- add this to deps
def deps do
{:ping_pong_measurer, git: "https://github.com/b5g-ex/ping_pong_measurer.git"}
- configure data directory to store measurements
config :ping_pong_measurer, :data_directory_path, "path/to/directory"
If you use this on Nerves system, the "path/to/directory" must be under the /data
directory which is rw partition.
- start pong node first
iex> MeasurementHelper.start_node("[email protected]", :cookie)
iex> PingPongMeasurer.start_pong_processes(_process_count = 100)
- start ping node and start measure
iex> MeasurementHelper.start_node("[email protected]", :cookie)
$ Node.connect(String.to_atom("[email protected]"))
$ MeasurementHelper.start_measurement(_process_count = 100, _payload_bytes = 10000, _measurement_times = 100)
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