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Note: This document is partially outdated, though still useful to read for new developers

Usage of protobuf in Bisq

This document gives an overview about some conventions and reasoning behind the way how we integrated protobuf.

Modular approach

We use a protobuf file per module to avoid getting too large protobuf definitions and to fit into the java module design. We use following conventions:

Protobuf package: [module name] Java package name: bisq.[module name].protobuf E.g. for the security module it is:

package security;
option java_package = "";

Dealing with dependencies

To use a protobuf definition from another module where our current module has a dependency to (e.g. security module used by network module) we use the import statement in protobuf and reference the external protobuf type with the module name. E.g.

import "security.proto";

message NetworkId {
  repeated AddressTransportTypeTuple addressNetworkTypeTuple = 1;
  security.PubKey pubKey = 2;
  string nodeId = 3;

IntelliJ IDE does not fully recognize the imports but for compile all works fine.

In case we need to deserialize a protobuf binary input to the java object, but we do not have the dependencies we use Any which represents the protobuf data as binary blob. It requires importing the Any definition:

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

message ErrorStatus {
  string message = 1;
  repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 2;

Resolver concept

We need this in the network module. At deserializing we do not have the Java type and need a way to resolve the binary data by provided a resolver implementation which we get provided by the application. The network module only knows the interface to the resolver.

The Any object provides a field for the type of the protobuf definition as string. It has the format:[packagename].[messagename]

This helps us to figure out which module ([packagename]) and which message ([messagename]) is the Java type for converting the protobuf binary to a Java object. We use that string as key in a map holding the different resolvers.

Data types, Interface

The base classes for all Bisq classes supporting protobuf is Proto and ProtoEnum in case of enums. Enums in protobuf have a few limitations. For instance multiple enums at the same level must have unique enum entries.

ProtoResolver and ProtoResolverMap are used for dealing with the deserialization issues for unknown types as mentioned above. Only classes which are not in the dependency graph of the network module are required to provide a resolver, and it is only required for the outer layers.
There are 3 types of those outer layers:

  • NetworkMessage (e.g. PrivateChatMessage or a trade protocol message)
  • DistributedData (e.g. Offer or PublicChatMessage)
  • PersistableStore (e.g. KeyPairStore)

Mailbox messages require support of both NetworkMessage and DistributedData as in case the message does not arrive as direct message it will be stored in the network as DistributedData.

NetworkMessage is a field in the NetworkEnvelope which is the outer object when sending protobuf messages over the wire. DistributedData is a field inside AuthenticatedData which represents the data we distribute to the p2p network storage. At the data storage we use the name of the DistributedData class as name for the storage file ( e.g. Bisq/db/network/AuthenticatedDataStore/PublicChatMessage) PersistableStore is the base class for all persisted data store classes. There can be multiple per module.

We pack externally defined NetworkMessage object inside the ExternalNetworkMessage message as an Any type.

PersistableStore is handled in the persistence module. The getOrCreatePersistence method which does the setup for the persistence framework is handling also the registration of the resolvers internally. So devs do not need to do the resolver registration.

For the NetworkMessage and DistributedData implementations we need to register the resolvers at startup before any protobuf code gets executed. We do that in the constructor of the ServiceProvider implementations (DefaultApplicationService and NetworkApplicationService).

// Register resolvers for distributedData 
DistributedDataResolver.addResolver("social.ChatMessage", PublicChatMessage.getResolver());
DistributedDataResolver.addResolver("offer.Offer", Offer.getResolver());

// Register resolvers for networkMessages 
NetworkMessageResolver.addResolver("social.ChatMessage", PrivateChatMessage.getResolver());

This solution is not really great but so far I have not found a better way. To do it in the domain services might be an option but the seedNode application does not use those domains, so it would be weird to instantiate a OfferService if not used. But the seedNode still requires the code dependency and the registration of the resolver as an offer is stored in the dataStore of the network module and it needs to be able to deserialize it.

Dealing with missing inheritance support in protobuf

Protobuf does not support inheritance. To simulate that to get a compatible version to the Java code we use the oneof feature. It lets one define the existing ( known) subclasses inside the base class. E.g.:

message PrivateChannel {
  ChatUser peer = 1;
  UserProfile myProfile = 2;
message PublicChannel {
  string channelName = 1;
  string description = 2;
  ChatUser channelAdmin = 3;
  repeated ChatUser channelModerators = 4;
message Channel {
  string id = 1;
  NotificationSetting notificationSetting = 2;
  repeated ChatMessage chatMessages = 3;
  oneof message{
    PrivateChannel privateChannel = 10;
    PublicChannel publicChannel = 11;

We leave a gap in the numbers between the field definitions and the oneof so when fields gets added that the numbers are still in a logical order.

To resolve at runtime which subclass should be used for deserialization we use a switch with the messageCase and delegate the deserialization (fromProto) to the subclass:

public static Channel<? extends ChatMessage> fromProto( proto) {
        switch (proto.getMessageCase()) {
            case PRIVATECHANNEL -> {
                return PrivateChannel.fromProto(proto, proto.getPrivateChannel());
            case PUBLICCHANNEL -> {
                return PublicChannel.fromProto(proto, proto.getPublicChannel());

Maps in protobuf

Maps in protobuf have some limitations. If we need a data type as key which is not supported (e.g. ByteArray) we mimic a map with a list of MapEntry messages. As order in a map is not deterministic we must not use maps in use cases where we require deterministic behaviour like in any class used inside DistributedData. For those cases we also require that lists are deterministically sorted.

Code conventions

Official code convention is to use underscore and not camelCase inside protobuf files. In Bisq1 we followed that, but it did not materialize in any benefit but made it more error-prone and cumbersome when converting java code to protobuf as well as made search harder. I prefer to drop that official convention.

When defining the message types we should follow the dependency order how the messages are composed. E.g. low level messages are on top.

If a field in Java is optional we should use th optional specifies as well in the protobuf file.

The PersistableStore implementations should be owned and created by a service class which is also responsible for the persist() calls. the PersistableStore can be used as data model container and observeAble wrappers can be used.

The protobuf methods should be placed after the constructor(s). If there is a common base class this class provides a method for the builder of the base class. E.g.

 public getChannelBuilder() {

The concrete class use that builder to set its own builder and adds its field if there are any.

 public toProto() {
        return getChatMessageBuilder().setPublicChatMessage(;