mathematica syntax modesymja.bat
to run Symja as a console appsymjamma.bat
to run Symja as a console in Mathematica syntax modejsonapi-server.bat
to run the JSON-API server
Main changes:
- many small bug fixes and improvements
- much more Mathematica packages can imported in the MMA webbrowser and console app
- refactored files based functions into package
- improved string functions with better regex (string patterns) support
- SparseArray support
support- Compile and CompilePrint support
- TestReport, VerificationTest unit test support
- Under Windows use
to run Symja - Under Windows use the
to run Symja in Mathematica syntax mode
Main changes:
- bug fixes
- #170 use tablesaw via SemanticImport, SemanticImportString
- added associations
<| ... |>
Functions: Counts, Keys, KeySort, KeyExistsQ, Values, Lookup, Part - jas 2.6.6000
- JGraphT 1.4.0
- commonmark 0.14.0
- LogicNG 1.6.2
- more String... and Plot... functions, KleinInvariantJ, ArgMax, ArgMin, OrthogonalMatrixQ, Hypergeometric0F1, Hypergeometric2F1, DigitCount, GroupBy, TakeLargest, TakeLargestBy, MinMax, Ramp, JacobiAmplitude, BaseForm, JacobiCN, JacobiDN, JacobiSN
- AbsoluteCorrelation for vector args
- Implement ND() numerical differentiation for double values
- improve interval arithmetic
- Mod for 3 args
- update MersennePrimeExponent functions for 46,47
- #173 Sech[Log[5/3]] returns 3/4. Correct answer is 15/17
- #172 - bugs in EllipticPi, EllipticF, Bessel functions
- #169 replace filter() with select() method
- #166 FunctionExpand markdown nested Sqrt() example
- #160 Speed up ExpandAll
- #155 Integrate(x^2,{x,-2,2}) returns wrong result 0
- #153 Int(E^(-x^2), x) gives wrong result in numeric mode
- #152 FullSimplify(-Sqrt(9-4Sqrt(5))+Sqrt(9+4Sqrt(5)))
- #145 Round function
- Under Windows use
to run Symja - Under Windows use the
to run Symja in Mathematica syntax mode (allows import of Mathematica packages with Get[])
Main changes:
- implemented more graph theory functions
- Graph theory functions uses vis-network JavaScript for displaying graphs
- TreeForm uses vis-network JavaScript for displaying expressions as trees
- Manipulate, Plot, ListPlot, ListLinePLot, ParametricPlot use generated JavaScript output for JSXGraph framework
- Example: Plot(Piecewise({{x^2, x < 0}, {x, x >= 0&&x<1},{Cos(x-1), x >= 1}}), {x, -2, 12})
- #139 Quantity malfunction with value of 1
- #142 unable to calculate Simplify(-3+2*x+x^2==0)
- #143 Create LucasL and Fibonacci polynomials
- #145 improve Round function
- #147 InverseBetaRegularized, GammaRegularized not implemented in numeric mode.
