Releases: bfenetworks/bfe
Releases · bfenetworks/bfe
BFE v0.10.0
- mod_auth_request: authorize clients based on thirdparty authorization service
- mod_trace: support tracing based on Elastic APM
- mod_compress: support brotli algorithm
- mod_rewrite: add HostSuffixReplace action
- Add condition primitive: req_host_tag_in/req_host_suffix_in
- Add static content of website based on mkdocs
- Documents optimization
- Refactor and simplify mod_auth_jwt
- Remove legacy type of Layer4LoadBalancer
BFE v0.9.0
- Support loading dynamic modules that may be written and complied by third-party vendors
- Add mod_auth_jwt for JWT authentication
- mod_trace: support distributed tracing based on jaeger
- mod_doh: support timeout for DNS requests
- mod_doh: support edns-client-subnet (ECS)
- mod_doh: optimize max-age for DoH response
- Optimize textproto reader cache
- Documents optimization
- Change base directory of ServerCertFile/ServerKeyFile to ConfRoot
- Fix failed unit tests about parsing request line under go1.14 environment
BFE v0.8.0
- Add mod_trace for distributed tracing based on zipkin
- Add mod_doh for processing DNS over HTTPS(DoH) requests
- Support TLS protocol with SM related ciphersuites
- mod_header: add cookie related actions
- Documents optimization
- Disable sanitization of cookie value
BFE v0.7.0
- mod_access support NCSA Common Log Format(CLF) and W3C Extended Log Format(ELF)
- mod_static suuport HTTP HEAD method
- Add mod_userid for client identification
- Add mod_tag for tagging and tracking groups of requests
- http cookie: support Expires attribute in GMT format
- http cookie: support SameSite attribute
- Add static check in Makefile
- Compiling on Windows OS is supported
- Documents optimization
- Fix a bug that causes invalid ips are parsed and treated as domain names
BFE v0.6.0
- Add mod_prison to limit the amount of requests a user can make in a given period of time.
- Add condition primitive: ses_tls_sni_in/ses_tls_client_auth/ses_tls_client_ca_in
- Add tls mutual authentication
- mod_header support client cert related variables
- mod_header support geo related variables
- mod_static support customized mime rules
- mod_static allow sending precompressed files instead of regular files
- Expose information about module handlers in web monitor
- Optimize number of accept goroutines
- Optimize lock of bfe_balance.BalTable
- Optimize io.Copy while forwarding responses
- Compiling on MacOS is supported
- Documents optimization
- Change default Layer4LoadBalancer to NONE
- Upgrade from go1.12 to go1.13
BFE v0.5.0
- Add mod_geo to determine user geolocation by MaxMind database
- Add mod_auth_basic to restrict access from unknown users
- Add mod_compress to compress response by customize rules
- Add mod_errors to replace unexpected response
- mod_static detect content type based on file extension or content
- Expose pprof items in web monitor
- Add default resFlushInterval for SSE(Server-Sent Events) response
- Support X-Forwarded-Host Header
- Support docker image in Makefile
- Documents optimization
- Change default monitor port to 8421
- Remove some legacy fields from mod_access
BFE v0.4.0
- Expose metrics in prometheus text-based format
- Add default value for core configs to reduce configuration cost
- Add mod_static to serve static content by customize rules
- Documents optimization
- mod_logid: random logid in hex encoding format
- Remove signal SIGSTKFLT
BFE v0.3.0
- Add condition primitive: req_cip_hash_in/req_header_value_hash_in/req_cookie_value_hash_in/req_query_value_hash_in
- Add mod_header variable: bfe_log_id
- Add mod_http_code to maintain basic status about response forwarded
- Fix http2: limit number of control frames in server send queue (CVE-2019-9512, CVE-2019-9514)
BFE v0.2.0
- Add proxy protocol to be compatible with F5 BigIP/Citrix ADC etc
- Add mod_access to write request/session log in customized format
- Add mod_key_log to wirte tls key log so that external programs(eg. wireshark) can decrypt TLS connections for trouble shooting
- Add security grade 'A+' in tls
- Add condition primitive: req_query_value_contain/req_header_value_contain/req_cookie_value_contain
- Documents optimization
- reverseproxy: flush response header immediately if flushInterval<0
BFE v0.1.0
The first public version. Core Features:
- Multiple protocols supported, including HTTP, HTTPS, SPDY, HTTP2, WebSocket, TLS, etc.
- Content based routing, support user-defined routing rule in advanced domain-specific language.
- Support multiple load balancing policies.
- Flexible plugin framework to extend functionality. Based on the framework, developer can add new features rapidly.
- Detailed built-in metrics available for service status monitor.