Deutsch-Jozsa is an alogrithm to display advantage of quantum computation over classical computation.
Suppose there is a function
The quantum circuit of this algorithm is:
where the initial state
Now let's try it out on Quantum Leaf. Examine two examples:
Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm.
from QCompute import *
matchSdkVersion('Python 3.3.3')
# In this example we use 10 qubits as the main register,
# and also an ancillary qubit else
MainReg_num = 10
def main():
# Create two environment separately, and choose backend
# We will execute D-J algorithm for f1 and f2 simultaneously
env1 = QEnv()
env2 = QEnv()
# Initialize two registers on 11 qubits respectively,
# where the last qubit in each register refers to the ancillary qubit,
# and q1 and q2 correspond to f1 and f2 respectively.
q1 = env1.Q.createList(MainReg_num + 1)
q2 = env2.Q.createList(MainReg_num + 1)
# As a preparation for D-J algorithm, we flip the ancillary qubit from |0> to |1>
# In D-J algorithm, we apply a Hadamard gate on each qubit
# in main register and the ancillary qubit
for i in range(MainReg_num + 1):
# Then apply U_f:
# for f1 = 0, we need to do nothing on q1;
# for f2 = the value of first qubit,so if f2 = 0 do nothing,
# else to flip the ancillary qubit in q2, which is exactly a CX gate
CX(q2[0], q2[MainReg_num])
# Then we apply a Hadamard gate on each qubit in main register again
for i in range(MainReg_num):
# Measure the main registers with the computational basis
MeasureZ(q1[:-1], range(MainReg_num))
MeasureZ(q2[:-1], range(MainReg_num))
# Commit the quest, where we need only 1 shot to distinguish that
# f1 is constant for the measurement result |0>,
# and f2 is balanced for the measurement result unequal to |0>
env1.commit(shots=1, downloadResult=False)
env2.commit(shots=1, downloadResult=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The result is like: (The highest position is
Result {'0000000000': 1}
Outcome |0>^n|y> appears, so the function is constant.
Result {'0000000001': 1}
Outcome other than |0>^n|y> appears, so the function is balanced.