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Play Plovr plugin

A Plovr plugin for Play Framework 2.x.

Licensed under the Apache 2 Software License.

This plugin allows you to easily use Google's Closure Compiler and Closure Library with Play 2. The Closure Compiler support which ships with Play 2 does not allow for easy use of the Closure Library.

To use, create a plovr configuration file.

Then, in your project/plugins.sbt, add the plug-in:

addSbtPlugin("com.benmccann" % "play-plovr-plugin" % "0.5")

The latest version works with Play 2.2. The last version tested with Play 2.1 was 0.3.4.

Finally, in your project/Build.scala, add the PlayPlovrPlugin.defaultPlovrSettings and set the path to plovrConfiguration and the plovrTargetFile:

import com.benmccann.playplovr.PlayPlovrPlugin
import com.benmccann.playplovr.PlayPlovrPlugin._

val main = play.Project(
  file("frontend")).settings(PlayPlovrPlugin.defaultPlovrSettings ++ Seq(

    // my Play custom settings


    // project-specific plovr settings
    plovrTargets <<= baseDirectory { base => Seq(
      base / "plovr" /  "plovr.json" -> "public/javascripts/compiled.js"

  ): _*

This will compile JavaScript found under app/assets. When you run Play in dev mode, you can dynamically compile and load your JavaScript via a server running locally on port 9810. Or, in production mode, you can load the optimized JavaScript from a compiled static file:

@if(play.Play.application().isDev()) {
  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:9810/compile?id=myPlovrConfig&mode=SIMPLE&pretty-print=true"></script>
} else {
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""javascripts/compiled.js")"></script>