The simple IAP proxy, can also be used to call any service behind an IAP proxy. For instance, a website in the development environment which you do want to be exposed to the public internet.
This example deploys httpbin as a backend service behind the IAP proxy.
To deploy the example IAP proxy you need the following:
- a google project id with a default network
- a Google DNS managed zone, which is publicly accessible
- a user you want to grant access
To configure your deployment, create a file .auto.tfvars
with the following content:
# project and region to deploy to IAP proxy into
project = "my-project"
region = "europe-west4"
## DNS managed zone accessible from the public internet
dns_managed_zone = "my-managed-zone"
## users you want to grant access via the IAP proxy
accessors = [
"user:[email protected]",
# support email address for the IAP brand.
# if there is an IAP brand in your project, make this empty string: ""
# To check whether you already have a brand, type `gcloud alpha iap oauth-brands list`
iap_support_email = "[email protected]"
To deploy the sample service, type:
git clone
cp .auto.tfvars simple-iap-proxy/examples/to-service
terraform init
terraform apply
After the apply, the required IAP client proxy command is printed:
iap_proxy_command = <<EOT
simple-iap-proxy client \
--target-url \
--iap-audience \
--service-account [email protected] \
--key-file server.key \
--certificate-file server.crt \
To start the IAP client proxy, you need a certificate. To generate a self-signed certificate, type:
simple-iap-proxy generate-certificate \
--key-file server.key \
--certificate-file server.crt
Or alternatively, use openssl:
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 \
-key server.key \
-subj "/CN=simple-iap-proxy" \
-addext "subjectAltName = DNS:localhost" \
-days 3650 \
-out server.crt
To trust the self-signed certificate, add the certificate to the trust store. On MacOS, type:
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -p ssl -p basic -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ./server.crt
On Linux, type:
cp server.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
Now you can start the proxy, by copying the command printed by terraform:
$ terraform output -raw iap_proxy_command | bash
to use the proxy, point to the proxy for HTTPS traffic and use the desired client:
export HTTPS_PROXY=https://localhost:8080
export NO_PROXY=''