An example that offers basic teleoperation of Spot's locomotion and manipulation capabilities using ROS 2.
For this example, make sure to position the robot with 2m of clear space on all sides, as you will be able to command walking in translation and rotation and arm stowing and unstowing.
ros2 run spot_examples wasd
If you launched the driver with a namespace, use the following command instead:
ros2 run spot_examples wasd --robot <spot_name>
The robot will stand up, and will execute any commands you send through the curses (text-based) interface in your terminal.
Following is a list of keyboard keys and the robot functions to which they map.
esc : make the robot stop executing all running commands
tab : sit and quit example
p : toggle power
f : stand
v : sit
w : move forward
s : move backward
a : move left
d : move right
q : rotate (yaw) left
e : rotate (yaw) right
u : unstow arm
j : stow arm
b : battery change pose
r : self-right (after battery change)
Now let's go through the code and see what's happening.
Similar to other examples, Hello Spot is designed as a class composed with a ROS Node that allows communication over ROS topics.
class WasdInterface:
def __init__(self, robot_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
self.node = ros_scope.node()
In the __init__()
function of the WasdInterface
class, we create a _command_dictionary
member, which maps keypresses to member functions that command functions of the robot. For example, a key press on key "v" will call the _sit()
member function:
self._command_dictionary = {
ord("v"): self._sit,
The function _sit()
, in turn, calls the robot's /sit
service, by sending an asynchronous call of ROS 2 message type Trigger
through the sit service client self.cli_sit
def _sit(self) -> None:
The sit service client, self.cli_sit
, was instantiated in the constructor of WasdInterface along with several other service clients for services such as stand, power on, and stow arm
self.cli_sit = self.node.create_client(Trigger, namespace_with(robot_name, "sit"))
self.cli_stand = self.node.create_client(Trigger, namespace_with(robot_name, "stand"))
self.cli_power_on = self.node.create_client(Trigger, namespace_with(robot_name, "power_on"))
self.cli_stow = self.node.create_client(Trigger, namespace_with(robot_name, "arm_stow"))
each, of which, had assigned a corresponding keymapping in _command_dictionary
for its member function
ord("f"): self._stand,
ord("p"): self._toggle_power,
ord("j"): self._stow,
To command a forward movement, the "w" key is mapped to the _move_forward()
member function,
ord("w"): self._move_forward,
which, in turn, calls the helper function _velocity_cmd_helper()
with details about the direction and magnitude of the velocity requested
def _move_forward(self) -> None:
self._velocity_cmd_helper("move_forward", v_x=VELOCITY_BASE_SPEED)
The _velocity_cmd_helper()
function takes 2D holonomic velocity requests (x, y translation and z rotation), crafts a ROS 2 geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
message, and publishes to the robot's /cmd_vel
def _velocity_cmd_helper(self, desc: str = "", v_x: float = 0.0, v_y: float = 0.0, v_rot: float = 0.0) -> None:
twist = Twist()
twist.linear.x = v_x
twist.linear.y = v_y
twist.angular.z = v_rot
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < VELOCITY_CMD_DURATION:
As shown above, we don't send this cmd_vel topic once; rather, we continuously send it unti VELOCITY_CMD_DURATION, at which point we send a default Twist
message, where all velocity fields default to 0, stopping the robot.
Lasty, we use ROS 2 subscribers to obtain and display information about the robot's state. The current battery state, for example, which includes battery state-of-charge percentage and charge/discharge state, is stored in WasdInterface
's latest_battery_status
self.latest_battery_status: Optional[BatteryStateArray] = None
which is updated every time the battery state ROS 2 subscriber sees a message published by the robot on the /<robot_name>/status/battery_states
self.sub_battery_state = self.node.create_subscription(
BatteryStateArray, namespace_with(robot_name, "status/battery_states"), self._status_battery_callback, 1
and calls _status_battery_callback()
def _status_battery_callback(self, msg: BatteryState) -> None:
self.latest_battery_status = msg
At each 'tick' of the curses UI refresh, we use _battery_str()
to return a formatted string represntation of self.latest_battery_status
to be printed on the screen.