The funniest and unique way to encrypt some data or a file safely,
Kyrie Eleison provides you multiples functions that allows you to encrypt anything you want
using offset encryption in a more advanced way.
Kyrie.encrypt("Kyrie Eleison")
-> ƯǜǕnjLjƄƩǏLjnjǖǒǑ
Key.encrypt("Kyrie Eleison", key=3372)
-> ൷ඤඝඔඐൌ൱ඐඔඞක
+ Fast
+ Special and unique
+ Cool characters
- The encryption isn't very strong and can be bruteforced
- The key has to be between 3 and 1000000
Feel free to make a pull request on this repository to submit any idea!
- For the encryption key, multiply it by another key in the text, so it will become harder to decrypt
- Replace the strings by the content off the file (so any char gets crypted) but remove the repeated chars
- Add more functions and encryption types
- Add hashes
- Please use this program only for educational purposes.
- It is not meant to be used in any malicious way, and I decline any responsibility for what you do with it.