Releases: blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch
Releases · blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch
B9PartSwitch v1.10.0 for KSP 1.3.1
- Add new GUI that allows selecting subtype from a list
- Allow switching in flight via switchInFlight parameter (uses new GUI)
B9PartSwitch v1.9.0 for KSP 1.3
- Add stackSymmetry part field to subtypes
B9PartSwitch v1.8.1 for KSP 1.3
- Fix drag cubes being overwritten with defaults on root part in flight scene
- Fix vessel disappearing from map view if root part has a switcher that affects drag cubes
B9PartSwitch v1.8.0 for KSP 1.3
- Recompile for KSP 1.3
- Drag cube re-rendering now supports IMultipleDragCubes
B9PartSwitch v1.7.1 for KSP 1.2.2
- Fix an occasional NRE when building part info
B9PartSwitch v1.7.0 for KSP 1.2.2
- Allow "child" part switch modules to modify volume of "parent" module
- Allow multiple modules to manage the same transform or node, only enable it if they all agree
B9PartSwitch v1.6.1 for KSP 1.2.2
- Switch percentFilled priority to resource -> subtype -> tank type -> 100% since resources can be overridden on individual subtypes now
B9PartSwitch v1.6.0 for KSP 1.2.2
- Allow tanks to be partially filled - percentFilled can be defined on the subtype, resource, or tank type (in decreasing order of priority), defaulting to completely full
- Allow toggling resource tweakability in the editor - resourcesTweakable can be defined on the subtype or tank type (subtype takes priority), default is whatever the standard is for that resource
- Allow RESOURCE nodes directly on the subtype
- If the resource already exists on the tank, values defined here will override what is already on the tank (won't affect other subtypes using the same tank)
- If it isn't already on the tank, it will be added (won't affect other subtypes using the same tank)
- Add ModuleB9DisableTransform to remove unused transforms on models
- Major internal changes
B9PartSwitch v1.5.3 for KSP 1.2.2
- Recompile against KSP 1.2.2
- Remove useless warnings in the log
- A few internal changes
B9PartSwitch v1.5.2 for KSP 1.2.1
- Recompile against KSP 1.2.1