talk_id | talk_slug | talk_type | talk_tags | session_slug | talk_title | talk_title_short | talk_materials_url | speakers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22047 |
teaching-bilingual-classes-tidymodels-scikit |
regular |
teaching-data-science |
Teaching "bilingual" classes with {tidymodels} and scikit-learn |
Teaching "bilingual" classes with {tidymodels} and scikit-learn |
The friendly competition between R and python has gifted us with two stellar packages for workflow-style predictive modeling: tidymodels in R, and scikit- learn in python. If you've ever wondered which one to use in classrooms and trainings, I say: ¿Porque no los dos? (Why not both?)
The first half of this talk will be focused on pedagogy and philosophy. I will compare and contrast the infrastructures of the two packages, primarily in the context of how they enforce or support conceptual understanding.
The second half will provide some practical insight and tips - and some helpful R functions - for running a class in a "bilingual" way, where students choose which language(s) to use on assignments.