title | description |
Introduction |
Welcome to the Mintlify Starter Kit |
Select from the following guides to learn more about how Mintlify can best suit your documentation.
Run on your computer to see changes locally Customizing the theme, branding, and other global configurations Setting the title and metadata for navigation and SEO Introduction on how to add and edit content See more in the resources pageLearn more about you can fully customize the starter template for your own documentation
Update the `name` property in `mint.json` to the name of your company or product Branding mostly happens in the `mint.json` file. You can learn more about all available [configuration properties](https://mintlify.com/docs/settings/global).#### Update the logo
Update `logo` folder with the light and dark version of your logo (can be svg or png).
<Note>Make sure that the path matches the values set in `logo` of `mint.json`</Note>
#### Customize the colors
Populate the `colors` object with colors that match your brand
#### Update the favicon
Change the `favicon.png` with an image of the favicon
#### Update footer social icons
Update `footerSocials` with the right `[platform]: [url]` key-value pair
<Note>If removing the API Reference, make sure to also remove it from the `anchors` and `navigation` from `mint.json`</Note>
<Tip>The `topbarCtaButton` will receive the most number of clicks</Tip>