data = fread('activity.csv')
## steps date interval
## Min. : 0.00 Length:17568 Min. : 0.0
## 1st Qu.: 0.00 Class :character 1st Qu.: 588.8
## Median : 0.00 Mode :character Median :1177.5
## Mean : 37.38 Mean :1177.5
## 3rd Qu.: 12.00 3rd Qu.:1766.2
## Max. :806.00 Max. :2355.0
## NA's :2304
days = split(data, factor(data$date))
counts = sapply(days, function (day) sum(day$steps, na.rm = TRUE))
The mean of the total number of steps take per day is 9354.23 and the median is 10395
get_interval_means = function(days) {
intervals = list()
for (day in days) {
for(i in 1:length(day$steps)) {
interval = intervals[i][[1]]
if (is.null(interval)) {
interval = numeric()
intervals[[i]] = append(interval, day$steps[i])
sapply(intervals, function(interval) mean(interval, na.rm = TRUE))
get_index_from_interval = function(interval) {
(((interval %% 100) + (floor(interval / 100) * 60)) / 5) + 1
get_interval_from_index = function(index) {
(floor(((index * 5) - 5) / 60) * 100) + (((index * 5) - 5) %% 60)
interval_means = get_interval_means(days)
plot(sapply(rep(1:288), get_interval_from_index), interval_means,
xlab='Five minute interval', ylab='Average number of steps', type='l')
The interval with the largest average number of steps is 835 with 206.17 steps
There are a total of 2304 NA values in this data set.
To remove these values i will use the average number of steps for all days on that interval in their place.
padded_data = cbind(data)
for (i in 1:length(padded_data$steps)) {
if([i,]$steps)) {
index = i %% 288
if (index == 0) index = 288
padded_data[i,]$steps = round(interval_means[index])
## steps date interval
## Min. : 0.00 Length:17568 Min. : 0.0
## 1st Qu.: 0.00 Class :character 1st Qu.: 588.8
## Median : 0.00 Mode :character Median :1177.5
## Mean : 37.38 Mean :1177.5
## 3rd Qu.: 27.00 3rd Qu.:1766.2
## Max. :806.00 Max. :2355.0
padded_days = split(padded_data, factor(padded_data$date))
padded_counts = sapply(padded_days, function (day) sum(day$steps, na.rm = TRUE))
The mean of the total number of steps take per day is 10765.64 and the median is 10762
By replacing NA values we the average for that time interval we have created a smother distribution of total step counts.
padded_data[, isweekend:=weekdays(suppressWarnings(strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')), abbreviate = FALSE) %in% c('Saturday', 'Sunday')]
weekdays = split(padded_data, factor(padded_data$isweekend, labels=c('weekday', 'weekend')))
weekend_interval_means = get_interval_means(split(weekdays$weekend, weekdays$weekend$date))
weekday_interval_means = get_interval_means(split(weekdays$weekday, weekdays$weekday$date))
all_intervals = append(weekday_interval_means, weekend_interval_means)
d = data.table(average_steps = all_intervals, interval = sapply(rep(1:288, 2), get_interval_from_index),
weekday = append(rep('weekday', 288), rep('weekend', 288)))
xyplot(d$average_steps ~ d$interval | d$weekday, layout=c(1,2), type="l",
xlab='interval', ylab='average number of steps')