Ports (Jason Dion)
- FTP: File Transport Protocol - 20, 21
- SSH: Secure Shell - 22
- Telnet 23
- SMTP: Simple Mail Transport Protocol - 25
- DNS: Domain Name System - 53
- DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - 67, 68
- TFTP: Trivial File Transport Protocol - 69
- HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol - 80
- LDAP: 389
- HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure - 443
- SSL VPN: Secure Sockets Layer virtual private network - 443
- POP3: Post Office Protocol version 3 - 110
- NTP: Network Time Protocol 123
- IMAP4: Internet message access protocol version 4 - 143
- SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol - 161
- IPsec: Internet Protocol security (through the use of ISAKMP: Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) - 500
- RADIUS - UDP port 1812
- RDP: Remote Desktop Protocol - 3389