Assumption is you have fresh installation of Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.
sudo apt install curl
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Press Enter to proceed with default installation
source ~/.cargo/env
rustc -V
cd ~
mkdir git
cd git
sudo apt install git
cd rust-web-server
sudo apt install build-essential
cargo test
If you see failed test, rerun previous command
cargo run
At this point, server is started on loopback device (ip and is not accessible from the network.
Try to open url in the browser Press Ctrl + C (CMD + C) to stop the server
sudo ufw disable
This will disable firewall and enable requests to the server from your network
sudo apt install net-tools
Find your ip and restart the server
cargo run -- --ip=IP_FROM_IFCONFIG
Check again url in the browser