Welcome to the Chef2go website repository.
Chef2go is a dedicated online platform designed exclusively for students, serving as a convenient all-in-one solution for culinary needs. Beyond just cooking, the platform provides students with access to premium subscription videos. A standout feature includes the opportunity to delve into a thoughtfully curated assortment of recipes crafted by chefs, offering a distinctive and enriching culinary journey. Whether students are in search of a swift meal or seeking inspiration for their culinary ventures, this platform is intricately crafted to address their diverse needs. It stands as the ultimate destination for food enthusiasts on campus.
Key Features: 1.Login: Fields: Username and Password are two fields used for authenticating the user. The username can be email id.Password must be at least 8 characters long and must have at least 1 special character and at the most 2 special characters. Password should have at least 1 number. The username and password key-value will be verified immediately when the user clicks on login button.
2.Signup / Register: Fields: Username, Password, Confirm Password. The Username can be email id.Password and Confirm Password must be at least 8 characters long and must have at least 1 special character and at the most 2 special characters. Password should have at least 1 number. Both Password and Confirm Password should be exactly matching. Once the user clicks the sign-up button, verification email link must be sent to verify the user.
3.Search by Chef: Dive into a world of culinary creativity with the "Search by Chef" feature, showcasing a comprehensive list of recipes crafted by talented chefs. Students can seamlessly order directly from the featured chefs, transforming their meal experience into a personalized and chef-curated delight.
4.Search by Recipes: Empowering students to explore and discover new flavors, the "Search by Recipes" option allows users to find their desired dishes effortlessly. Place orders based on specific recipes, ensuring a tailored and satisfying dining experience.
5.Premium Subscription Benefits: For students with a premium subscription, exclusive recipe videos directly from the chefs are unlocked, providing step-by-step guidance for a hands-on cooking experience. This premium feature enhances the platform, making it an ideal choice for students who aspire to elevate their culinary skills. In essence, Chef2go redefines the online food platform landscape by offering not just meals but an immersive culinary journey. It caters to the diverse needs of students, making it the go-to destination for those who appreciate the fusion of convenience, exclusive deals, and premium culinary experiences.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/bhuvan-dv/chef-2-go.git
Go to the project directory
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REST API for Recipe management GET /recipes Retrieve a list of all recipes in the database. POST /recipes Create a new recipe in the database. GET /recipes/{recipeId} Retrieve details for a specific recipe identified by recipeId. PUT /recipes/{recipeId} Update an existing recipe identified by recipeId. DELETE /recipes/{recipeId} Delete a recipe identified by recipeId.
The API allows users to sign up, log in, and delete their accounts. Passwords are securely hashed using bcrypt, and token-based authentication is implemented for user sessions.
controllers: Contains the controller functions that handle HTTP requests and interact with the service layer. models: Defines the MongoDB schema for the user and exports the user model. services: Implements the business logic for user authentication and interacts with the MongoDB database using the user model. utilities: Contains utility functions such as token generation. routes: Defines the API routes using Express, routing HTTP requests to the corresponding controller functions.
API Endpoints:
POST /signup: Sign up a new user. Requires name, username, email, and password in the request body. POST /login: Log in a user. Requires either username or email and password in the request body. DELETE /:id: Delete a user by their ID. Requires the user ID as a parameter in the URL.
Error Handling:
Validation errors (e.g., empty fields, invalid email) return a 400 status code with an error message. Unauthorized errors return a 401 status code with an "Unauthorized" message. Internal server errors return a 500 status code with an "Internal Server Error" message.
User passwords are hashed using bcrypt for secure storage. Token-based authentication is implemented for user sessions.
The Ingredient API is a Node.js-based application utilizing Express and MongoDB with Mongoose, designed to manage information about ingredients and the stores where they are available. The project follows a structured architecture with separate modules for defining the schema (ingredient-model.js), handling CRUD operations (ingredient-service.js), managing HTTP requests and responses (ingredient-controller.js), and defining API routes (ingredient-routes.js).
Steps to set up Project Locally:
git clone url Install all dependencies locally - cmd :
npm install and run the project using: GO to chef-to-go-frontend folder and open terminal and enter npm start to start front end Go to chef-to-go-backend folder and open terminal and enter npm start to start backend server npm start
check changes with help of ide. git add . ( to add changes in your local branch) git commit -m "give approriate msg" ( cmd to stage changes) git push origin main ( cmd to push changes to global branch)