Focus on Goals. Make expectations/explanations simple. Separate into different kinds of rules and expectations...
What are the values, rules, & consequences in our class meetings
What is non-negotiable? (in my case it is MICA's attendance policies; what from our created list should be non-negotiable?)
- Did you ask questions?
- Did you make outcomes?
- Did you attend class in accordance with MICA's attendance policies.
- What are the unacceptable behaviors?
- What difficulties do you normally face in a classroom?
- What are your "rights" (I have the right to express my opinion, etc.)
- How do we enforce? (maybe better phrased as how do we hold each other accountable)?
- What does a "good" classroom look like? sound like? feel like?
- What does a critical classroom look, sound, and feel like?
- How do you want me to treat you?
- How do you want to treat on another?
- How do you think I want to be treated by all of you?
- How should we treat each other when there is a conflict?
- What do your answers look like -- can you explain them clearly? (like if your answer to how we should treat each other is "act nice", what does acting nice really mean???)?
- How malleable are these? how do we add or change them if/when necessary as the term evolves?