Key Features • How To Use • Credits
- Login or sign up
- or continue with facebook or google account under authentication of firebase
- create post with image or GIF
- user can LIKE , Comment , Share , Save
- user can delete his/her own posts
- user can follow and unfollow
- Cross platform
- Windows, macOS, IOS and Android ready.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Flutterinstalled on your computer, after that from your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd muchmelody
# Install dependencies
$ flutter pub get
This software uses the following open source from pub dev :
- cloud_firestore: ^3.1.17
- cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
- firebase_auth: ^3.3.19
- firebase_core: ^1.17.1
- firebase_storage: ^10.2.17
- flutter_image: ^4.1.3
- flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.9.3
- flutter_staggered_grid_view: ^0.6.1
- flutter_svg: ^1.1.0
- font_awesome_flutter: ^10.1.0
- giphy_get: ^3.1.0
- image_picker: ^0.8.5+3
- intl: ^0.17.0
- provider: ^6.0.3
- transparent_image: ^2.0.0
- uuid: ^3.0.6
👤 Bozhen Ahmed
- Twitter: @Bozhen Ahmed
- Github: @BozhenAhmed