The Custom::DeepSecurity
resource provider for the standard resources from the Deep Security API.
To create a DeepSecurity resource using your your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:
Type: Custom::DeepSecurity<ResourceType>
### value as defined by the [DeepSecurity API](
URL: ''
ApiKeyParameterName: '/cfn-deep-security-provider/api_key'
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:cfn-deep-security-provider'
To create custom security policies in DeepSecurity, you can use existing rules. To ease this process we support lookup references as shown below:
Type: Custom::DeepSecurityPolicy
parentID: !Ref 'BasePolicy'
name: !Sub '${Environment}ContainerHostPolicy"
description: Policy for container instances in ${Environment}
state: detect
- '{{lookup "intrusionPreventionRule" "HTTP Protocol Decoding"}}'
- '{{lookup "intrusionPreventionRule" "Identified Possible Ransomware File Rename Activity Over Network Share"}}'
- '{{lookup "intrusionPreventionRule" "Identified Possible Ransomware File Extension Rename Activity Over Network Share"}}'
- '{{lookup "intrusionPreventionRule" "Identified Usage Of PsExec Command Line Tool"}}'
the syntax to lookup an id, is:
{{lookup "<type-name>" "name-of-resource"}}
The lookup result in exactly one match.
Supported DeepSecurity resource types are:
In order to be able to manage the DeepSecurity resources, you need to obtain create an API key and
store it in the parameter store under the name specified ApiKeyParameterName
aws ssm put-parameter --name /cfn-deep-security-provider/api-key --type SecureString --value="$API_KEY"
If you store these credentials in a different location, please specify the correct parameter names.
You can specify the property for the specified resource:
`Value` - All the attributes allowed from the [DeepSecurity API](