Based on QCompute version 2.0, we have developed QuantumAPP module to enrich and improve the VQE related functions. See for details.
Consider the following question: how to find the smallest eigenvalue of a Hermitian matrix
To adjust a quantum state
The figure above shows a 2-qubit quantum circuit controlled by 4 parameters. By adjusting the 4 parameters, we can change the output state of the circuit given a fixed input state. Certainly, you can build a more complex parameterized quantum circuit.
The figure above shows a 5-qubit quantum circuit with 12 parameters. Still, by adjusting those parameters, we can change the output state. Some readers may wonder that, given a fixed input state, whether a parameterized circuit can output an arbitrary quantum state. That depends on the structre of a parameterized circuit. For a 2-qubit system, we can build a parameterized with 15 parameters, shown in the figure below.
By adjusting those 15 parameters, we can generate an arbitrary 2-qubit state. Generally, it is not only hard, but impractical to design a parameterized quantum circuit that can generate any possible quantum state. In practice, we only need a quantum state
Now that we understand how to adjust
Usually, we decompose
In many cases,
To begin with, we use the following circuit to prepare a 3-qubit quantum state
Suppose we want to get the value
$\sigma_x\to$ $Hadamard$ gate +$CNOT$ gate -
$\sigma_y\to$ $R_z(-\pi/2)$gate +$Hadamard$ gate +$CNOT$ gate -
$\sigma_z\to$ $CNOT$ gate -
$I \to$ add nothing
Have you seen patterns from the circuit that corresponds with
Not surprisingly, we get all gradients to get the value
After understanding the details of previous sections, we keep moving. Notice that the value you get is actually an approximation of
Import the packages we need:
from copy import copy
import multiprocessing as mp
import pickle
import random
from functools import reduce
from os import path
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import time
import os
import sys
sys.path.append('../../..') # "from QCompute import *" requires this
from QCompute import *
Set up parameters and hyper parameters:
# Hyper-parameter setting
shots = 1024
n = 4 # n must be larger than or equal to 2; n is the size of our quantum system
assert n >= 2
L = 2 # L is the number of layers
iteration_num = 20
experiment_num = 4 # That's the number of parallel experiments we will run;
# it indicates the number of processes we will use.
# Don't stress your computer too much.
learning_rate = 0.3
delta = np.pi / 2 # Calculate analytical derivative
SEED = 36 # This number will determine what the final Hamiltonian is. It is also
# used to make sure Mac and Windows behave the same using multiprocessing module.
K = 3 # K is the number of local Hamiltonian in H
N = 3 * n * L # N is the number of parameters needed for the circuit
It is a function that can generate random Hamiltonian:
def random_pauli_generator(l):
The following functions are used to generate random Hamiltonian
s = ''
for i in range(l):
s = s + random.choice(['i', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
return s
def random_H_generator(n, k):
n is the number of qubits, k is the number of local Hamiltonian in H
H = []
for i in range(k):
H.append([random.random(), random_pauli_generator(n)])
return H
Hamiltonian = random_H_generator(n, K) # our hamiltonian H
It is a function that can calculate tensor product of multiple matrices. It is borrowed from Paddle Quantum.
# From Paddle_quantum package
def NKron(AMatrix, BMatrix, *args):
Recursively execute kron n times. This function at least has two matrices.
:param AMatrix: First matrix
:param BMatrix: Second matrix
:param args: If have more matrix, they are delivered by this matrix
:return: The result of tensor product.
return reduce(
lambda result, index: np.kron(result, index),
np.kron(AMatrix, BMatrix), )
This a function that calculates the smallest eigenvalue of a Hermitian matrix:
def ground_energy(Ha):
It returns the ground energy of Hamiltonian Ha,
which looks like [[12, 'xyiz'], [21, 'zzxz'], [10, 'iixy']].
