Kafkaui supports deserializing protobuf messages in two ways:
- Using Confluent Schema Registry's protobuf support.
- Supplying a protobuf file as well as a configuration that maps topic names to protobuf types.
To configure Kafkaui to deserialize protobuf messages using a supplied protobuf schema add the following to the config:
- # Cluster configuration omitted.
# protobufFile is the path to the protobuf schema. (deprecated: please use "protobufFiles")
protobufFile: path/to/my.proto
# protobufFiles is the path to one or more protobuf schemas.
- path/to/my.proto
- path/to/another.proto
# protobufMessageName is the default protobuf type that is used to deserilize
# the message's value if the topic is not found in protobufMessageNameByTopic.
protobufMessageName: my.Type1
# protobufMessageNameByTopic is a mapping of topic names to protobuf types.
# This mapping is required and is used to deserialize the Kafka message's value.
topic1: my.Type1
topic2: my.Type2
# protobufMessageNameForKey is the default protobuf type that is used to deserilize
# the message's key if the topic is not found in protobufMessageNameForKeyByTopic.
protobufMessageNameForKey: my.Type1
# protobufMessageNameForKeyByTopic is a mapping of topic names to protobuf types.
# This mapping is optional and is used to deserialize the Kafka message's key.
# If a protobuf type is not found for a topic's key, the key is deserialized as a string,
# unless protobufMessageNameForKey is specified.
topic1: my.KeyType1