All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for serializing numbers to either
- Uuid serializer now does not convert type alias on generate
- Fixed bug where enums with modified constants were not serialized properly
- Do not use type alias for Uuid
- Misc bug fixes
- Account for ArraySchema when generating response types
- SerialName annotations when property has been renamed
- Type hinting for possible API responses
- Turned into a pretty much ground up rewrite to leverage the official OpenAPI parser instead of Spekt
- Pipeline to publish codegen artifacts to Sonatype
- Playground module for easy manual testing
- Codegen module now lives in Skribe instead of Spekt
can now clean (wipe) output directory ahead of code write if directed.
- Now supports custom package for generated code
- Initial plugin implementation
- Started my project using sourdough ❤️
- Setup initial Gradle plugins with library and root configurations