- Open OMERO.web in the browser
- Open OMERO.3Dscript:
- by clicking on '3Dscript' on the top links
- right-click an image in the explorer and select 'Open with' -> '3Dscript'
- Enter the animation text (see https://bene51.github.io/3Dscript/ for more details)
- Click on 'Render'
- OpenCL capable graphics card
- Updated graphics drivers
OMERO.3Dscript needs to be installed on the machine that runs OMERO.web.
Install Fiji and the 3Dscript and 3Dscript.server plugins.
FIJI_HOME=/usr/local/share/Fiji.app mkdir $FIJI_HOME cd `dirname $FIJI_HOME` wget https://downloads.imagej.net/fiji/latest/fiji-linux64.zip unzip fiji-linux64.zip cd Fiji.app ./ImageJ-linux64 --update add-update-site 3Dscript "https://romulus.oice.uni-erlangen.de/updatesite/" ./ImageJ-linux64 --update add-update-site 3Dscript-server "https://romulus.oice.uni-erlangen.de/imagej/updatesites/3Dscript-server/" ./ImageJ-linux64 --update update apt-get update && apt-get install -y -qq ffmpeg > /dev/null
Install OMERO.3Dscript
pip install omero-3Dscript
Tell OMERO.3Dscript where to find Fiji
omero config set omero.web.omero_3Dscript.fiji_bin "/usr/local/share/Fiji.app/ImageJ-linux64"
⚠️ On Mac OS X, you need to replaceImageJ-linux64
Add it to the OMERO.web UI:
omero config append omero.web.apps '"omero_3Dscript"' omero config append omero.web.ui.top_links '["3Dscript", "3Dscript_index", {"title": "Open 3Dscript in a new tab", "target": "_blank"}]' omero config append omero.web.open_with '["3Dscript", "3Dscript_index", {"supported_objects": ["image"], "target": "_blank", "label": "3Dscript"}]'
Restart OMERO.web as normal
If you want to grant the 'public user' the permission to render 3D animations using 3Dscript, you need to enable it as described here:
omero config set omero.web.public.enabled True
omero config set omero.web.public.user '<username>'
omero config set omero.web.public.password '<password>'
omero config set omero.web.public.url_filter '^/(webadmin/myphoto/|webclient/(?!(script_ui|ome_tiff|figure_script))|webgateway/(?!(archived_files|download_as))|iviewer|api|3Dscript)'
omero config set omero.web.public.get_only false
Pay attention to the last two lines.
Schmid B., Tripal P., Fraass T. & Palmisano R. (2019), "3Dscript: animating 3D/4D microscopy data using a natural-language-based syntax", Nature methods 16(4): 278-280, PMID 30886414.
Schmid B., Tripal P., Winter Z. & Palmisano R. (2021), "3Dscript.server: true server-side 3D animation of microscopy images using a natural language-based syntax", Bioinformatics 37(24): 4901-4902, PMID 34152405.