From 857a232731564a3ba80aad1df1a6ef80f7e3bb95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mgchmiel Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 09:54:04 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] finished 1,2,3 --- src/project-1.js | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/project-2.js | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/project-3.js | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/project-4.js | 7 ++++++ tests/project-1.test.js | 4 ++-- 5 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/project-1.js b/src/project-1.js index dc26cfb..c74692e 100644 --- a/src/project-1.js +++ b/src/project-1.js @@ -3,115 +3,149 @@ const multiplyByTen = (num) => { // return num after multiplying it by ten // code here + return num *10; }; const subtractFive = (num) => { // return num after subtracting five // code here + return num - 5; }; const areSameLength = (str1, str2) => { // return true if the two strings have the same length // otherwise return false // code here + if (str1.length === str2.length) + { return true; + } + return false; }; const areEqual = (x, y) => { // return true if x and y are the same // otherwise return false // code here + if (x === y) { + return true; + return false; }; const lessThanNinety = (num) => { // return true if num is less than ninety // otherwise return false // code here + if (num < 90) + return true; + else return false; }; const greaterThanFifty = (num) => { // return true if num is greater than fifty // otherwise return false // code here + if (num > 50) + return true; + else return false; }; const add = (x, y) => { // add x and y together and return the value // code here + return x + y; }; const subtract = (x, y) => { // subtract y from x and return the value // code here + return x - y; }; const divide = (x, y) => { // divide x by y and return the value // code here + return x/y; }; const multiply = (x, y) => { // multiply x by y and return the value // code here + return x*y; }; const getRemainder = (x, y) => { // return the remainder from dividing x by y // code here + return x%y; }; const isEven = (num) => { // return true if num is even // otherwise return false // code here + if (num%2 === 0) + return true; + else return false; }; const isOdd = (num) => { // return true if num is odd // otherwise return false // code here + if (num%2 === 0) + return false; + else return true; }; const square = (num) => { // square num and return the new value // code here + return Math.pow(num, 2); }; const cube = (num) => { // cube num and return the new value // code here + return Math.pow(num, 3); }; const raiseToPower = (num, exponent) => { // raise num to whatever power is passed in as exponent // code here + return Math.pow(num, exponent) }; const roundNumber = (num) => { // round num and return it // code here + return Math.round(num); }; const roundUp = (num) => { // round num up and return it // code here + return Math.ceil(num); }; const addExclamationPoint = (str) => { // add an exclamation point to the end of str and return the new string // 'hello world' -> 'hello world!' // code here + return str + '!'; }; const combineNames = (firstName, lastName) => { // return firstName and lastName combined as one string and separated by a space. // 'Lambda', 'School' -> 'Lambda School' // code here + return firstName + ' ' + lastName; }; const getGreeting = (name) => { // Take the name string and concatenate other strings onto it so it takes the following form: // 'Sam' -> 'Hello Sam!' // code here + return 'Hello ' + name +'!'; }; // If you can't remember these area formulas then head over to Google or look at the test code. @@ -119,21 +153,25 @@ const getGreeting = (name) => { const getRectangleArea = (length, width) => { // return the area of the rectangle by using length and width // code here + return (length*width); }; const getTriangleArea = (base, height) => { // return the area of the triangle by using base and height // code here + return .5*base*height; }; const getCircleArea = (radius) => { // return the rounded area of the circle given the radius // code here + return Math.round(Math.PI*radius*radius); }; const getRectangularPrismVolume = (length, width, height) => { // return the volume of the 3D rectangular prism given the length, width, and height // code here + return (length*width*height); }; // Do not modify code below this line. diff --git a/src/project-2.js b/src/project-2.js index 5fe0047..ec73103 100644 --- a/src/project-2.js +++ b/src/project-2.js @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ const getBiggest = (x, y) => { // x and y are integers. Return the larger integer // if they are the same return either one + if (x > y) + return x; + else return y; }; const greeting = (language) => { @@ -11,15 +14,26 @@ const greeting = (language) => { // language: 'Spanish' -> 'Hola!' // language: 'Chinese' -> 'Ni Hao!' // if language is undefined return 'Hello!' + if (language === 'German') + return 'Guten Tag!'; + else if (language === 'Mandarin Chinese') + return 'Ni Hao!'; + else if (language === 'Spanish') + return 'Hola!'; + else return 'Hello!'; }; const isTenOrFive = (num) => { // return true if num is 10 or 5 // otherwise return false + if (num === 10 || num === 5){ + return true; + return false; }; const isInRange = (num) => { // return true if num is less than 50 and greater than 20 + return num < 50 && num >20; }; const isInteger = (num) => { @@ -29,6 +43,7 @@ const isInteger = (num) => { // -10 -> true // otherwise return false // hint: you can solve this using Math.floor + return num === Math.floor(num); }; const fizzBuzz = (num) => { @@ -36,6 +51,13 @@ const fizzBuzz = (num) => { // if num is divisible by 5 return 'buzz' // if num is divisible by 3 & 5 return 'fizzbuzz' // otherwise return num + if (num % 3 === 0 && num % 5 === 0) + return 'fizzbuzz'; + else if (num % 5 === 0) + return 'buzz'; + else if (num % 3 === 0) + return 'fizz'; + else return num; }; const isPrime = (num) => { @@ -44,35 +66,51 @@ const isPrime = (num) => { // hint: a prime number is only evenly divisible by itself and 1 // hint2: you can solve this using a for loop // note: 0 and 1 are NOT considered prime numbers + if (num === 1 || num === 0) + return false; + for (let i = 2; i < num; i++) + if (num % i === 0) + return false; + return true; }; const returnFirst = (arr) => { // return the first item from the array + return arr[0]; }; const returnLast = (arr) => { // return the last item of the array + return arr[arr.length - 1]; }; const getArrayLength = (arr) => { // return the length of the array + return arr.length; }; const incrementByOne = (arr) => { // arr is an array of integers // increase each integer by one // return the array + for (i = 0;i < arr.length; i++) + arr[i] = arr[i] +1 + return arr; }; const addItemToArray = (arr, item) => { // add the item to the end of the array // return the array + arr.push(item); + return arr; }; const addItemToFront = (arr, item) => { // add the item to the front of the array // return the array // hint: use the array method .unshift + arr.unshift(item); + return arr; }; const wordsToSentence = (words) => { @@ -80,26 +118,41 @@ const wordsToSentence = (words) => { // return a string that is all of the words concatenated together // spaces need to be between each word // example: ['Hello', 'world!'] -> 'Hello world!' + return words.join(' '); }; const contains = (arr, item) => { // check to see if item is inside of arr // return true if it is, otherwise return false + return arr.includes(item); }; const addNumbers = (numbers) => { // numbers is an array of integers. // add all of the integers and return the value + let sum = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) + sum += numbers[i] + return sum; }; const averageTestScore = (testScores) => { // testScores is an array. Iterate over testScores and compute the average. // return the average + let sum = 0 + for (i = 0; i < testScores.length; i++) + sum += testScores[i] + return sum / testScores.length; }; const largestNumber = (numbers) => { // numbers is an array of integers // return the largest integer + let largest = numbers[0]; + for (let i = 1; i < numbers.length; i++) + if (numbers[i] > largest) + largest = numbers [i] + return largest; }; // Do not modify code below this line. diff --git a/src/project-3.js b/src/project-3.js index 7ca1430..49ef3e7 100644 --- a/src/project-3.js +++ b/src/project-3.js @@ -5,61 +5,98 @@ const makeCat = (name, age) => { // add an age property to the object with the value set to the age argument // add a method called meow that returns the string 'Meow!' // return the object + cat = { + name: name, + age: age, + meow: function() { + return name +' Meow!'; + }} + return cat; }; const addProperty = (object, property) => { // add the property to the object with a value of null // return the object // note: the property name is NOT 'property'. The name is the value of the argument called property (a string) + object[property] = null; +return object; }; const invokeMethod = (object, method) => { // method is a string that contains the name of a method on the object // invoke this method // nothing needs to be returned + object[method](); }; const multiplyMysteryNumberByFive = (mysteryNumberObject) => { // mysteryNumberObject has a property called mysteryNumber // multiply the mysteryNumber property by 5 and return the product -}; + +return mysteryNumberObject.mysterynumber*5;}; const deleteProperty = (object, property) => { // remove the property