- #150 avoid StackOverflow in NIntegrate
- #151 "Numerator function gives wrong result in numeric mode"
- Under Windows use
to run Symja - Under Windows use the
to run Symja in Mathematica syntax mode (allows import of Mathematica packages with Get[])
Main changes:
- new Manipulate() function:
Manipulate(Plot(Sin(x)*Cos(1 + a*x), {x, 0, 2*Pi}), {a,0,10})
- new Graph theory algorithms based on JGraphT:
Graph({1 -> 2, 2 -> 3})
shows Manipulate, Plot, Plot3D, ListPlot, ParametricPlot or Graph if you setConfig.USE_MATHCELL=true
- updated libraries apfloat 1.9.0, commonmark 0.13.0, LogicNG version 1.5.2
- Under Windows use
to run Symja - Under Windows use the
to run Symja in Mathematica syntax mode (allows import of Mathematica packages with Get[])
Main changes:
- Improved compatibility of Symja functions and pattern-matching with Mathematica functions - Improved Simplify, FullSimplify
- Issue #70 improve port of Rubi 4.16 to Symja
- use JAS version 2.6.5988
- use LogicNG version 1.5.1
- added F.symjify() method for parsing and evaluating Java objects
- issue #98 functions BinarySerialize, BinaryDeserialize to handle WXF Format
- Fix issue #101 avoid NPE in LogicNG QuineMcCluskeyAlgorithm (BooleanMinimize function)
- issue #106 Use java-math-library for FactorInteger()
- Fix issue #121 Exception occurs when calculate determinant of non-square matrix
- Fix issue #122 Calculating polynomial discriminant of quintic gives wrong result
- Under Windows use
to run Symja - Under Windows use the
to run Symja in Mathematica syntax mode (with import of packages)
Main changes:
- Under Windows use
to run Symja - Under Windows use the
to run Symja in Mathematica syntax mode (with import of packages)
Main changes:
Issue #55: Use java10 jshell to run a java/symja repl
Issue #51: Run scripts from Console or MMAConsole app
Issue #48: delete final from Config.DOUBLE_TOLERANCE definition
Issue #38: Moved ExprPreprocessor to
Issue #31 fix bug in Rationalize function
Issue #24 Implement Series...() functions (not finished)
BooleanMinimize use logicng 1.4.0 release - see logic-ng/LogicNG#12
improved FullSimplify, FunctionExpand, PolyGamma, MapIndexed, BesselJ, Inequality, IntegerPartitions, Table, Limit, Gamma, GammaRegularized, HarmonicNumber
use SeriesData in Coefficient, CoefficientList, Exponent functions
Cyclotomic polynomials
LinearRecurrence(list1, list2, n) function
ASCII Art Symja Logo for Console, MMAConsole
SquareMatrixQ function
refactor parsers to improve maintainability - delete ExprScanner class
ContinuedFraction for argument Sqrt( d ) with d positive integer
IntegerDigits, FromDigits function
Sudivide() function
FrobeniusNumber function
EulerPhi, MoebiusMu, CarmichaelLambda improvements for negative arg
Refactor InterpolatingFunction by using a Piecewise polynomial
Median function for distributions
IntegerSym cache for ints -128 < i <128
Orthogonalize function
HoldPattern function
Improve CoefficientList function for multivariate polynomials
org.matheclipse.core.convert.TreeForm class - display an ASCII tree of a Symja expression
Exists(), ForAll() functions
JacobiZeta() function
Introduced Config.DOMINANT_IMPLICIT_TIMES Config.EXPLICIT_TIMES_OPERATOR (== true in RulePreprocessor)
breaking changes:
- Issue #18: Setting for disabling lazy evaluation of multiplication
other changes:
- Quantile, IntegerPart, FractionalPart improved
- new Clip function
- new MangoldtLambda function
- new Unitize function
- new QuotientRemainder function
- Issue #12 - implement Cross for 2 vectors with 2 elements
- Issue #4 - MeanDeviation() function
- improved Solve function
- use LogicNG for logic functions
- improved SatisfiabilityCount, SatisfiabilityInstances, SatisfiableQ, TautologyQ function
- improved BooleanConvert function using methods "DNF" and "CNF"
- new CirclePoints function
- improved Limit function
- Improve Tr function for vectors as first argument
- improved Console and MMAConsole app
- Fixed bugs in MathML output format
- use hipparchus 1.2
- Transpose for index permutations
- Ordering, TensorDimensions, TensorRank
- ListConvolve, ListCorrelate, Accumulate
- Correlation, Covariance, Median, Kurtosis, RotateLeft, RotateRight, Skewness, StandardDeviation, Variance, Quantile
- Diagonal() function
- LeastSquares(matrix, vector) function
- DiagonalMatrix, HilbertMatrix, IdentityMatrix, FourierMatrix, ToeplitzMatrix, LowerTriangularize, UpperTriangularize
In the console available functions can be determined with the ? operator. Example
>> ?ArcC*
ArcCos, ArcCosh, ArcCot, ArcCoth, ArcCsc, ArcCsch