//--------------------Configuration Guide Bagisto app----------------------//
- Path-lib/utils/server_configuration.dart
- Change baseUrl, defaultAppTitle, demo login email & password.
- To disable preFetching and caching change isPreFetchingEnable to false.
static const String baseUrl = "***********";
static const String demoEmail = "***********";
static const String demoPassword = "***********";
static const String defaultAppTitle = "***********";
- Path-lib/utils/mobikul_theme.dart
- Change primary & accent color.
static const Color primaryColor = Color(***********);
static const Color accentColor = Color(***********);
- Path-assets/language/
- Change builderAppName with new app name in language string json files (en.json, ar.json, es.json etc)
- Android
- Path-android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
- change app name - android:label=
- iOS
- Go to the ios then Runner and open the info.plist file
- Find the key named as CFBundleDisplayName and replace the string value to reflect the new app name.
Change splash screen with lottie json
- Path-assets/lottie/
- replace the splash_screen.
Or change splash screen with image
- Path-assets/images/
- replace the splash.png.
- Go to lib/screens/splash_screen/view/splash_screen.dart
- comment the lottie asset splash code and uncomment stack code for asset image splash.
Android - open android folder right click app > new > Image Asset set Image.
iOS - ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
Android - Replace "google-services.json".
iOS - Replace "GoogleService-Info.plist".
- Path-Project/Project name/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
- Replace Your Google Map Key For android.
- Path-ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift
- GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"Your Google Map Key For ios".
- Path-android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
- Change host - android:host=
. - Change path - android:pathPrefix=
- Path-ios/Runner/Info.plist
- Find the key named as CFBundleURLName and replace with the host name.
- Open ios project in Xcode and go to signing and capabilities expand associated domains and from here replace - applinks: