Looking 4 Group - the group finder for your favorite Boardgames, TTRPG and Card Games.
The main focus will be on an interest profile. This profile can then be used to search for suitable groups in a dynamic search engine.
Role | Name |
Product Owner | Holder, Lukas |
Scrum Master | Schuh, Georg |
Senior Developer | Rainer, Jörg |
Developer | Barucija, Tarik |
Developer | Feischl, Christof |
Developer | Haljevac, Bakir |
Developer | Rožajac, Džemail |
Developer | Topolovec, Luca Andreas Michael |
We have the android client project in the "Client" folder and the ktor server project in the "DataProxy" folder.
If you want to have an easy time you might want to use
Android studio for the client
Intellij for the DataProxy.
Also, as we have two seperate Projects, a Github tool like "Github Desktop" for the whole repository might be useful.
Further information can be seen from the README files in each seperate folder.
The whole Setup has only been tested on Ubuntu Version 20.