Notice: You are reading the Single-Collateral Dai version of this Glossary. For the up-to-date version, visit the MCD Glossary.
- the action of triggering a CDPs liquidation
- Discount/premium at which the system sells collateral PETH for DAI
- the process of destroying MKR that are paid as stability fees
- the public Ethereum address that escrows MKR prior to burning
- a front-end application with which you can interact with your CDP
- Collateralized Debt Position, a collateral position holding locked Ethereum administered by a smart contract system
- the amount of redeemable collateral Dai holders and CDP owners have claim to in the event of an Emergency Shutdown
- assets locked in a CDP
- the ratio between a CDPs collateral and the Dai issued by that CDP
- a voting design that involves leaving your vote in the previous proposal
- a name for the MakerDAO smart contract system
- USD pegged decentralized stablecoin of the Dai Credit System
- the maximum amount of Dai that can be generated in the Dai Credit System
- the amount of Dai generated through a CDP
- the cooperative interaction between Maker Token Holders and all Risk Teams to manage risks in MakerDAO
- another name for the Maker Foundation’s multisig wallet that contains MKR, which is sold for operational expenses
- the action of generating Dai from a CDP
- a security feature that allows the system to shut down and make underlying collateral available for redemption
- a continuous approval vote that executes changes in the system if passed
- the action of releasing collateral from a CDP
- the action of transferring CDP ownership to a different Ethereum address
- a time-based vote to gather soft consensus
- a front-end application that allows you to interact with MakerDAOs on-chain governance
- a system parameter that represents a discount or premium for converting between ETH and PETH
- external actors who perform various functions in the system
- a penalty fee that's applied to a CDPs Dai balance when it is liquidated
- lowest price per unit of collateral before a CDP is vulnerable to liquidation
- a risk parameter defining the minimum Collateralization Ratio below which a CDP is vulnerable to liquidation
- automatic sale of a CDPs collateral to cover its outstanding Dai
- a smart contract which facilitates collateral sales
- the action of placing collateral into your CDP
- the first Risk Team whose role is to help bootstrap the Decentralized Risk Management function
- the organization that created to develop and bootstrap the Dai Credit System
- an agent that provides liquidity to a market by offering to both buy and sell a given asset.
- acronym for Multi Collateral Dai
- the smart contract that collects price feed information from Price-Feed Providers and publishes a reference price for each asset
- governance token of MakerDAO
- the upgraded Dai Credit System that utilizes multiple collateral types
- a security mechanism that delays the Oracle price feed
- a smart contract system which makes off-chain data, such as price data, available on-chain
- a token representing pooled ether
- a risk parameter that controls the delay of the Oracle price feed
- operator of an Oracle that reports price data to the Medianizer
- a written plan put forward for a vote
- the authoritative asset price published by the Medianizer
- a collection of data, risk models, outputs, documentation, and analysis
- an analytical model measuring and predicting risk, including the input data and output of the model
- a set of configurable, risk-related, variables used to manage the system
- an independent party who creates a Risk Construct for Maker Governance
- acronym for Single Collateral Dai
- action of closing a CDP by paying back outstanding Dai and the Stability Fee
- the Dai Credit System which solely accepts ETH as collateral
- relating the target value of a cryptocurrency to the absolute value of a fiat currency, allowing for some variance
- the amount of Dai generated through a CDP
- a variable Fee charged to a CDP for the creation and use of Dai, set by MKR holders through governance actions
- a voting design that ends a vote at a predetermined time
- a smart contract that allows MKR token holders to vote with their hot wallets using MKR that is stored on their cold wallets
- ERC-20 compatible ETH
- action of paying back Dai to a CDP