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Mapping reads |
You can carry out this exercise using the RNA-seq data we provide or your own data, if you have any.
In order to make the steps run quickly during the lab, we have extracted only those RNA-seq reads that mapped to one gene (RAB11FIP5) that we will examine in more detail in later exercises.
All FASTQ files that you will need for this exercise can be found through this URL.
or on the cluster /home/jreimegard/RNAseqCourse/isoform/referenceBased/data/
If you want to map more files for practice, you can continue with files for additional samples, found through this URL.
A pre-built human genome index for HISAT2 is found through this URL.
or you can find it on the server
Note that hg19 indicates the version of the human genome assembly that was indexed.
A pre-built human genome index for STAR is found through this URL.
Here, you will map the reads to the hg19 reference genome using the RNA-seq aligner HISAT2. Note that if you are using your own non-human data, you need to use a reference genome for the corresponding species.
There are many features that can be tweaked using HISAT2. For more information on all flags that can be used go here.
Read below for the flags we use for this exercise. Remember to change filenames accordingly so that you can run your program properly and know which files you have used.
Make sure you have installed HISAT2 or have in available on the cluster.
Now you can map the reads from one of the samples (or several; it's up to you which ones) using a command such as the one below.
module load
mkdir outDir
hisat2 -p N --dta-cufflinks -x path/to/index/fileName \
-1 path/to/reads/sample_1.fastq -2 path/to/reads/sample_2.fastq \
-S outDir/result.sam
The flags used are:
-p N
specifices the number of threads that will be used by the program--dta-cufflinks
will generate output that is optimal for downstream analysis with Cufflinks-x /path/to/index/fileName
specifices the path to the pre-built genome index. Note that the index consists of multiple files ending in.ht2
, and only the shared part of the filename should be indicated (e.g.genome
if the files are calledgenome.1.ht2
, etc).-1 /path/to/reads/sample_1.fastq
is where you should list the first-read FASTQ files that you wish to map-2 /path/to/reads/sample_2.fastq
is where you should list the second-read FASTQ files that you wish to map-S outDir/result.sam
is the name of the result file that will be created
This should run fairly quickly and create the file you specified with -S
If everything worked, HISAT2 should report some statistics about how many reads were mapped, on your terminal. Save this information!
If you run HISAT2 again, it can be useful to automatically redirect the mapping statistics to a file, by adding at the end of the HISAT2 command line: &> outDir/
. Note that this will send all messages from HISAT2 (including errors and warnings) into the specified file, so make sure to check that file!
❓ Try to answer the following:
- How many RNA-seq read pairs were provided as input to HISAT2?
- How many of those read pairs were mapped by HISAT2?
- How many reads were uniquely mapped, i.e. mapped to one genomic location?
- In general, do the alignments seem to be good? I.e. do they cover the entire reads and contain few mismatches?
To answer these questions, you should look at the input to and output from HISAT2. You may also need to consult the HISAT2 manual, information about the FASTQ format and the SAM format specification.
Here we will map the reads to the hg19 reference genome using a popular RNA-seq aligner, STAR. There are many many features that can be tweaked using STAR. For more information concerning different features that can be used see the manual.
Read below for the flags we use for this exercise. Remember to change filenames accordingly so that you can run your program properly and know which files you have used.
Now you can map the reads from one of the samples (or several; it's up to you which ones) using a command such as the one below.
mkdir outDir
STAR --runThreadN N --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --genomeDir /path/to/index \
--readFilesIn /path/to/reads/sample_1.fastq /path/to/reads/sample_2.fastq \
--outFileNamePrefix outDir/
flags used are
--runThreadN N
specifies the number of threads that will be used by the program.--outSAMstrandField intronMotif
adds information (to the SAM output file) required for downstream analysis with Cufflinks--genomeDir /path/to/index
specifies the directory containing the pre-built genome index--readFilesIn /path/to/reads/sample_1.fastq /path/to/reads/sample_2.fastq
is where you should list the FASTQ files that you wish to map--outFileNamePrefix outDir
specifies the output directory
This should run fairly quickly and put a file called Aligned.out.sam
the directory that you specified with --outFileNamePrefix
❓ Look at the output files from STAR, and try to answer the same questions as for HISAT2 above.
If you were able to run HISAT2 and STAR sucessfully, this should have produced files with mapped reads in SAM format. These files need to be converted to sorted and indexed BAM files for efficient downstream analysis.
You should try to give the BAM files representable names, in order to make it easier to manage your files. A good naming scheme for BAM files is to use names that indicate what you mapped and how. As an example, if you mapped sample 12 using HISAT2 you could create a file named sample12_RAB11FIP5.hg19.HISAT2.bam
The most commonly used tool for converting from SAM to BAM is Samtools (follow the link for more information about Samtools).
The Samtools command to convert from SAM to BAM is:
samtools view -bS -o output.bam input.sam
Remember to use an appropriate filename instead of output.bam
Next, we need to sort and index the BAM file.
samtools sort properName.bam properName.sorted
samtools index properName.sorted.bam
The indexing step should create and index file with the suffix .bai
You can also get a report on your mapped reads using the samtools command flagstat:
samtools flagstat properName.sorted.bam > properName.sorted.flagstat
Since the BAM file contains all the information from the original SAM file, remember to remove the SAM file and the unsorted BAM file once you are finished, in order to free up disk space.
The sorted, indexed bam file can be viewed in the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV). Instructions are here.
❓ Try to answer the following:
- Does the output from
samtools flagstat
confirm any of your answers to the questions in the HISAT2 and STAR sections above? - Load the the BAM files with HISAT2 and STAR results into IGV. Go to the RAB11FIP5 locus. Have HISAT2 and STAR mapped the reads in a similar way?
- Detailed examination of the read alignments in IGV should indicate if the RNA-seq data is strand-specific. Is it?