Coding Assignment:
Create a simple API Gateway Lambda that returns today’s weather for Tulsa, OK using whatever weather service you choose.
Create a Single Page Application (SPA) that queries the API GW Lambda and displays the results.
Create a CloudFormation Custom Resource that will
Deploy the API GW project
Create an S3 bucket configured for static website hosting.
CONFIGURE the SPA project to interact with the API GW. Deploy it to the S3 bucket.
Return the S3 static website URL to CloudFormation as an output variable
- The point of this exercise is to create a deployment process that is executable from CloudFormation. The API GW and SPA can be trivial.
- Focus on creating a robust CloudFormation Custom Resource that can deploy both project and wire them up correctly. Don’t forget to report errors back to CloudFormation. Make sure it handles creates/updates/deletes.
- SPA should be implemented in React or Angular
- The other resources can be implemented using AWS SAM, Serverless Framework, or CDK.
- Preferred language is TypeScript, but plain NodeJs and Python is also acceptable.
- Be creative. Show off. Make it interesting.