Input Type | Accessed Type | Description | Notes |
dict, frozendict.frozendict, | frozendict.frozendict, |
Key | Input Type | Accessed Type | Description | Notes |
name | None, str, | NoneClass, str, | [optional] | |
major | decimal.Decimal, int, | decimal.Decimal, | [optional] value must be a 32 bit integer | |
minor | decimal.Decimal, int, | decimal.Decimal, | [optional] value must be a 32 bit integer | |
buildNo | decimal.Decimal, int, | decimal.Decimal, | [optional] value must be a 32 bit integer | |
copyright | None, str, | NoneClass, str, | [optional] | |
messagingServer | None, str, | NoneClass, str, | [optional] |