This documentation is a work in progress, so please exercise appropriate caution. It a personal effort and has no formal connection with the Ethereum Foundation.
1. Download the latest Retesteth version
- After building the docker image, download the raw erc20.lll file and compile the smart contract with lllc by running
cd cd ~/retestethBuild wget sudo ./ lllc --testpath /home/marcuswentz/retestethBuild/ erc20.lll
you should get the generated bytecode in the terminal
- Deploy bytecode as transaction data using ethers.js
Add the "0x" prefix to the bytecode as shown in the deploy script below.
const ethers = require("ethers");
const rpcURL = process.env.sepoliaInfuraWSS // Your RPC URL goes here
const provider = new ethers.providers.WebSocketProvider(rpcURL)
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(Buffer.from(process.env.devTestnetPrivateKey, 'hex'), provider);
async function deploy_lll_contract(){
const contractBytecode = "0x" + "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";
const txData = contractBytecode; //No constructor arguments to keep bytecode simple.
tx = await signer.sendTransaction({
data: txData
erc20.lll deployed to Sepolia testnet successfully:
- Import deployed contract address into Metamask and transfer tokens
erc20.lll tokens on Sepolia testnet transferred successfully:
- Test transferFrom after you approve tokens to bulk transfer contract
erc20.lll approve tokens on Sepolia testnet successful:
erc20.lll bulk transfer calling transferFrom on Sepolia testnet successful:
Note does not support LLL anymore but does for Retesteth EL (Execution Layer) testing.
The lllc
compiler options are reasonably self-explanatory and are as
When multiple options are used the following rules apply.
take precendence over all others, and the first one of these listed is executed.-a
are mutually exclusive output formats. The last of these listed defines the output format created.-o
can be used with any of the output formats.
Displays the following compiler options.
-b,--binary Parse, compile and assemble; output byte code in binary. -x,--hex Parse, compile and assemble; output byte code in hex. -a,--assembly Only parse and compile; show assembly. -t,--parse-tree Only parse; show parse tree. -o,--optimise Turn on/off the optimiser; off by default. -h,--help Show this help message and exit. -V,--version Show the version and exit.
Parse, compile and assemble; output byte code in hex.
This is the default.
> echo '(add 2 3)' | lllc 6003600201 > echo '(add 2 3)' | lllc --hex 6003600201
Only parse and compile; show assembly.
Outputs the intermediate assembly language which is shared with Solidity and
compiled into the final bytecode. If the -o
flag is used as well then the
assembly language is displayed after optimisation.
> lllc -a erc20.lll jumpi(tag_42, iszero(callvalue)) 0x0 dup1 revert tag_42: sstore(caller, 0x186a0) ...
Only parse; show parse tree.
The "parse tree" is the clean version of the source code which is fed to the LLL parser: all comments and linebreaks are removed, whitespace is normalised, numbers are all converted to decimal and quoted strings standardised.
> echo "(def 'foo (mload 0x0a)) ; define foo" | lllc -t ( def "foo" ( mload 10 ) )
The -d
option is not documented in the --help
output. It decompiles
hexadecimal EVM code into readable opcodes.
> echo 602a600055 | lllc -d PUSH1 0x2A PUSH1 0x0 SSTORE
Parse, compile and assemble; output byte code in binary.
I haven't found a use for this yet.
Turn on/off the optimiser; off by default.
The optimiser passes the assembly output through Solidity's optimiser. The main useful thing the optimiser can do is the replacement of constant expressions, but it doesn't always manage to spot all opportunities for this.
> echo '(add 1 (mul 2 (add 3 4)))' | lllc 6004600301600202600101 > echo '(add 1 (mul 2 (add 3 4)))' | lllc -o 600f
Show the version and exit. Note that the short form is a capital V
> lllc -V LLLC, the Lovely Little Language Compiler Version: 0.4.12-develop.2017.6.27+commit.b83f77e0.Linux.g++