You can define if option has default value (which will be set when it is not provided by the user) or if it should be required.
You can define default values for options or set some options as required:
// ./commands/commandWithRequired.js
export const name = 'myApp:commandWithRequired';
export const description = 'This command has required option';
export const action = options => {
console.log(`I got foo: ${}`);
export const flags = {
foo: {
alias: 'f',
required: true,
description: 'Required foo option',
$ hadron myApp:commandWithRequired
hadron myApp:commandWithRequired
This command has required option
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--foo, -f Required foo option [string] [required]
Missing required argument: foo
$ hadron myApp:commandWithRequired --foo=fooValue
I got foo: fooValue
You can define default values for options or set some options as required:
// ./commands/commandWithDefault.js
export const name = 'myApp:commandWithDefault';
export const description = 'This command has default value';
export const action = options => {
console.log(`I got foo: ${}`);
export const flags = {
foo: {
alias: 'f',
default: 'defaultFooValue'
description: 'Required foo option',
$ hadron myApp:commandWithRequired
I got foo: defaultFooValue
$ hadron myApp:commandWithRequired --foo=fooValue
I got foo: fooValue