Use the following for the test curl commands below:
export COOKIE_STORAGE="/tmp/test-cookies.txt"
export API_ROOT=""
export DEFAULT_OPTIONS=(-vk)
export JSON_POST_OPTIONS=(-v -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json')
export JSON_DELETE_OPTIONS=(-v -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json')
export KEY_AUTH_HEADER=(-H 'Authorization: bearer token123')
Check if user is authenticated
Check for an existing seller account by E-mail address
curl "${DEFAULT_OPTIONS[@]}" $KEY_AUTH_HEADER $API_ROOT/auth/[email protected]
Authenticate a seller. Sessions tracked by cookies.
curl "${JSON_POST_OPTIONS[@]}" -d '{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "thisismypassword" }' -c $COOKIE_STORAGE $API_ROOT/auth/login
Destroy an authenticated session.
curl "${DEFAULT_OPTIONS[@]}" -b $COOKIE_STORAGE $API_ROOT/auth/logout
Register a seller account.
curl "${JSON_POST_OPTIONS[@]}" -d '{ "name": "Test User", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "thisismypassword" }' $API_ROOT/auth/registration
Delete a seller account.
curl -v -X DELETE -b $COOKIE_STORAGE $API_ROOT/auth/registration
List the shops for a seller.
Create a shop with provided configuration.
curl "${JSON_POST_OPTIONS[@]}" -b $COOKIE_STORAGE -d '{"name": "Test Shop", "listingId": "1-001-0001", "authToken": "token123"}' $API_ROOT/shop
Delete a shop.
curl "${JSON_DELETE_OPTIONS[@]}" -b $COOKIE_STORAGE -d '{"id": 123}' $API_ROOT/shop
Dump a config. NOTE: Local testing only.
curl "${DEFAULT_OPTIONS[@]}" -b $COOKIE_STORAGE $API_ROOT/config/dump/1
Update a shop config.
curl $JSON_POST_OPTIONS -b $COOKIE_STORAGE -d '{ "shopId": 1, "config": { "stripeBackend": "sk_test_stRIPESECRETkey", "dataIrl": "", "printful": "PrintfulAPIKeY", "stripeWebhookSecret": "whsec_stipeWebhookSecret", "pgpPrivateKey": "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n\nArmoredPrivateKeyHERE\n-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----", "pgpPrivateKeyPass": "decryptPassphrase" }' $API_ROOT/config
Get a discount code's value and type
Add a discount code
curl "${JSON_POST_OPTIONS[@]}" "${KEY_AUTH_HEADER[@]}" -b $COOKIE_STORAGE -d '{"networkId": 4, "status": "active", "code": "asdf1234", "discountType": "percentage", "value": 15, "maxUses": 200, "onePerCustomer": false}' $API_ROOT/discounts
Fetch orders for a store
Fetch a specific order
curl "${DEFAULT_OPTIONS[@]}" $KEY_AUTH_HEADER $API_ROOT/orders/1-001-1
Create a Stripe payment intent.
curl "${JSON_POST_OPTIONS[@]}" $KEY_AUTH_HEADER -d '{ "amount": 100, "data": "asdf1234" }' $API_ROOT/pay