A bitcoin Lightning-Network Point of Sale terminal using the ESP32 based M5Stack Faces Development Kit. Included in the kit is a keypad and charging dock, making it an ideal candidate for an cheap($55)/easy DIY bitcoin point of sale terminal. https://m5stack.com/products/face
There are two implementations of M5StackSats, one that communicates directly with an LND node, and another that communicates with opennode (make an account here https://opennode.co/join/f774f2a0-1377-45e2-b719-6b821f24900d).
Converting the project to communicate with c-lightning nodes/other custodial services should be easy.
Install the Arduino IDE,
Install the ESP32 hardware,
From "Manage Libraries" install,
- LittlevGL
- ArduinoJson
- M5Stack