# It is a local function
def my_f(s):
s = s.lower()
I = np.eye(2) + 0j
X = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) + 0j
Y = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
Z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]]) + 0j
if s == 'x':
return X
elif s == 'y':
return Y
elif s == 'z':
return Z
return I
# It is a local function
def my_g(s_string):
H = []
for ele in s_string:
return NKron(*H)
sum = 0
for ele in Ha:
sum += ele[0] * my_g(ele[1])
eigen_vector = np.sort(scipy.linalg.eig(sum)[0])
return eigen_vector[0].real
These two functions are used to visualize our results and save as figure:
def fig_name():
Generate a title of figure with time.
return os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/VQE' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time())) + '.png'
def eigen_plot(eigenv_list, actual_eigenv):
This is the plot function of actual loss over iterations.
for ele in eigenv_list:
plt.plot(list(range(1, len(ele) + 1)), ele, linewidth=4)
plt.axhline(y=actual_eigenv, color='black', linestyle='-.')
plt.title('Actual Loss Over Iteration')
This function processes the experiment results, calculates the probability of getting 0 minus the probability of getting 0 with the ancillary qubit:
def prob_calc(data_dic):
Measure the first (ancilla) qubit. Returns the value
of 'the probability of getting 0' minus 'the probability of getting 1'.
sum_0 = 0
sum_1 = 0
for key, value in data_dic.items():
if int(list(key)[-1], 16) % 2 == 0:
sum_0 += value
sum_1 += value
return (sum_0 - sum_1) / shots
The flowing functions helps build a parameterized circuit:
def add_block(q, loc, para):
Add a RzRyRz gate block. Each block has 3 parameters.
def add_layer(para, q):
Add a layer, each layer has 3*n parameters. para is a 2-D numpy array
for i in range(1, n + 1):
add_block(q, i, para[i-1])
for i in range(1, n):
CX(q[i], q[i+1])
CX(q[n], q[1])
def self_defined_circuit(para, hamiltonian):
H is a list, for example, if H = 12*X*Y*I*Z + 21*Z*Z*X*Z + 10* I*I*X*Y,
then parameter Hamiltonian is [[12, 'xyiz'], [21, 'zzxz'], [10, 'iixy']](upper case or lower case are all fine).
It returns the expectation value of H.
env = QEnv()
# the first qubit is ancilla
q = env.Q.createList(n + 1)
hamiltonian = [symbol.lower() for symbol in hamiltonian]
high_D_para = para.reshape(L, n, 3) # Change 1-D numpy array to a 3-D numpy array
# Set up our parameterized circuit
for i in range(1, n + 1):
# Add parameterized circuit
for i in range(L):
add_layer(high_D_para[i], q)
for i in range(n):
# Set up Pauli measurement circuit
if hamiltonian[i] == 'x':
H(q[i + 1])
CX(q[i + 1], q[0])
elif hamiltonian[i] == 'z':
CX(q[i + 1], q[0])
elif hamiltonian[i] == 'y':
RZ(-np.pi / 2)(q[i + 1])
H(q[i + 1])
CX(q[i + 1], q[0])
# Measurement result
taskResult = env.commit(shots, fetchMeasure=True)
return prob_calc(taskResult['counts'])
This function calculates the gradient and updates parameters each time you call it:
def diff_fun(f, para):
It calculates the gradient of f on para,
update parameters according to the gradient, and return the updated parameters.
'para' is a np.array.
para_length = len(para)
gradient = np.zeros(para_length)
for i in range(para_length):
para_copy_plus = copy(para)
para_copy_minus = copy(para)
para_copy_plus[i] += delta
para_copy_minus[i] -= delta
gradient[i] = (f(para_copy_plus) - f(para_copy_minus)) / 2
new_para = copy(para)
res = new_para - learning_rate * gradient
return res
Calculate$\langle{\phi} \lvert H\lvert {\phi}\rangle$:
def loss_fun(para):
This is the loss function.
res = sum([ele[0] * self_defined_circuit(para, ele[1]) for ele in Hamiltonian])
return res
Because we need to use multiprocessing package, we need some wrap up:
def multi_process_fun(j):
This function runs one experiment, parameter j indicates it is the j-th experiment.
para = np.random.rand(N) * np.pi
para_list = [para]
for i in range(iteration_num):
para_list.append(diff_fun(loss_fun, para_list[i]))
with open(path.join(outputDirPath, f"para{j}.pickle"), "wb") as fp:
pickle.dump(para_list, fp)
Finally we can run our main program:
def main():
pool = mp.Pool(experiment_num), range(experiment_num))
loss_list = []
for _ in range(experiment_num):
actual_loss = []
with open(path.join(outputDirPath, f"para{_}.pickle"), "rb") as fp:
new_para_list = pickle.load(fp)
for j in range(iteration_num):
eigen_plot(loss_list, ground_energy(Hamiltonian))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here is the figure that generated by one test of the whole program. Each thread is an independent process that makes 20 gradient descend iterations. Not so bad, eh?