from the object // return the object + delete object[property]; + return object; }; const newUser = (name, email, password) => { // create a new object with properties matching the arguments passed in. // return the new object +user ={}; = name; = email; +user.password = password; +return user; }; const hasEmail = (user) => { // return true if the user has a value for the property 'email' // otherwise return false + if ( + return true; + else return false; }; const hasProperty = (object, property) => { // return true if the object has the value of the property argument // property is a string // otherwise return false + if (object.hasProperty(property)) + return true; + else return false; + }; const verifyPassword = (user, password) => { // check to see if the provided password matches the password property on the user object // return true if they match // otherwise return false + if (password === user.password()) + return true; + else return false; + }; const updatePassword = (user, newPassword) => { // replace the existing password on the user object with the value of newPassword // return the object + user = { + password: "12345", + }; user.password = newPassword; + return user; }; const addFriend = (user, newFriend) => { // user has a property called friends that is an array // add newFriend to the end of the friends array // return the user object + user = {friends: [], + }; + user.friends.push(newFriend) +return user; }; const setUsersToPremium = (users) => { @@ -67,6 +104,9 @@ const setUsersToPremium = (users) => { // each user object has the property 'isPremium' // set each user's isPremium property to true // return the users array + for (i = 0; i < users.length; i++) + users[i].isPremium = true; + return users; }; const sumUserPostLikes = (user) => { @@ -75,6 +115,13 @@ const sumUserPostLikes = (user) => { // each post object has an integer property called 'likes' // sum together the likes from all the post objects // return the sum + sum = 0; + for (i = 0; i < user.posts.length; i++) { + sum += user.posts[i].likes; +} + return sum; +} +sumUserPostLikes(user); }; const addCalculateDiscountPriceMethod = (storeItem) => { @@ -87,6 +134,8 @@ const addCalculateDiscountPriceMethod = (storeItem) => { // discountPrice = 20 - (20 * .2) // Make sure you return storeItem after adding the method to it // hint: arrow functions don't bind a this + discountPrice = this.price - (this.price * this.discountPercentage); + return dsicountPrice; }; // Do not modify code below this line. diff --git a/src/project-4.js b/src/project-4.js index 3a3a186..ef42f06 100644 --- a/src/project-4.js +++ b/src/project-4.js @@ -16,16 +16,23 @@ const sumNums = (x, y, cb) => { const multiplyNums = (x, y, cb) => { // Write a function called multiplyNums that multiplies two numbers and passes the result to the callback + cb(x*y); }; const contains = (collection, item, cb) => { // Write a function called contains that checks if an item is present inside of the given array. // Pass true to the callback if it is, otherwise pass false + cb(collection.includes(item)); }; const removeDuplicates = (collection, cb) => { // Write a function called removeDuplicates that removes all duplicate values from the given array. // Pass the array to the callback function. Do not mutate the original array. +const newCollection = collection.slice(); +for (let i = 0; i < collenction.length; i++){ + if (collection.includes(collection[i], i +1)) +} +cb(newCollection); }; module.exports = { diff --git a/tests/project-1.test.js b/tests/project-1.test.js index 762acba..5182eae 100644 --- a/tests/project-1.test.js +++ b/tests/project-1.test.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* eslint-disable no-undef */ + /* eslint-disable no-undef */ const { multiplyByTen, subtractFive, @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ describe('Project 1', () => { expect(multiply(10, -5)).toBe(-50); expect(multiply(11, 0)).toBe(0); }); - }); + });4 describe('getRemainder(x, y)', () => { it('should return the division remainder of the two arguments', () => { From 443324b5ddd6cb08e5cf8e8380a8e3c6bcf92130 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mgchmiel Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2018 09:55:55 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] t --- src/project-4.js | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/src/project-4.js b/src/project-4.js index ef42f06..7c92ff9 100644 --- a/src/project-4.js +++ b/src/project-4.js @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const getLastItem = (collection, cb) => { const sumNums = (x, y, cb) => { // Write a function called sumNums that adds two numbers and passes the result to the callback +cb(c +y); }; const multiplyNums = (x, y, cb) => {