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When running an image with multi-architecture support, docker will automatically select an image variant which matches your OS and architecture.
- 18.04
- 1909
- 1903
- 1809
- 1803
Supported platforms: linux 18.04, windows 1903, windows 1909
This is an official JetBrains TeamCity build agent image.
The docker image is available on:
Installed components:
Container platform: linux
Docker pull command:
docker pull jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent:EAP-linux
Docker build commands:
echo 2> context/.dockerignore
docker build -f "generated/linux/MinimalAgent/Ubuntu/18.04/Dockerfile" -t teamcity-minimal-agent:EAP-linux "context"
Base images:
docker pull ubuntu:18.04
The required free space to generate image(s) is about 1 GB.
This is an official JetBrains TeamCity build agent image.
The docker image is available on:
Installed components:
Container platform: windows
Docker pull command:
docker pull jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent:EAP-nanoserver-1903
Docker build commands:
echo 2> context/.dockerignore
docker build -f "generated/windows/MinimalAgent/nanoserver/1903/Dockerfile" -t teamcity-minimal-agent:EAP-nanoserver-1903 "context"
Base images:
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1903
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:nanoserver-1903
The required free space to generate image(s) is about 8 GB.
This is an official JetBrains TeamCity build agent image.
The docker image is available on:
Installed components:
Container platform: windows
Docker pull command:
docker pull jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent:EAP-nanoserver-1909
Docker build commands:
echo 2> context/.dockerignore
docker build -f "generated/windows/MinimalAgent/nanoserver/1909/Dockerfile" -t teamcity-minimal-agent:EAP-nanoserver-1909 "context"
Base images:
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1909
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:nanoserver-1909
The required free space to generate image(s) is about 8 GB.
This is an official JetBrains TeamCity build agent image. The docker image is not available and may be created manually.
Installed components:
Container platform: windows
Docker build commands:
echo 2> context/.dockerignore
docker build -f "generated/windows/MinimalAgent/nanoserver/1803/Dockerfile" -t teamcity-minimal-agent:EAP-nanoserver-1803 "context"
Base images:
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:nanoserver-1803
The required free space to generate image(s) is about 6 GB.
This is an official JetBrains TeamCity build agent image. The docker image is not available and may be created manually.
Installed components:
Container platform: windows
Docker build commands:
echo 2> context/.dockerignore
docker build -f "generated/windows/MinimalAgent/nanoserver/1809/Dockerfile" -t teamcity-minimal-agent:EAP-nanoserver-1809 "context"
Base images:
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver:1809
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:nanoserver-1809
The required free space to generate image(s) is about 8 GB.